
Centrality Quotes

There are 752 quotes

"The whole Bible is about Him. Salvation is about Him."
"Nobody was ever going to make Rome the center of the universe again."
"God says, 'I want to be the lover of your soul, the center of your heart.'"
"Let us put Our Lord Jesus Christ, King and High Priest, back at the center of the life of the Church."
"Life just seems to make sense when Jesus is in the place that He ought to be."
"It’s a nation that’s consistently been at the center of global affairs for 150 years."
"Aztec mythology placed Teotihuacan at the center of creation, and this mythology has still been passed down to us."
"We always say creators are the heart of YouTube."
"The world had a new center and that Center was Mary Ann." - George Bernard Shaw
"The player is always right in the middle of the window."
"Freedom of worship is central to every human being."
"God is in the midst of your life, your marriage, your work. When God is in the center of our lives, we will not be shaken."
"Let us always make God the center of our faith."
"Basic human needs are at the heart of absolutely everything."
"Football is very much the backbone of society."
"Think of it being reshaped around Jesus. That's the challenge."
"Jesus isn't a part of my life, He is my life."
"Christ is the point, not us. It is His story, His glory, His gospel that is the cornerstone."
"It's the revelation of Jesus Christ... the centerpiece of it all."
"The Royal promenade is the social centerpiece of the ship."
"Everything about Jesus is all over the Bible."
"The game is all about me. I am the Alpha and the Omega of this game."
"The Son of Man is the glue that holds all these things together."
"Artificial intelligence actually sits at the center of this convergence."
"Jesus, you're the center of it all, from beginning to the end."
"Regulatory compliance is at the center of everything that we do."
"The dining room is very much like the center of the house, it's like the hub."
"Their entire world revolves around you, whether you know it or not."
"Every direction, every road leads back to you for them."
"Faith has become at the heart of everything."
"When you are the center of something, you are responsible for balancing it."
"Family is just absolutely everything in my life."
"Race has been and remains central to American society and institutions."
"The heart is the most important Energy Center in the body."
"The word of God is there at the center of everything the Christians should be doing."
"This becomes the center of both private and public life."
"People are not knives and people are not mirrors; people are the center, people are the heart."
"She is the heart and the voice of the show; she's quite literally the life of the show."
"We have to allow Christ to be the defining voice for Him to be at the throne of our lives."
"The exalted Lord Jesus Christ is the focus of the entire book."
"It is really the brain of the car."
"The office is more or less the heart of the business."
"The cross of Jesus Christ is the central point of History."
"You're the center to give energy out to everybody."
"The most important part of the ancient languages is the center point."
"Everything always goes back to sales, no matter what."
"At the center of our worldview is Jesus Christ and him crucified and raised by the power of God."
"Love is it, it needs to be the center of it."
"The Soul King is the linchpin of the universe."
"As though you stand in the middle of the universe."
"If the kitchen is the heartbeat of the home, this is like the main artery."
"Zara is like the sun with everyone orbiting around her."
"It's really the central room of the house."
"Superman is the linchpin upon which the entire metaverse rests."
"Everyone has something in the center of their life."
"In an Information Age, the image is better expressed not as hegemony or king of the mountain, but being in the center of a circle."
"The kitchen is the most important room in the house."
"You are the sun around which everything else revolves the architect that makes something of value."
"Not everything revolves around Sheldon either, sometimes he's the supporting character and other times he's not even there."
"Our focus is like the Book of Colossians: He is the focal point of the universe."
"It's the center of Christian identity in the local community."
"It's your connectivity, it's the brains, it's the central point of the entire system."
"Everything comes back to Jesus and it has nothing to do with our goodness."
"It's the Lamb. For everything revolves around Him."
"...this concept of of Engagement of of um you know involvement is become so crucial for him it really you know absolutely enorm almost take becomes his Central thing..."
"The only thing that matters is Jesus. Amen."
"Love is at the heart of all things."
"The player is the central element."
"Every quest had its focus and Vader was inextricably at the core of Luke's struggle."
"Without Rize, there is no Tokyo Ghoul. She's the common point of the entire world."
"The middle matters—it really, really matters."
"The sun's job in your horoscope is to put you at the center of your own Universe."
