
Sports Passion Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"My first round of golf was at the age of 14... I shot 136 at Forest Hills in Augusta. I remember like it was yesterday, and it was 39 years ago... it's that one shot that hooks you."
"How dare you take that away from my football club... you're not taking that away from us."
"I made friends, I incurred enemies, I pleased some people, I displeased others. But the one thing I've got in common very much with you and with all of the fans of this show is that I'm absolutely passionate about Arsenal."
"People who are really passionate about Arsenal, it's not just about the money for you."
"Football's a matter of life and death. No, it's more important than that."
"Passion on Griezmann's face, that's important."
"She loves the game, but she is an absolute bond-dedicated winner."
"That's love for the game, take note train wreck."
"Almost everybody I talked to that's from Philadelphia when it comes onto sports, they talk about it like it's religion."
"The passion from KT... definitely a fan favorite."
"I hate the word business and associating it with my football club because it kind of breaks my heart."
"Thiago is a different class. Thiago is why we love football, man."
"It's an absolute disgrace. It genuinely feels like someone's died today. I feel like I've been in mourning, and it feels like this is the end of football as everyone on this stream and everyone in the comments knows it."
"I just want us to have the best players in the world. I love this football club."
"Are men’s passion for sports revealing a desire to connect more deeply?"
"The work ethic is there, the desire to get better is there, the passion for the game is there."
"We love the club and we understand the club." - Goldbridge
"The AEW World Championship represents passion for this sport."
"I knew I loved basketball when I played, I didn't realize how much I loved it till I retired."
"We've just won a game we won't forget for a long time, and that is why I love football and that is why I love Manchester United."
"I had such a passion for the game, man. Like, when I started playing in the NHL, it was all new for me. I grew up a Montreal Canadiens fan."
"If I love this game more than this game loved me, I don't deserve to be here."
"Because I love this sport more than you guys ever will [__] understand."
"So sweet and now it just makes you realize that why you love this [ __ ] sport so much."
"This is what main event arm wrestling is all about. This is passion."
"I never played the game for money, I played because I loved it."
"The emotion Mario Cristobal and his football team it's just it's it's really neat to see that because we're in this era where people want to diminish the value of bowl games."
"This is my sport. This is the one that I earned all my 9 X Games medals at. I'm very passionate about this one and this is the most competitive sport in BMX in my opinion." - Scotty Kramer
"It's the Premier League that Liverpool fans truly desire, winning the Premier League would mean to a club like Liverpool, oh my god, thirty years, thirty years."
"I just love the FA Cup as you said, when as a kid growing up."
"Football is more important than life and death." - Bill Shankly
"I think it's a horrible way to be to start supporting a club just because they're winning things." - Unknown speaker
"It's very rare a little lose games... it's very rare you question if they give a f*ck."
"It's weird to almost piggyback off your question even more when I went back in '17 and played on that team when I tell you the players, the media, the fans, everyone still talked about that We Believe team."
"Passion's non-negotiable you have to love this game it's always about just the relentless tough the guys that just will never say die guys that hate to lose almost more than they love to win."
"Cooney will be remembered for his passion for the game and his unwavering commitment to the sport of hurling."
"Nobody deserves this and like I said nobody deserves anything like this that befalls them but this is a guy that loves basketball he bleeds basketball."
"What hurts the most is the time we put into our jobs the sacrifices we make to do what we do and for him to have to now not be able to play basketball that's the pain."
"The scenes on the pitch after were just fantastic. It still means that much to them."
"Football is about winning. As a Manchester United fan, I think we get locked in on clean sheets."
"Life gives you second chances, and it's hard to put into words what this means to me because the amount of time and effort that I've put into the sport."
"I love football. I grew up watching football, playing football. This is the longest I can remember not having football."
"That's what this sport that we love is all about."
"It was both a reminder of the passion for Formula One in Japan and the skill that Kamui had behind the wheel of a Formula One car."
"The club that lives in every fan's heart can never be bought or sold."
"It's not just a sport bro, it's a way of life. It's like kung fu bro, you gotta go through the different Shaolin."
"Kobe was relentless and uncompromisingly him."
"I love Kevin Durant on Twitter talking about it. I know it rubs some people the wrong way, but I just think Kevin Durant loves the game as much as anybody."
