
Mediumship Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I think a legitimate medium will put an emphasis on validation. Anybody can tell you your loved one loves you, but it's the person who's going to step in and bring forward the details and the specifics."
"This communication can be made through at least 20 different empirically validated processes including mental physical direct voice mediumship telepathy."
"I believe in mediumship, it's kind of my religion."
"I'm 100% not fake what I do as a medium is a hundred percent genuine."
"The fox family were no strangers to mediumship."
"You have to connect using safe mediumship...Ouija boards...not needed."
"Everybody can tap into spirit, everybody can channel, everybody can be a medium on some level."
"Channeling is the process of having a conversation between me and those on the other side that I connect with."
"Everyone that lives here is a spirit medium."
"Your loved ones are always there and what I love being a medium is I'm just an antenna your loved ones are with you every single day I just tell you what they're saying and how they're with you."
"Embrace your ability to communicate with those not on the physical plane, it's a gift to be cherished."
"I think if anyone's going to see a medium, it's important to not give information, to not volunteer information."
"To be a medium you have to be a nosy son of a..."
"I do still believe in the divine. I am a psychic medium. You either believe in mediums and ghosts or you don't so that part's not going away."
"I fully believe what I do is contact dead people. That's what you're going to see this week."
"You've got to reveal facts about them and their dead loved ones that will be the right connection."
"My job as a medium isn't just about helping you connect with your loved ones in spirit, it's also about teaching you."
"Being a medium, you're a messenger."
"The saddest thing is, I know from the comments that I see, that if you were just there, your loved one would come through and reach you."
"There's like a whole other world out there, and mediumship for me gives me instances into what that world is."
"I just can't wait until mediumship is accepted among the masses because it's nothing but healing."
"He seems to have an uncanny ability to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed on."
"Fear can be the biggest um blockage when it comes to especially with mediumship if you guys are mediums and you're afraid you're scared fear is a lower vibrational energy doubt all of those heavy feelings emotions they keep us in a lower state."
"I feel my job as a medium isn't just about connecting you guys with your loved ones in spirit but I also feel it's about teaching you as much as I've learned about what actually happens when we lose a loved one."
"It was so fascinating for me as a medium because usually I'm used to Bringing through people on the other side but I didn't do that today."
"They are backing your gifts, someone who supports you, wants you to be the seer, wants you to continue with your mediumship."
"Mediumship is the process of being an intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds."
"Most mediums receive the information that is incredibly detailed, precise, and accurate."
"People seemed to be more comforted, they seemed psychologically to heal faster through mediumship sessions compared to psychological sessions."
"When you come to a medium like myself, you allow the other side to reach you."
"Your loved ones take turns when you come to see a medium over who's going to step forward and what message they're going to deliver."
"A medium doesn't just serve the client or the sitter. We're the voice for those who no longer have a voice."
"The way that I knew that she was the person into this was she was making me feel like she was doing the medium work for me on the other side, kind of getting everybody organized and making this happen."
"I've been told I'm a medium, but I block it out as an adult. I don't know if I want to develop it any more than it already has."
"Being a psychic medium, I talk to the dead every single day, and my questions or the questions that I have in my mind might be different than the questions that you have deep within your heart."
"We may miss it, but every thought, every word, every visual has a frequency, and we mediums are tuned to certain frequencies."
"Life continues on if there's anything that mediumship has taught me, it's that."
"Relax and just trust the process because this really does come through you, you're just literally the medium."
"Safe mediumship is always doing everything with God, the other side, your angels, and only talking to the higher vibration."
"Choosing safe mediumship is connecting with the other side in the best way possible."
"I think of myself as a therapist for the dead."
"Speak to them as you would if they had returned to earth in bodily form, be natural in fact, you will get the best results this way."
"Harmony, all-important harmony, is the keynote of successful mediumship."
"Mediumship really focuses on proving the transcendent existence of human consciousness after physical bodily death."
"Connecting people with their lost loved ones is truly a talent."
"This is to try to give everybody a voice on the other side, that is why I do this."
"She's gone," I announced. "I don't know if she crossed over, but I can help Kelly now."
"Then I think you need to stick with it," she said, and I knew she was right.
"When you understand how the spirit world works, how that side of life works, when you understand how your loved ones send you signs, why they send you signs, what they are doing in heaven, what the signs mean, then you'll learn all different ways to communicate with them."
"You're not only a rescue medium, you're a rescue very well done."
"One of the most healing things that somebody new on this journey can do is have a reading with an evidential medium."
"I say that I'm a radio, so as a radio I'm taking a broadcast and I'm relaying the broadcast."
"You absolutely believe you were contacted through John Edwards."
"What he came out with was extremely specific."
"It's never easy when you tell somebody that somebody they love has crossed over, especially when they've been murdered."
"There are absolutely people who are getting messages from the other side and they believe that they're mentally ill when really they're just connected to the other side."
"Being a rescue medium isn't always child's play."
"She considers herself as a full-on medium given her ability to even contact and see the dead."
"A spiritual medium is someone who is able to connect more energetically, more through spirit energy."
"Consider the book 'You Are a Medium'; these exercises are in the book along with a lot of other exercises and information."
"Some people, some mediums, some psychic people, they also told me about some of my past lives without knowing anything about my own experiences."
"I am clairvoyant, I am clairaudience, and I am a medium."
"In spirit, the way that all Spirits communicate with mediums is through a very different language; it's through a language of intense feelings, visions, signs, and symbols."
"If a person wants to go and have a sitting with a medium who was developed, trained, and has walked the walk over the years, they're likely to get the truth of a link."
"We can't command spirit; we can't demand them, but generally, if it's conducted properly, we do manage to get loved ones coming across the veil."
"You are the gateway to the spirit realm, you are the medium, you are the Oracle."
"If you've ever wanted to communicate with those you've lost or experienced life beyond life, then do we have the show for you."
"Every medium is psychic, but not every psychic is a medium."
"He has a commitment to a version of occultism that isn't about reducing himself to the mereness of the thing, the thingification to mediumship, right, to being a receptacle for some other spirit."
"It's interesting when I tap into people's past loved ones... it's like they are them but it's almost like the better version."
"I love Tarot and I love being a psychic medium for all of you guys."
"You are a medium... you have the natural ability to connect with departed loved ones."