"He owned the Quarry. That seems to be the center of everything."
"At the center is love your neighbor."
"Rebula will always be at the heart of this."
"Every character in the film exists in relation to her."
"This is going to act as the central hub of transparency."
"Story is King and just how vital telling the story can be."
"Let's make this type of tone be the centerpiece of everything."
"Love is better than anything else. Love is the center of it all. Love is the highest way, the reason for it all."
"The kitchen really is the heart of the home."
"This really was the heart of the ship."
"The church is central to all of this."
"She's the kind of she is the heart of it she's the pulse for the audience and surrounded by this kind of Smitty circus of of people you must go and make what you can of it yours ever Caroline Bingley."
"The pub is the Hub of the community."
"The pub is more than just a pub. I think in small towns the pub is the Hub of the community."
"If anyone had to be the main character or if anyone had storylines that were always linked back to them and the important stuff always linked back to them, it should have been Alison because she's the heart of the show."
"Politics is absolutely central and important."
"Jesus Christ is the glue of the galaxies. He is the one by whom all things consist."
"Wonderful if you want to be in the heart of things."
"I think they'll be at the epicenter."
"Nothing is bigger, nothing's more important, nothing is more central, nothing is preeminent but Jesus Christ."
"No matter what situation he's in, he seems to be the center of it."
"Stevens Point is culturally and ecologically the center of the state."
"In the course of the Gospel of Luke, all of heaven, all of earth, all of society, all of nature, is completely synchronized around the central figure of Jesus."
"The Grand Palace stands as a centerpiece in Bangkok's vibrant tapestry of attractions."
"If you really want to be Christocentric, you give your people the full theology that honors and surrounds Him. Then you're truly Christocentric."
"We are smack dab in the middle of Kansas. I like to say we're in the middle of everything."
"God is the center of everything that we're doing."
"Always do a center quote for everything to revolve around, and it's always this one."
"Your heart is an important area of your life because it's the heart that's central to all things."
"It's going to be just this one book, wow. It's going to be my everything planner."
"The Atrium is the heart of the ship."
"information became really central to biology"
"The band made it their own and she's at the center, the driving force of all those things."
"The root 'evangel' literally means gospel, and in historic evangelicalism, the gospel is always the central issue."
"Jerusalem, the very center of the world."
"This is probably the most important cabinet in the whole coach. So we have basically the command center of the coach here."
"Mean is the most common measure of central tendency."
"Southeast Asia will become more Central if the whole world economy moves from the Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific."
"We really really tried to be a centerpiece for the rest of the community."
"It's a different thing because Andrew's at the center of this thing living through all of these things."
"God should be the center of your life."
"The glue to the friend group was Mir."
"Having this intersection here is really key."
"It's really about making Jesus at the center of whatever you do."
"Money is always the central issue."
"The center channel is everything... all the action that happens on screen has to come from this box."
"Prophecy is not an optional sub-point in the fine print at the bottom of the story, it's at the very heart."
"The heart of the team is the center."
"The Black Hills is the center of the universe for the Lakota Nation. It's the heart of all that is."
"What it does is it neglects the centrality of Jesus Christ as the event by which all history is judged."
"Compassion and action is right at the center."
"...everything's right there and is very central."
"He was the central figure in the Pacific War, in my opinion."
"People are really at the heart of what we're doing."
"Keep the Gospel the center. Anchor yourself in what you see of God in the Gospel."
"Everything else is based off it. The coaching is based off of it. The team is based off it. The locker room's based off it. The quarterback is everything."
"He is the heart and soul of this film."
"But it's centered on Jesus' cross and his son."
"Christianity begins and ends with a person."
"God must be in the center of your relationships."
"It's not about the map and the map isn't centric."
"Let's go to the kitchen, which is the heart of this home."
"This is your hub, this is your center."
"It's like my info headquarters. It's where I live, where I work, where I sleep. It's my training room, my office, and my headquarters in my political activism."
"You're the center of their Universe."
"Mathematics really, truly has at the center of all that we do within science."
"Jesus is the subject, the foundation, and the center of all we do, teach, and believe."
"We need to keep Jesus in the center."
"Jesus Christ became the center of everything."