"Kevin Durant is a basketball junkie and if you're a basketball junkie, you're going to want to talk about basketball."
"Footballers are fans that are lucky enough to make it."
"This match brought my love for wrestling back again."
"But wherever you are do not miss this fight boxing is the greatest sport in the world."
"I saw many things that I'm disappointing... the passion for the game is still intact."
"I don't believe in pressure I just love the game I I played this game my whole life"
"I hate it okay it drives me insane yeah like I've been wanting to basketball to me is made to play like this game."
"You know that one guy knew he didn't have fireball knew we did have a big spell to use and just beautiful just beautiful job there"
"This is the journey finale, guys. Let's see if we can end the season the way we wanted to and remind ourselves why we love this game so much."
"Clutch kickers to me was probably my favorite competitive drifting series, a large reason for that just because of the fact that it was close to home, the grassroots feel and the community."
"I know myself, I know how much work I put in the game, I know how much I love the game, I know how much you want to be great."
"You don't do it for the plaudits. You do it because you must have loved football."
"Fall in love with the sport of MMA and all of the tools that it allows you to use during competition."
"Gary Anderson is well and truly back in love with the European tour."
"It's one of those things that this is why we play football, that's why we work in football, it's passion and it looks."
"She sparked my love for the history, hypocrisy, the reverence, the absolute power of sport."
"The passion for football started when we were children without money, only passion. Then came money. But the passion is more important than money for me." - Antonio Conte
"He truly embodies the spirit of arm wrestling. It's something that he treasures, it's something that means so much to him, it is part of his soul, part of his identity."
"The passion came from the love for the game...the smell of brand-new sneakers."
"I still have the passion for the game, not just to score goals."
"It's always been about disagreement, it's always been about passion. That's what we love."
"This is like my favorite form of the game in its purest state."
"I'm ready to win it for my dad. Love you, dad."
"They were in it because of the love of the English game. It's not because they're in the Super League, that's the point."
"That first champions league win was what you could see he was obsessed about that moment he was willing to do anything for Chelsea to win that champions league."
"Basketball's always been my first love, that's the reason why I play the game."
"This is why we love football so much—joy, angst, pain."
"Football's never been sexual for me. It's exciting, it's elation, it's a release."
"Liverpool are unique in their love for their football club."
"That's what football should be about: passion, people of all races, genders, religions, and backgrounds coming together with one shared joy of the roller coaster of football."
"I've sort of always loved the sport and was true to it and uh did a lot of demos and put a lot of help to put skateparks on the ground."
"That feeling is heaven sent, it's love for the game and the desire to compete, it's history, it's passionate cultures, trash talk."
"I'd sell my dog for Man City to win the treble."
"One thing about Arsenal is the fans are so passionate."
"Michael realizing that he misses the game gets back into it."
"I just wanted to support him... this is the club that I love."
"This is football, this is what it's all about."
"Football fandom isn't logical, it's romantic and excitable."
"My relationship with football has only improved, particularly the big Champions League nights."
"This is always the single biggest game in the world," for me.
"The Premier League don't want us to win, no one wants to believe, the only people believe there are us Spurs fans in here."
"JuJu at Le batard show is the greatest sign of sports passion yelling at the security guard because you're cranky and tired"
"That's what makes this game so great."
"You live and die with every moment of these 19-year-old kids playing hoop."
"I love tennis, I love the sport, I love the traveling even though at times it's hard, I have a great group around me and I'm very thankful."
"Our mentality, they love football, consistently competitive."
"There's no better place to be than the Premier League."
"I took my whole sixth grade summer when I knew I was about to go to middle school and I was gonna have a whole team and I was like dedicated myself to basketball, that was my passion."
"That's what makes this game so special."
"Some of the greatest players in the world have played and never got another championship and never felt the love from your supporters. I mean, up to the final whistle at Goodison, there was just a tremendous emotion."
"For people in here and people watching who root for the Saints, it's more than a football game, and that delivered on everything they could've hoped for."
"We're a strong community and we love our sport."
"For every triumph, the fans have had to suffer at least their share of despair, but always there has been the passion for the game."
"What a lot of these young White Sox players don't realize yet, is just how wild it can get on the South Side when the White Sox are winning."
"You could talk to people in the Autumn here who would want to live just long enough to see Ohio State kick the hell out of Michigan one more time."
