
Life Realism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I think the real you, and you know, is not all happiness. That's not what life is like."
"Life isn't perfect, you're not always [ __ ] happy."
"The rules of drama are separate from the properties of life."
"You can't just take the praises and then when it comes to the negativity then it's, 'Oh no, I don't want to see or hear any of that.' Well, that's life and that's how life works."
"Life is not all joy and happiness. You're going to have work, you're going to have pain, you're going to have struggle."
"Reality bites, but we should never lower our expectations."
"Sometimes life is just crap, and that's okay too."
"Life is not all unicorns and rainbows and successes, we gotta roll with the punches."
"Nobody's life is perfect. Nobody's relationships are perfect."
"Life isn't always all sunshine and rainbows."
"Life is not Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. That is a lie."
"Life doesn't always give you what you want, right?"
"Life is not always perfect, success doesn't always come first."
"Not every moment is a big crescendo, sometimes it's just the nitty-gritty in between."
"Life isn't always successful, it's a messy ride."
"It's demanding, but really calling out this idea that we want to be steeped in the reality of our lives."
"Life is never going to turn out the way you want all the time, and you gotta be able to push through."
"I'm not caught up in the illusion that life is supposed to be good all the time."
"Truth is not always pretty. Truth is not always peaches and cream."
"Sometimes bad things just happen. We can't protect everything or everyone."
"Life is painful but pain is inevitable, but suffering isn't."
"Stop searching for a happy ending, there isn't one."
"Nobody owes you anything at all in this world. Nobody owes you a job, nobody owes you a living, nobody owes you anything."
"Masterpiece doesn't mean perfect of course, nothing's perfect in life."
"Not everything is always going to turn out perfect."
"We're not owed anything... it really makes no sense because we're not owed anything I don't understand."
"Ned himself doesn't have everything figured out."
"Life isn't made up of poetry and songs and dreams. It's mostly real stuff. So I pass this on to whoever sees this now we're in years to come, and the advice is this: try jiggling the handle."
"It's unrealistic to only ever show or react to or make videos about the highs. It's important to recognize the whole human experience."
"Life is not all happy moments, but embracing the truth is essential."
"Being a strongman doesn’t absolve you from paying the bills."
"It's never just gonna be up, up, up, like there's gonna be times that you don't feel the best."
"I think it's I just I think it's I just love I've always loved a protagonist that walks that line between good and bad cuz that's life man."
"Life is disappointing. You don't always get what you want. You've got to adapt."
"Everything isn't always going to be rainbows and sunshine."
"Life is hard, marriage is hard, it's supposed to be."
"Life is not perfect but hidden clearance keys everybody knows I'm in the Walmart biz."
"Not every day is perfect, not every day are we happy and having a great day. We all have bad days."
"You can't always get what you want. What a perfect line to sum up everything."
"Life isn't a party, everything's not gonna be peaches and cream, like you have to go through a hard struggle."
"Life does catch up with you; things are not going to always be sunshine and roses."
"Not every day is gonna be a good day."
"Life the way it really is, is a battle not between bad and good, but between bad and worse." - Joseph Brodsky
"Life is never going to be all rainbows and butterflies."
"Not every single day is going to be perfect, and you have to take each day for what it is."