
Staging Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"You want it to almost feel like a staged home."
"It's fabulous you got everything staged like somebody good. Oh somebody's laugh, thank you!"
"To anyone who thinks this is staged, those cops are real, the paramedics are real, everything was real."
"He did his best to sort of stage the scene in a way that made sense to other officers."
"Wow, I love the way they staged that scene, using the game in tandem with his escape."
"This staging area they're in, it's very inspiring, very fun, and very much like an anthem."
"Fashion photography specializes in showcasing clothing and other fashion items, often involving elaborate staging and lighting."
"Staging is to make sure that we can tell the story about how it would be like to live in the home."
"Staging can transform a room without significant investment."
"When you're a buyer walking through a home, it becomes very hard to imagine and picture yourself in that home when all you see are the family photos staring at you."
"Staging changes allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"Adding files to the staging area allows you to commit changes that are logically related to each other."
"While poking around the apartment Miller and her longtime photography companion David Sherman decided to Stage a photo in Adolf's bathtub"
"The use of the stage and lighting enhances the emotional vulnerability of the characters."
"I'm just working with staging furniture, this is what I had in my stash."
"So here's the plan: we staged the GSXR on the street, now not just any Street the Mean Streets of Lancaster Pennsylvania."
"This hasn't sold so I think I do need to actually put a candle in there and Stage it that way and maybe that will help it sell a little bit faster."
"Use stagers if your market requires it. Try not to cheap it out. Stages could be a thousand to two thousand bucks sometimes five grand depending on the situation. But I could promise you if you're selling a high level property you need to stage your houses."
"If you stage your house, it can add thirty thousand dollars to the list price."
"Let's have them up there from the beginning of the show and we'd have gotten a reaction. We would have painted the picture and set the stage, but I love those shots of that balcony being empty because it keeps the anticipation alive."
"A staged home is very different from a home that is lived in... be mindful of what you're bringing into this space and how you're layering it together."
"For stage 2A, T2 tumor without lymph node metastasis."
"Potential buyers walking in can immediately picture themselves in this house, which is exactly what it's all about when you're trying to sell."
"The scene had been staged, it had been manipulated."
"We have a model in staging, it's ready to do inference."
"There's a growing opinion that for a large percentage of our patients staging would be indeed appropriate."
"Can we stage a thumbnail? Can you scream and then I'm going to go like this and you all point at me?"
"Don't forget when you're staging a house to sell you need to keep it neutral."
"Endometriosis is on a spectrum we stage the disease based on the severity of the implants or the lesions so mild moderate severe and severe disease is going to have severe anatomical Distortion or endometriomas inside the ovary."
"The staging on this amplifier is phenomenal. There's pinpoint accuracy of things moving across the stage."
"Staging is what guides you to the right type of treatment."
"Staging systems help determine the extent of hepatocellular carcinoma and guide treatment decisions."
"...move from staging to production is more a champion challenger situation."
"... having a staging cluster, the staging cluster would automatically update, and I would have some sort of notification to let me know whatever updates were actually being done."
"Here's the staging sequence, both cars pre-stage now."
"Staging doesn't have to be so elaborate and over-the-top, but you just want to make sure that when you're taking the photos, someone that sees the photos and is a potential buyer can really imagine the piece in their own home."
"This unparalleled 2500 square ft of wrapped loia Terraces...several seating areas with different functions."
"Just goes to show you that even a beautiful property can be elevated with the magic of staging."
"Staging was amazing, the wardrobes were amazing, so colorful, so bright and colorful and vibrant."
"I know it's staged but it still creeps the hell out of me."
"I think the idea is that they're going to stage a lot of their Mars missions from the moon."
"I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if I were to turn that over there and there would've been eggs in there? Yes, people would have thought we staged it though."
"So when you find these pieces out in the wild and you think, 'Now what am I going to do with that? How do I stage that?' You can come back to these videos or watch these videos and see what it is maybe that catches your eye that you really like."
"You use them for getting ideas for what to look for, what to find, and then when you do find it, how to stage it in your own home."
"This was a staged incident instead of an accident."
"It's clearly staged, they clearly set up, and when the door opens, they have to act all happy and surprised to see each other."
"I stage each painting... I view it kind of like the set of a movie or a theater play in that I want to take the viewer into that world through certain carefully placed cues or keys."
"The severity of a person's cancer is typically measured with a cancer staging system ranging from stages 1 through 4."
"Git add adds one or more files to your staging area."
"The whole staging and creation of the trial... could be construed as a successful military coup."
"It might be staged, it might be fake, it might be special effects, but it's not computer-generated effects, it's practical effects."
"It's visible but not too obvious; I want those doorways and everything behind our main stage here to fade away."
"It's a nursery, fully staged, this is really stunning."
"We added a stage zero to represent a more normal eye."
"Wow, what am I blown away by? Yes, the staging is absolutely fantastic."
"Yes, the staging is amazing, so is the architecture."
"It's interesting to look at it in retrospect and put it onto a stage; it's a whole different perspective."
"It's awesomeness, every performance that we have witnessed from that staging."
"Let's go, this is good. I'm loving this staging."
"Norway, it's a strong song, an incredible song, and the staging is promising."
"I would not say that Nanook is a fake documentary; I would say that it's a staged documentary."
"It's kind of hard to look at the homes in a sense of like just the home itself and not look at the way that they staged it."
"The vast majority of the pictures are staged and edited to be aesthetically pleasing."
"The staging that is being used for Hodgkin lymphoma is Ann Arbor staging."
"Working on a staging site is always something recommended."
"I like when the stager incorporates the colors of the house into their staging."
"This will be absolutely perfect for me to just incorporate into staging really any time of year, not just Christmas."
"Git status just lets us know what's in our staging area, all the files that we're ready to start merging into that local repository."
"The staging, everything, just screams perfection."
"I would take pictures, arrange viewings, dress each room with complimentary baskets of plastic foods."
"Staging is something which you can say that, 'Hey, I am done with my changes and now these files are ready to be committed.'"
"Before committing, the prerequisite for it is to stage the changes."
"The size of this property is spacious, and it's communicated in the way it's staged."
"I gotta say, I liked her staging idea, the seashell, the line of the Venus, playing with the waterfall."
"It's a stage, right? So you can reuse the same stage for a lot of different scenes, a lot of different adventures."
"You won't experience any downtimes; you'll have more confidence because you actually deployed your application to a staging environment."
"It's an effective staging performed really well, she was vocally brilliant today."
"Focus first on making sure that the composition, the staging of your characters where they're positioned, make sure you like that first."
"By staging our house, we got $36,000 over the asking price."
"The houses that are fully staged or at least partially staged usually sell faster and definitely always sell for way more money."
"We just tried to keep it minimal and clean feeling."
"You have to give credit to the person who staged this area; it just looks so beautiful."