"The passion for the sport is so often handed down from generation to generation."
"Any footballer worth his salt would love to be out there in the jersey today; it doesn't get any better than this."
"It's still so intoxicating the way Brisbane plays rugby league."
"He loved sports... he wasn't just a spectator, he played football from the time he was eight until his high end of his high school years."
"They love Combat Sports, they love Judo, they love wrestling, and now they've really fallen in love with Jiu Jitsu and submission grappling."
"Everyone plays the beautiful game because they love it, so it needs to stay that way."
"Australia is such a sports-loving country."
"Football's been a huge part of my life ever since I was little."
"Great passion from the youngster."
"Knowing that we bleed green, a lot of people see one thing about a team when you love a team as much as me and him love it's different, it hit different, it's special."
"As much as you love playing, when you can bring your family into it."
"I want to enjoy all kinds of Motorsports."
"It's not just a game, it's what you believe in, it's your football club."
"That's the passion of the supporters, you know, their football club."
"Every time that we're here and we show up, it never gets old."
"Dylan was described as an outgoing child who had a passion for sports."
"It's unbelievable, a rollercoaster of emotions, nothing like it, the best sport on earth."
"We love basketball, that was our passion, they just helped us nurture it."
"All those emotions are found in soccer."
"It's the greatest sport in the world."
"Enjoy the football while we can because before we know it, it will be gone."
"It just shows how special it is and how lucky we are to be playing the sport every day."
"It's fun to remember things that you love, you know, college basketball, it's a passion."
"This club became so important to me in a really short time, it's unbelievable."
"We watched the game for the love of it."
"Some things never change; that's why you love him. He loves the game; you love to watch him play the game."
"It's the passion, the commitment to this sport, that make it so that things happen, or rather that things can happen."
"It's gonna be passionate softball for sure back to crown a national champion for the first time since 2019."
"The Six Nations is all about passion, community, shouting and screaming."
"I want to go play football again. Oh wait, I enjoy playing football."
"Well here we go again, if you're not smiling right now, you're not a motocross fan because this is what it's all about."
"Mizuno opened his first store in 1906 to share his passion for sports through the gear he and a small team of Craftsmen proudly made in Japan."
"The most important thing is to play. That's the most important thing. I just want to play."
"Their love of football, their passion, and how they want to be good."
"We are trying to have those animals continue throughout the years, the reason we got into the sport, the things we love about the sport are the dogs."
"These are the games you live for, you dream of."
"I'm passionate about coaching basketball."
"There's nothing better than the Olympic reaction."
"That's what I call proper football."
"It's a story about how over the last century, a state, its people, and a game have come together with remarkable passion."
"For me, figure skating was the best way to clear my head and delve into this beautiful sport."
"It's one of the things I love about this sport."
"They love their football in Fermanagh; they've been the only county in Ulster that don't have a provincial title, and they have been dreaming about it."
"Being passionate and giving it everything you've got it's just ultimately like all I can say give me football like your whole life."
"She had a passion for softball and was a team player both on and off the ball field."
"You have desire and passion for the game. If you got great fundamentals, with the desire and passion for the game, that's what really separates guys."
"I love cricket, cricket is the best sport ever."
"It's amazing how O'Donnell has come back from Harvard where he is continuing his PhD studies in microbiology."
"This is a game of emotion and there's only one way to play it, and you have to play it with a heck of a lot of emotion."
"The one thing that was always continuous was the love of the game."
"That's when I fell in love with the team."
"I just love the game man, I just love football."
"The Champions League is everything that you want out of life, the Europa League is like a good roast dinner."
"It allows you to re-learn your love for the sport and enjoy and using your skill set that you have and you've developed over all those years."
"The passion comes out from each and every one of these guys on the field."
"These past two months I've realized my place is still on the field and not in the stands."
"This is Canada where this sport matters above everything else."
"Yes, their goal is to win national championships, clearly there is just a ton of passion for what it means to be a Razorback."
"Eat, sleep, basketball, that's this man. He eats, he sleeps, he plays baseball."
"It's tough, it's hard... the thing that I miss most is the competitive energy."
"She really showcases the passion that's in this sport."
"Sport fills me with so much joy, but it can also be so cruel."
"Sports are the mother effing best and our team in particular just so happens to be the absolute best basketball team in the entire world."