
School Safety Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Our children are in danger. That is clearly a fact. Our teachers are in danger."
"They should not be scared to go to elementary school. It's just not right."
"Nobody should have to worry about this when going to school. Nobody should have to have this even cross their mind."
"The one thing that unifies a lot of young people is living with mass shooter drills."
"How much longer must our children endure active shooter drills?"
"Bringing a firearm into that classroom is not going to make those children safer."
"Covington High School had to cancel classes over death threats because of a completely falsified video."
"If you really want to stop school shootings, figure out why we place so little value on human life right now."
"There's good evidence from Europe that schools reopening is not endangering the kids."
"I would have gone in my advice to policymakers would be to go into the school year with as many measures reasonable measures as you can take to try to protect that environment and withdraw them if you see that you're being successful."
"Moving away from mask mandates, especially in school, is the right move."
"Ma'am sorry not sorry why are you allowing these types of predators into our schools and then he's only making the female students turn around to do squats What freaking world do we live in."
"Lock the doors of the school. Have armed guards at the school."
"School shootings are committed by boys due to dad deprivation and lack of male role models."
"School librarian says his shoes melted while helping kids cross the street."
"If there is a teacher who is willing to step forward, go through the training, and go through the screening, why not empower them to save our kids?"
"When a kid goes to school, he shouldn't have to fear... getting shot by guns."
"In a case of a school shooting, how many lives can be saved with a teacher that has been properly trained with that firearm as opposed to just barricading in a room and hoping for the best?"
"Firearms training for teachers, a step in the right direction."
"The schools will be safe, and parents will know about it." - Dr. Pierce
"We have the tools to reopen our schools safely."
"Deputies rushed to the school around lunchtime and arrested the suspect in a hallway within minutes."
"There's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry."
"My children have an active shooter drill at their school."
"My administration also stands ready to deploy CDC teams to support schools that are opening and schools that need help in safety."
"School has always been a place where parents assume that their children will be safe... recently it seems like not a day goes by without a school-related tragedy being on the news."
"What we're going to need to do is make sure that those children who can be vaccinated are vaccinated, that children wear masks while they're in school to protect themselves and to protect each other."
"Objectively, when you see an entire School uh terrified because a a gunman is walking in with weapons of war right uh if your heart's not breaking then something's wrong with you."
"School is one of the safest places... and the very, very first thing to open."
"One of them a direct hit on Henryville High luckily the school had evacuated its pupils before disaster struck."
"Schools can be safe if the mitigation strategies are followed."
"Assurance of school safety must be restored with a sense of urgency."
"Our kids are living in fear every single time they set foot in a classroom."
"Middle school should be a safe place for all students to express themselves."
"Why does it keep happening? Why are we okay with children living in fear that their schools are not safe?"
"Freedom is not going to school and not knowing if you're going to come home right I mean that is the opposite of Freedom."
"What is there to worry about when your child is in school? Well, let's take a look at the following scene."
"At school, bad stuff happens like maybe the teacher assigns you too much homework maybe you fail an exam maybe you get shot by a bully maybe you got shot yeah maybe you get shot maybe you get shot stop beating around the shooting bush"
"Arming teachers training some teachers have you higher security all these shootings take place in gun-free zones..."
"Children had to jump out of windows... they were forced to jump out these kids had to help their teachers move lockers to block doors during all of this."
"It's comforting to know that the students there had been trained at some level in active shooter training."
"The chance that your kid is going to be involved in a school shooting is effectively nil."
"All children should receive an outstanding education in a safe school of their family's choice."
"Improving indoor ventilation in schools should be a top national priority."
"Deliberately brought the handgun that day with the intent to murder as many students as he could."
"This school district has been doing a really good job in trying to protect their students and those teachers died yesterday protecting their students."
"A mom like that is the mom that saves your kid's life when somebody shows up to your school to commit an act like that. That is a good mother."
"We applaud Governor DeSantis for taking action based on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission report."
"Why does nobody ever talk about how basic security plans for schools could prevent 99% of school shootings?"
