
Rapture Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The event of the Rapture of the saints will be one of the greatest events in history."
"The word that really rings in my mind when I think about the rapture is the word 'comfort.'"
"The Rapture is both a terrible event, horrible event, undescribably horrible event, and also at the same time an undescribably thrilling, joyous occasion."
"Rapture grew into an epicenter of scientific and artistic progress."
"The downfall of Rapture didn't happen overnight; it was a long string of events that progressively got worse and worse."
"Before that can happen, hear this phrase: before that can happen, the Church of Jesus Christ will be raptured."
"That's why I believe in a pre-tribulation, pre-millennial rapture of the church."
"Nobody knows the time when the rapture is going to occur."
"The rapture of the church has never been so imminent as it is now."
"I think all of us are holding out for the Rapture wipes this country out and it's no longer what it used to be when the Lord snatches us off the surface of the Earth in a moment in a twinkling of an eye."
"He's coming for His people in the rapture, which could happen in any moment."
"The rapture could happen at any moment; are you ready?"
"At the Trump of God, at that last Trump we will be called to heaven."
"Every real Christian on the planet will go up in the Rapture, regardless of denomination."
"That's a rapture right there... ascended up to heaven in a cloud."
"Just imagine how different your life would be if you lived with a constant expectation of the rapture."
"The wonderful thing about the rapture is that the one who comes to collect the saints is the shepherd himself."
"I am literally going to rise to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Jesus, the Lord of Glory, is coming!"
"The Rapture is awesome, and a lot of people are like, 'Yes, let's get out of here.'"
"The Rapture is an event that's going to be a glorious event that happens in an instant."
"The rapture will separate...there's a day of separation coming."
"Christians will go up in the rapture...expectancy generates in your heart."
"The rapture is the ultimate act of God's mercy for us."
"Don't fear the Rapture. Look forward to it. How can you not look forward to Heaven? When the Lord Jesus comes and claims his church there will be no more death."
"Look forward to the Rapture because after the Rapture there is no more death. In an instant, all sickness will be gone."
"The Rapture doesn't have a specific date. It will happen suddenly and quickly. In just a moment, the archangel's trumpet will announce it."
"The idea of Christians being taken out of the world physically is the idea of rapture."
"We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"We must understand why the rapture has to happen to properly communicate it to the non-believing world."
"The catching up of the saints to be with the Lord is what we call the rapture." - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
"Jesus will remove the church from the earth before the days of wrath."
"We who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"I want you to be among those who will be raptured."
"The rapture is sudden. There is no prophetic precursors or requirements for the rapture to take place. It's without warning."
"I absolutely know that I'm gonna be raptured."
"Whatever this event is, it is strictly a snatching away of Believers into the air to meet the Lord."
"Only believers in Jesus Christ will be rescued from that time in what is known as the Rapture."
"God was showing us that the Gentile church will be raptured before Jesus reveals himself to the Jewish people."
"Jesus is coming to rapture his church at any moment."
"It's almost... It just... Gives you that rapture!"
"I believe on what we call a pre-tribulation Rapture. Others hold different views. It's their right to be wrong if they want to be. I love them still."
"We can never calculate when the Rapture will happen using the Zodiac."
"If you're born again go... if you're not born again get born again because if you're not born again and the Rapture takes place this is not cursing I'm just going to say it it's going to be hell on Earth."
"We will be changed in the moment in a twinkling of an eye... all of the born-again Believers are together there in the air once we're caught up."
"My lecture is on the Rapture and where this idea came from because everybody simply assumes that it's in the Bible and probably comes from The Book of Revelation and in fact it does not it doesn't come from The Book of Revelation and in fact it's never in the Bible."
"The only reason Jesus told that Parable was because he wanted us to know it is possible to think that you are ready for the Rapture and not really be ready."
"The Rapture assures us that death is not the end of life. It's the beginning of a new existence in our new perfect, glorious body."
"We're gonna be taken caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall be with the Lord forever."
"The word 'rapture' comes from the Greek word 'harpazo,' which means to take suddenly or to snatch."
"The judgment seat of Christ for believers immediately after the rapture is not a judgment of sin. It's a judgment of service."
"All Christians alive or dead will be raptured. No one will be left out."
"Jesus said, 'If I want him to live till the Rapture, what do you care?'"
"The rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is imminent."
"But he had to get down to Rapture first."
"Millions of people were just going to disappear. I like you would have said they were crazy. Was it the rapture?"
"He's coming back at the rapture. That's what I'm waiting for. Wouldn't it be great if this year was the rapture too? What a blessing."
"If the purpose of the Rapture is to give people one last chance to understand this is real and to repent of their sins, then that makes sense."
"They're going to be raptured to heaven and all hell will break loose for the rest of us."
