
Curses Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"You could have generational curses, you could also have generational blessings."
"My spirit will live forever, and it will live in this house. Nobody else will be able to live in this house. I put a curse on it."
"She is a master at casting hexes and curses upon those she scrys through her magical crystal pendant and has been known to boil the flesh off of beautiful young women and drink the juices in order to keep herself alive throughout the years."
"The spirits of their ancestors inhabited the forests and would curse anyone who strayed too far."
"There are stories that a large portion of the activity at this Plantation has to do with the countless Voodoo curses that were placed on the original owners."
"The word is power both to bless and to curse."
"What happened between these two scenes with the special curses."
"As a bonus action you can choose a creature within 30 ft of you and curse it, now it gains disadvantage on its next basically D20 roll."
"Sometimes a film is thought to be so cursed that it does not even make it to theaters."
"And it's very sad that's actually like the darkest realest thing about the airport I think maybe it is cursed that could be real I will say."
"A curse can be created from a sin committed in the past."
"It's the Beaver Creek curse... it's a thing."
"Not only is this challenge physically taxing, but Boney Island is rumored to be cursed, and any item you steal from the island is said to haunt you forever."
"Generational curses are being broken tonight, witchcraft has been broken, voodoo is being broken right now in Jesus' name."
"Pray with power until you are able to terminate every curse, every witchcraft, every spell working against you."
"Richard Bethel, Lord Carnarvon's secretary, passed away mysteriously at his London club then Bethel's father Lord Westbury wrote a suicide note blaming the curse."
"Graham's research finds no curse of Tutankhamun, but earlier tombs do contain threats to violators."
"Curses and spells are trying to call upon the power of the evil one, but the power of God is greater."
"It's impossible not to fall in love, but this of course follows our main character Sophie who at the beginning of this book is cursed by a witch."
"The evil dragon cursed the Warrior's leader along with the Empire's first emperor centuries later."
"May those who bless you be blessed, and those who curse you be cursed." - Numbers 24:9
"Whomsoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I."
"Being able to heal from anything is a blessing but also a curse."
"A curse without a cause shall not stand."
"When you practice firstfruits, the weight of that blessing will demolish generational curses."
"The neighbor's curses turned out to be nothing more than empty words devoid of the power he had attributed to them."
"Whether horror movie curses are real or not, as long as there's the incredible power of belief, Hollywood will continue tempting fate and cashing in."
"Curses are passed down to the third and fourth generations, so are blessings."
"The king of curses romen sukuna... a tyrant in the juic world... once a human turned into the king of curses."
"Through the two of you conversing over this, there are simple curses that can be imparted for a temporary period of time, usually as some sort of a penance to someone who slighted you."
"The king of curses is a title bestowed upon Romen Sakuna, a monster in his own right."
"I wouldn't be surprised if the tower comes out. I wouldn't be surprised if the eight of Pentacles, the Devil, like, there's a lot of very, very heavy energy curses that this person is breaking."
"In Harry Potter, there's something that they call the unforgivable curses."
"The blood of Jesus breaks foundational curses. I pray that the blood of Jesus will begin to break all strange patterns and curses in your life and family."
"Are these strange stories proof that curses are real? You decide."
"Miracles are the blessing has come, the curse is broken, the blessing has come."
"I say that this is so. I say that every curse against you, from Your bloodline, from Your background, even from Your mother and Your grandmother, those curses are broken and there will be an ability to bring forth Lord children."
"Any curse can be broken by true love's kiss."
"Many of you are not touching the blessing because you are working on a ground that is already cursed."
"People confuse curses with demonic powers."
"There's a big difference between dealing with demons and dealing with a curse."
"A curse in your life is an unwanted blessing trying to get into your life."
"Unlike humans, regenerating injuries is not something special for curses."
"It is a serious day and it is a profound day because it is on this day that our Lord Jesus pronounces a curse, essentially, on the temple in Jerusalem."
"Curses are born from human minds, so their strength and numbers grow in proportion to the population."
"Only curses that are deserved, only curses in the sense that we have opened the door to, can have any sort of rest in our life."
"Priest's curses could be a very dangerous thing if you got on the wrong side."
"Wendigos are humans who, after prolonged starvation, consume human flesh and in the process are cursed."
"...the words of your mouth will put curses on objects, it'll put curses on your finances, it'll put curses on your business affair, it'll put curses on your physical body..."
"I loved the idea of using my magic for more than just breaking curses."