"The Bible is about Jesus. The story of the Bible is Jesus."
"You can't get much more Central than that, right smack bang in the action."
"He's just a nice guy who is open with a lot of people and almost everyone underestimates his abilities."
"Siri is the sun of the multiverse that is BB 25, and everything orbits around her. And until her sun goes out, everyone else is comfortably in the dark."
"Food is the center of human existence."
"He was always in the thick of it."
"Let's not belittle Jesus by focusing on anything other than Him. He's the center of our faith."
"Jesus wants to be at the center of our lives."
"Literally in the slap bang center of Norwich."
"The most important thing you'll ever learn in all of these benefits is to keep your faith centered upon Christ."
"It's essentially the capital of all these kingdoms."
"Anti-blackness has been at the very center of white nationalism."
"If God isn't central in your life, you're wasting your time."
"Life without Him is nothing. He has to be at the center of everything because He's everything."
"For Ibn Arabi, the human being is at the center of things. It's not Mata or planets or the cosmos itself at the center, no, the cosmos is under the rulership of the human, and he means that quite seriously. Not the human that we know but the human reality."
"When he's the center of your life, that's where the freedom comes."
"When Christ is at the center of your life, He'll be at the center of everything that you do."
"The Eucharist is the center of literally the liturgy, the life of the church because it's God himself who is actually present there physically dwelling with us among us even within us when we do the communion."
"If you want to be right in the heart of the city... you could do a lot worse than city of Decatur."
"Jesus Christ is the center of the Orthodox faith."
"...population is the centerpiece of both of these problems."
"The work of the cross is the heart of the faith."
"He's the direct evidence, the linchpin that holds it all together."
"It is all about love. It should be at the heart of everything we do because it is worth it."
"...this is just a really cool thing because a lot of important stuff happened at the base of this tree which featured it glowing so it makes total sense to have the glowing elements being centralized around here."
"Jesus is where it's at Jesus is where it's at Jesus is the answer to everything he is the answer to everything."
"Worship is the central theme of all scripture."
"That soul is in the center of us, right? That soul is at the very center and everything kind of pivots around that center."
"Everything about our life is in a circle, if you think about it, and we are at the center of the circle, as human beings."
"The entire issue revolves around the heart, the focus of all matters is upon the heart."
"This flower is the pivot point of the opening sequence, visually everything revolves around it."
"As you look at history it really does seem that there is a center to it and that Christ really is at the heart of the human story, every human story."
"Will Shipley was the offense for Clemson this year."
"But whether they're in a factory or on the job site Craftsmen and women will always be at the center of every new and old house."
"Jesus is huge, you at the center of it all."
"Keep God first. Keep God in the center of everything you do."
Dr. McDougall: "Food is central to everything we do."
"Chemistry is the central science."
"The moral law lies at the center of nature and radiates to all the circumference."
"A hydraulic pump is the heart of a hydraulic system."
"The refrigerator is the central part of my home. It is the thing in my home that gets opened the most, I think."
"God's got to have first place in my life, can't just have a place, God must be the center."
"Infinite awareness is at the center of everything that you do."
"Any gospel that is centered on anything other than the efficacy of Jesus Christ and the salvation of your soul and the liberation of your life is not sent from God."
"Theology belongs in the center of the university disciplines."
"The real Kansas, or more specifically this point, is the geographic center of the contiguous United States."
"The heart is the seat of the Soul."
"Manhattan is the center of the universe, especially the fashion universe."
"They both say that they center everything around the family."
"Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen are what heliocentrism would be if we're in the NFL; the offense is them, it's only them."
"We felt that we were the nucleus of all that was happening musically and influencing people because everybody listened, and people listened because it was fantastic."
"The holy city is the core of the lingu holy lands."
"The heart of it is a table or a fire pit or something like that."
"God is the center of our lives, and I give Him all the glory."
"The Gospel is a love story, and we are at the center of it."
"Field automorphisms are central to Galois theory."
"Christ is our life; he is not a priority, he is not an item on a list, he is my life in the midst of everything."
"The house is sort of the hub of everything, isn't it? Where we get up from, where we go home to, where we can cuddle up."
"Language is the center of this book."