"What will happen to children often times it's placed within the context of what will happen to my children or what will happen to my grandchildren when the rapture takes place."
"The rapture refers to the sudden catching up of the church or believers here on earth to meet the Lord in the air."
"The rapture could happen at any time. There are no signs that must take place before the rapture happens."
"There's only one qualification for being ready for the rapture of the church: you have to be in Christ."
"The rapture of the church is one of the most merciful things God could do."
"They literally make up Traditions that don't exist that we have no evidence for to try to validate specifically a pre-trib rapture."
"We don't deny the Rapture, but we do deny a secret Rapture."
"The only qualification for the Rapture: those who are in Christ."
"Believers do not agree among themselves whether the virtuous will be raptured before or after the Tribulation."
"Only if the Rapture occurs before the Tribulation will those spirited away be spared the nightmares described in Revelation."
"That's victory over death is what the Rapture is go without dying what I mean we can't sing that hymn anymore you know oh glorious Delight should we go without dying caught up in the clouds without sickness over crying"
"The rapture is for Jesus to come and get his bride, that's what the rapture is for."
"If you believe in a mid-tribulation rapture or a pre-wrath rapture, you are in the minority and you are believing in a new doctrine."
"Weddings are meant to be joyful. They’re meant to be beautiful. And indeed, the marriage of the Lamb is going to be such an event when we meet the Lord Jesus Christ at the Rapture and we’re caught up to meet him in the air."
"If you are left behind when the rapture comes, it wasn't because you were living in sin, it was because you never trusted the gospel."
"If you're left behind at the rapture, how do you know you're not going to be one of those that believe the lie?"
"It’s quick, it’s sudden, it’s forceful and it totally changes the situation. That’s what rapture is."
"To say that rapture is the wrong word honestly is to display ignorance."
"The word 'rapture' accurately describes what Paul is talking about."
"The Rapture is about a reunion with our loved ones."
"Thousands of people, the good word, a good word about the rapture."
"Christ is going to come suddenly and snatch us out just in the nick of time."
"Dispensations reveal the timing of the Rapture in relation to the rise of the Antichrist."
"You know it's full of R it's not hard for God to Rapture one or many we know that Enoch was raptured God took him he was not."
"In these raptures, there is no remedy. They rush upon the soul as swiftly and powerfully as a mighty eagle swooping down and bearing her aloft in its wings."
"Rapture teaches the body to obey the soul."
"There is more of a reason that a Rapture could happen on a Passover season."
"The Rapture? What a jip. I thought that was poetic."
"I constantly hear from people who object to a post-trib Rapture because they're terrified of going through a tribulation."
"The Rapture is an idea that has only existed for a few hundred years, pieced together from random verses of the Bible."
"A feeling of elation, a feeling of wowness, a feeling of, I dare say the word rapture because that's the word that's often translated."
"If a woman is eight and a half months pregnant, almost ready to deliver, and the rapture of the church takes place, what happens to the baby?"
"The rapture is the next major prophetic event."
"The doctrine of the Rapture motivates us to live holy and ready every day."
"...when Jesus comes in clouds of Glory we will be snatched up caught up raptured whichever word triggers you get over it we shall be taken up from Earth to be with the Lord forever and forever."
"...there's not only one Rapture in the Bible there's seven raptures in the Bible and they all teach us the same commonalities..."
"The last trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is the same as the trumpet of God, which is linked to the resurrection of believers during the Rapture."
"Christ is going to come and oppo harpazzo, he is going to seize the church away, right out of a very dangerous situation, just in the nick of time."
"The dead in Christ are going to be raised first, and then, at that precise moment after the dead are raised first, we which are alive and remain will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air."
"Christ is going to roll out the red carpet and give us a VIP reception because we are His officials, we are His dignitaries, and He is going to grandly receive us."
"We shall all be changed at the rapture."
"I don't know much but I know we're closer now to the Rapture than we've ever been amen"
"What if the rapture were to take place today? Would you be ready to meet the Lord?"
"So the rapture is here. This is the rapture of the church."
"If it's true that the elders of the glorified church are in heaven, then this again provides an incredibly strong dynamic argument for the pre-tribulation rapture."
"All of those verses have one thing in common: they are identified after the rapture and before the second coming of Jesus Christ."
"When someone tells you brother the Rapture is going to come and Jesus is going to come as a thief in the night at the Rapture, that's not applying to the Rapture."
"Rapture is a spiritual thing, has a spiritual meaning."
"A rapture-conscious church is committed to prayer, evangelism, sacrificial giving, righteousness, unity, the word of God, and worship."
"The Church Age began on the day of Pentecost and it will end at the Rapture."
"People who they know who's still alive and all of us will be caught up together to meet with Lauren E so all the righteous people are gonna be gone to heaven with Jesus."
"You're being raptured into who He is, into the splendor of His glory."