"Father, we break curses associated with idle words and actions. We resist and reject manipulations, sabotage, and control from deliver our souls from the mouth of the lion and the venom of the snake."
"Not every curse has to result in bloodshed, but there are curses that could exist in psychological harm."
"I just feel blessed man I feel blessed felt what it's like to receive the blessings on the other end now I want to feel what it feels like to give the curses."
"It protects you for life against magic, hexes, curses, black magic."
"I pray that all the curses that have been leveled against you are nullified."
"I'm telling you not to marry them, not to mess with them, because they're cursed people. And if you mess with them and become yoked with them, you are yoking or covenanting or marrying into a curse."
"What am I praying? That the curse doesn't go back to them. I'm not praying, 'God let the curse go back to him.' Amen."
"He attacks choso with a ton of curses and floors him saying even dust can pile up into a mountain even if Kaku uses lots of lowgrade curses he can boost them with curse energy to take down grade one Sorcerers who equal special grade curses themselves."
"Curses are nothing but learning experiences. The teaching, the lesson that one has to be taught by Bhagwan."
"If planets aspect, the curse is caused by a desire of sorrow or anger... Such curses can be overcome if the planet involved in the curse is in a movable sign."
"The Bible mentions generational curses in several places."
"Curses will never come for no reason. So if something is finding expression in your house, in your bloodline, in your family, in your children, it's there because it has a legal right to be there. And until you hit the nail on the head and address it, it will persist."
"Curses are transferable and recognizable. They're negative, evil, and usually unwanted."
"Sometimes Satan needs a point of contact in order to transfer curses to some people who were not otherwise under any kind of curse."
"The Ryman Auditorium, long been the place of many incredible concerts and shows, however, despite its longstanding list of famous performers, it's also believed to be the most cursed building in all of Nashville."
"The Cecil Hotel... all 600 rooms of the Cecil hotel are cursed due to the murders, maniacs, and ghosts that roam inside."
"Only God can turn curses into blessings."
"I don't doubt that there are curses that go down through generations but it's only because they don't know who they are"
"Next time someone tells you a scary experience they had, don't laugh. Have some sympathy; they could be surviving a curse."
"Curse you, Beast Caller," the monster bellowed.
"So far, this curse has made her kill a cat, made her redo phone calls, whispers in her ear at inopportune times, can break into her house. This thing's just doing so much bad [ __ ]. It does a lot of bad [ __ ]. I will not lie."
"Curses are breaking in this place."
"Blessed doesn't mean giving money, it literally means don't curse them."
"You must destroy the altars of marine spirits. Tonight, we are bringing down the evil altars that were raised in our families."
"Generational blessings that replace generational curses."
"Okay yeah you know what their curses they all die at the age of 25 and that is a real bad curse the wildling curse very very bad every single person dying at the age of 25."
"A true curse strings together a multitude of mishaps over the course of several decades to doom an entire fan base."
"God will curse those who curse you."
"Each commandment has an associated blessing and a curse. It has a ring of authenticity basically."
"You marry this fella the minute he asks you and forget about being cursed and everything else."
"A world without freedom and curses is impossible."
"Cursed energy serves as the power system."
"Megicula's death could mean that every single curse in the series is destroyed."
"Blessings and curses are the result of a spiritual force that gets set into motion by either our actions or by our words."
"Curses and poisoned apples are one thing, but forcing people to participate in an icebreaker, that's real evil right there."
"Gary thinks curses can also be blessings, and blessings are always going to be a treasure to the person."
"If today or tomorrow we get some leaks I don't want to hear any disbelief that I'm cursed ever again."
"I hope you [__] drowned and there's no way for you to [__] grasp a breath. I hope you never see the [__] light from above."
"Curses only work if you believe in them I feel like that can represent a lot in the real world that this movie is trying to say with its message."
"Slip into a lush world of magic, stardust, and family curses in this spellbinding contemporary fantasy."
"It's all just a bit of fun, and I doubt anyone takes the idea of curses and sorcery too seriously these days."
"Breaking generational curses has nothing to do with money."
"Legends there are Tales of ancient burial sites where the ground is cursed."
"Since curses are manifested through negative thoughts, they can be neutralized by exposure to positive ones."
"Deep in Wales's long memory is a history of violence and bloody curses."
"Everything that I'm reading right now is curses, these things don't come from God."
"I've been saying it during the past two videos and here we go for the third: I'm such a huge fan of however it is they do the curses with the animation."
"The power of curses to influence people stems from belief in their veracity."
"I didn't believe in curses," he said again.