"It's the deadliest school shooting in the United States since the gunman killed 20 elementary children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut almost 10 years ago."
"Damn, my kid's school, like, do I leave them here?"
"I'm asking for the right to choose, not having my kids shot up in school."
"The President's focus is on the schools reopening safely and them staying open."
"The purpose of giving funding to school districts is to ensure that teachers and kids are safe."
"Utah governor announced yesterday that masks will be mandated for all schools K to 12."
"Masks within the school system last year worked, our children were in school learning in person the majority of the year last year because we had masks within schools."
"I feel like the way the Oxford High School dealt with the situation was also very negligent."
"Reopening schools loaded with unvaccinated children and no mask requirements in place is a formula for disaster."
"I got referral for being pushed down a flight of stairs by a bully."
"Good for the school resource officer for doing the right thing."
"Standing athwart history yelling stop it's like stop it's like your kids are getting killed in school your adult kids are getting sent overseas to be slaughtered for oil."
"Parents worried about sending their kids back to school are coming together."
"Casey becomes the hero who saved the school."
"Terrell's continued attendance at the school would be a distraction and potential danger to other students."
"Getting rid of school police doesn't mean walking away from school safety."
"The head of Nashville school safety, the head of the Nashville School attacked on Monday by an emotionally disturbed former student ran toward the gunfire in a bid to save her pupils."
"It is happening. For those of you who don't know, this in Loudoun County, we had a young man who identifies as a female go into a girl's bathroom and assault a young girl at the school twice."
"If someone has a firearm in a school, it should not be a gun-free zone."
"The American people want their constitutional rights protected and their kids to be safe in school. They want both of those things at once." - Mitch McConnell
"Assault in schools can happen in classrooms, cafeterias, even hallways, and guess what? It's working. Students are coming forward with stories..."
"It's impossible to think of a more despicable thing to say to students who are afraid of being shot and murdered in their classrooms."
"I mean, really? School children walk through metal detectors."
"Allowing highly trained school personnel to have access to firearms."
"Officials said that the boy had arrived at his Elementary School in Hunters Creek, Florida with the pistol, a steak knife, and a sledgehammer in his backpack."
"It's happened again, a mass shooting at an American school."
"Breaking news tonight: the middle school shooting plot stopped. The 13-year-old under..."
"When this tragedy became part of the national conversation, members of the public went to their lawmakers to see what they were doing to keep school children safe."
"No child should have to go to school, no parent should have to send their child to school asking that question: 'Is my child going to come home today?' And that's a very real fear."
"One statistic with a more clear-cut definition is overall homicides in schools. The Center for Disease Control regularly tracks those numbers and the trend line is clear."
"My daughter's life is worth asking that every other child that's still going to school that's scared to go to school it's a big ask but if that is the only way that we can protect our children."
"Let's harden our schools, let's make it a priority to put these things in place."
"What happens when a under the influence maniac shows up on a school campus."
"Let's take that money and shift it over to keeping our kids safe in these schools."
"The day that our perception of school safety and school violence changed forever."
"Whatever the case, it's safe to say that without the smart thinking and quick action from the school's staff, this fire could have been much worse."
"Schools report complete evacuation; there's no panic among the children."
"It's how we feel coming to work every day; it's how we feel coming to school every day."
"It is my opinion that the general lack of attention paid to addressing and mitigating bullying in schools is relevant to the discussion of school shootings and must be taken more seriously."
"On average, two children in every class have a food allergy and allergic reactions take place more in school than in any other setting outside the home."
"Increasing ventilation reduces SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission in schools."
"This tragic incident sparked important discussions about school safety, gun control, and the justice system's approach to dealing with young offenders involved in serious crimes."
"It terrifies me that I have to worry about my kids sitting in the school room potentially getting shot up."
"The School District vowed to upgrade its security."
"There's no reason parents shouldn't expect a school resource officer to protect their children while they're at school."
"We dare not allow there to be a third school shooting generation in this country."