"Jesus is the originator of the Rapture."
"The Rapture is a Doctrine started and taught by Jesus."
"Jesus is the one who brought up the Rapture."
"Jesus identified himself as the one who brought up the Rapture."
"The Rapture will be a source of comfort."
"The Rapture will be similar to his Ascension."
"...all rational experience, all knowledge, is a kind of rapture prompted by a longing that cannot be exhausted by a finite object."
"I love you, Isaiah. I just disagree with the rapture being pre-trib over post-trib. Oh, that's no problem, Lisa."
"We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air."
"We who are alive at the Lord's appearing will be caught up together with our resurrected loved ones in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord forever."
"We shall all be 'caught up to meet the Lord in the air and be ever with him'."
"For the child of God, the rapture is something they wait for in happy anticipation."
"Every view holds that a rapture occurs at the second coming; God takes his people to himself to rescue them."
"Everything in the Bible is very clear that when Jesus comes back, we're caught up to meet Him in the air."
"Then together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture."
"Every time the rapture is mentioned in Scripture, it's always a blessing, it's always something joyful."
"The rapture can happen at any moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
"We who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"When we see him, we shall love him and be caught up in the air with him to meet the Lord and forever be with him."
"We will meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord forever."
"It is the best movie I've ever seen on the rapture," says LaHaye.
"No one knows the day or the hour of the rapture."
"Are you ready for the rapture? Those who are true believers will be."
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout... and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
"Happiness is a feeling whereas rapture is a full state of mind."
"The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet Him in the air."
"The rapture of the church is gonna be, boom."
"Esther is one of the greatest types in the Bible of the rapture taking place."
"Come out from among them when I'm getting ready to take that Rapture, you got to have some kind of Faith that'll take you out of here."
"We'll go in the air to meet Him and to be with Him and to fellowship together forever."
"We shall be caught up with them in the air to meet the Lord, and forever be with the Lord."
"If Jesus sounded the trumpet that caught the church up tonight, would you be taken with the rest of the body of Christ, or would you be left behind because you really truly hadn't given your heart to Christ?"
"Do you know where you're going? We're leaving here, folks, and the greatest excitement... it's called the coming to catch away the bride at any minute."
"We meet Jesus in the clouds because it's not His second coming."
"The Bride of Christ is going to the third heaven at the pre-trib rapture."
"The rapture ends the earth's ministry platform for the church; it's over."
"The concept of the Rapture of the church or the catching up of Believers or the literal carrying away from Earth to Heaven is a Biblical concept."
"Together, resurrected bodies of dead Saints and changed living Believers are caught up to the Lord in the atmosphere."
"We who are alive... shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"What a joyful thing to know that as we're walking down the street one day, boom, we're with the Lord."
"We shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"The dead in Christ will rise first, and those who remain alive will be caught up in the rapture, that is the coming of the Lord."
"The dead in Christ will rise first, and then we who are remaining are going to be changed."
"Once we are changed, we'll be caught up together with those people that got changed into the clouds, and thus we will always be with the Lord."
"We're all believers saying, 'Oh, I hope the Rapture comes today.'"
"You'll be caught up together to meet him in the air."
"We will not all sleep, we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
"Once the rapture happens, all spirit-indwelt Christians... that by the way is the only kind of Christian you can have."
"We who are alive and remain shall be caught up... to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
"Doesn't the religious world all agree when it comes to this idea of a rapture? Well in fact it doesn't. Even ministers disagree."
"There is a huge difference between the rapture idea and the truth of the resurrection."
"They're raptured before the throne, attend the marriage supper of the Lamb and enjoy the water of life which does flow from God's throne."
"We're going to be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
"When the rapture happens, God's people are going to be caught up from the earth into heaven."
"The concept of the rapture is clearly found in the Bible."
"We're going to be caught up with him in the air, and everything's going to be fine."
"It's just this sense of exhilaration, this sense of magic and Majesty, the sense of rapture."
"The rapture is going to be just like my Ascension to heaven, only for believers."
"I can't wait for you to see part two and part three. Rapture is gonna blow you out of the water."
"Drinking the rapture of His loving presence that is right here, right now."
"Pentecost is a picture of the resurrection and rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ."
"Scripture reveals that if one is a believer and one is saved, that alone qualifies one to participate in the rapture."
"When the rapture takes place, we get a glorified body then we'll be in the image of Christ, which is the image of God."
"Every believer on this earth when the rapture takes place will be gone and will disappear from this earth."
"If you're alive when Jesus comes, you will be caught up to meet Him."
"The grave shall be opened, and you will be caught up to meet Him in the midst of the pillar of heaven."
"The Rapture when it takes place will take place in the twinkling of an eye, in the flash or a moment, in a Split Second."
"We who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord."
"The resurrection of Christ means the return of Christ in the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ."