
Time Period Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"It's an incredibly important period of time."
"This whole week is gonna be all about your achievement."
"This from the middle of the month to the end of December is really, really huge."
"Keep kicking ass these last little over a week now."
"The next twelve months are going to be the best twelve months of your life."
"2018 to 2019 was probably the most toxic year that the beauty community has ever had."
"Venus in its own sign is going to manifest to you till the end of November because it's in its own sign."
"We are witnessing the birth of our Glory Days, into Glory months."
"September and October 2021 are gonna be huge, massive, and so important to you."
"For many people the last 13 years have been a cost of living crisis."
"The swords excel what we know to be possible for the time period in which they were created."
"You can't really argue this is a fantastic month."
"This is a month of balance, very, very exciting."
"The second half of October is gonna be unbelievably transformational."
"We're in a very jumpy time, it's jumpy because the sun is in Cancer."
"But we're not backing down, this is an epic time."
"This is the kind of nudging material that we were just surrounded by through the end of 2020 through 2021 and even here sadly into 2022."
"Most of my favorite movies are prior to 2010."
"2019-2026: seven years of elevation - it's a brand new seven year cycle."
"Remember, this time is a particularly important time in history."
"That 12-game winning streak in October, November, December, January, that 12 games, it's critical."
"For the first time in a decade, Europe was at peace."
"I'm a different human being in the last eight months to what I'd been like in the previous few years."
"Imagine a grim February night in the year 1919."
"The time between about really like January 1st and March 21st is like the transition point where we've had a shift."
"What happened to Shakespeare during these Lost Years?"
"Can we just marvel at what the last couple months have looked like?"
"Mid-July to mid-August, the poop hits the fan somehow."
"And now you've been in Phoenix a year and a half."
"It's a big time, very big time these next few months."
"2028 to 2030... a very very interesting period of time."
"2020 to 2024 is a very pivotal transformation change arc and we're only just at the beginning."
"Don't you want to know what happened between the '90s and 2003?"
"We are definitely heading into a very interesting period of time right now." - Rob Maurer
"Between November 15 to January 15 will be a season of great exits out of the earth realm."
"It's amazing the difference that you can see in yourself in just an eight-week period."
"The energy will pick up here through the end of April and into May."
"A great degree of healing is coming your way, it's like a 12 month period of healing."
"...many of those characters could only exist for that time period..."
"What a time all in the space of like four years."
"This is actually about 1910 somewhere around there."
"i set the stone angels in the 1960s"
"These next six or seven years there's just gonna be a lot of opportunity, a lot of craziness."
"Blacks didn't get to Eastwood till after '69."
"He does sound like someone who was born like a hundred years ago."
"I've been very impressed with it over the last sort of probably two to three months that I've been using it."
"You might be wondering when the Incredibles takes place though it's obviously inspired by life in the 60s."
"So then I started working for for uh for DC wow so they're 2000 to 2006. so I was like okay oh those are 100 years right there yeah what it was right after everybody left."
"This story takes place sometime in the 70s, most likely early to mid-'70s."
"London today is... I would much rather live in it than London in 1984."
"We have no time for negativity in twenty twenty-one."
"The series moves from the early 1950s through the beginning parts of the 21st century."
"Are you wondering if if that 62-week time period is part of the 70 weeks? Yes, yes it is."
"I felt like it was from another time period."
"Michelle yo has had a really good few weeks."
"Shining time 2007 belonged to the Dallas Cowboys."
"I feel like it's 1998 and it's great, I love it so much."
"...you literally feel like you are walking back in time."
"We're going to talk about GDP for a quarter, quarters three months."
"Date them for three months to kind of get the most of what that person is like before you commit to anything."
"Chris Ware was such a superstar of this time period."
"Rahu transits along with Ketu in a particular sign for 18 months."
"This style of the late or like mid to late 2000s was one of the worst times in style."
"This is a life-changing month and this is the biggest life-changing week of the month."
"I'm viewing this 39 days as a full baseball season."
"We are in one of the most unique periods of time in human history."
"The Kelly Dance has been reintroduced for about two to three years."
"Millennials go from like the early mid '80s until 1996."
"It's got to be World War II or between one and two."
"It's a New York of another time, it's an America of another time."
"What started all of this is the time that we're living in, the unique times, the corona times."
"The time period is the time for one complete oscillation of a wave."
"It was very influential for the time."
"This is going to be a highly productive and transformative four weeks for you."
"God chose Paul to reveal some things for us Gentiles in our time period in which we live today."
"This style of painting was extremely popular from about 1880 to about 1910."
"T equals 1.89 years for the population of meerkats to double."
"We had a great run from 2010 through 2016."
"It's giving end of summer, almost fall."
"Zero percent interest for five years now, so what's that, 60 months."
"Every time I think about certain stuff, it just takes me back to the early 2000s."
"The setting is where the story is taking place and includes the time period when it's taking place."
"There's something much more self-possessed about the way that we approach the energy of this month."
"It was very retro. It was very, very cool. Just a sign of the times of what it was like back then."
"Some break the mold enough to deliver an unparalleled experience where they capture a time period in its sound."
"It's been absolutely exquisite the last about six weeks."
"December will be a period of great transition."
"It's totally Art Deco, very in keeping with the vibe of the scene and the time period."
"It's like a time capsule to 1975."
"A Maha yug on Earth lasts for 4.32 million years."
"For any time t, the field should be the same at time t + T for any position x."
"1987 was the dawning of a new era."
"I thought this was actually a pretty progressive film for its time."
"You're gonna feel a sense of Liberation from the 25th of September to the first of October that you have not felt in a very long time."
"The period from 1944 to 1999 witnessed a spectacular growth."
"Between June 1st and 19th, it's this push, it's this forward movement."
"It's a great suit, it encapsulates the time it comes from perfectly."
"This reading is for the 22nd of December through the 22nd of January."
"You are in a time period up until March 2025 where Saturn wants to gift you things."
"You're entering into a more playful period of time."
"In between the 13th of October and the 31st of October, you're literally going to have the situation where you're going to feel completely spiritual."
"Fulfillment and fun is your theme for this four week period."