
Freediving Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"You cannot free dive stressed out, you cannot free dive with anxiety, you cannot free dive with a sense of panic. You have to completely give yourself over to the water and connect so deeply in your body."
"When you're down there, everything is silent, so you are so connected with your breath and with your brain on such an intimate level."
"Some people have found that salvation through freediving, and so much of that is due to breath control."
"He can hold his breath longer than anybody else and has two Guinness World Records and four free diving AIDA world records for his efforts."
"Because of its location and calm clear waters, Dean's Blue Hole has become a popular destination for free divers."
"Free diving is one of the most dangerous sports in the world."
"Herbert Nitsch, the deepest man on earth: Reached a depth of 831 feet underwater, making a strong recovery after experiencing severe decompression sickness."
"We've got a mate, he's also a cracking freediver."
"Freediving, though technically something everyone has done, becomes an extreme sport when divers go to unbelievable depths and stay down for several minutes."
"Free diving is the ultimate art of breathing. It's breath, it's mindfulness, it's meditation, it's everything all in one."
"Freediving gave me something that I'm experiencing for the first time."
"...but the good news here is that free diving is much more than competition."
"Free diving is much more than competition."
"I'm a qualified freediver, so I can hold my breath for like two minutes."
"You're dealing with the restrictions of freediving, the constraints of motion capture underwater, and you're trying to keep an emotional journey going while you're innately struggling with the fear of dying."
"Make sure you never free dive alone."
"I love free diving because I can be a true explorer, not only exploring the depths, it's exploring myself and connecting the natural environment with me."
"No Limits free diving allows the divers to go to extraordinary depths."
"It's a low volume mask which is what you want when you're free diving."
"The goal in freediving... is to be able to wear as thin a suit as possible so we can wear as little weight as possible."
"Free diving is absolutely amazingly enjoyable."
"Most people think free diving into caves is very dangerous, and they're right."
"Don't go into the cave when you free dive, that's my tip number one."
"So clearly, John and I are keen to learn more about freediving, and we love the Bahamas so much."
"I love free diving, things I love doing to clear my mind and to clear my creative space in my mind because that's so important for creativity."
"In freediving, we're trained in the most stressful situations to have a high level of stress resilience."
"Dave Mullins has the uncanny ability of holding his breath longer than any other normal person, making freediving the perfect sport for him."
"I love freediving because I can be a true explorer in the space of the world."
"Anyone can try freediving; you don't have to go very deep, you can just hold your breath for a few seconds and duck under the water, and that's freediving."
"Freediving, this is good for your life."
"I think free diving is an incredible, amazing experience to understand yourself and what the body is capable of."
"To be a successful spear fisherman or even a successful free diver is to master your mind and have the ability to control what the body is being put through."
"That's how deep can you go on one breath of air, that's what free diving is."
"In freediving, you're kind of playing a chess game with yourself."