
CO2 Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Molecules of CO2 don't need a passport to travel around the world."
"The primary impact of increased CO2 is more plant growth."
"Plants need a certain level of CO2, just like we need a certain level of oxygen."
"Celebrate CO2. It is the most life-giving substance along with water on this planet."
"Every gram of CO2 that we add to the atmosphere enhances the possibility that this extremely high impact catastrophe will occur."
"Carbon dioxide is the principal control knob of the Earth's temperature."
"CO2 is the food of life, it is the foundation of all life."
"The main advantage of a CO2 laser over a diode laser, in my opinion, is that you can get jobs done much faster."
"Carbon dioxide is increasing in our atmosphere and causing the planet to trap more heat."
"Phytoplankton are actually the main producers of oxygen on Earth and consume a large amount of CO2."
"A vaporizer can be used when drawing CO2 as a liquid, large quantities of vapor charging."
"By discovering CO2 around these planets or maybe some other signs of chemical reactions or gases that are often produced by life here on Earth, for all we know we might actually be discovering extraterrestrial life in the next few months."
"The claim is that significant warming should already have occurred in the tropical atmosphere as a signal of climate change, which is this CO2."
"In the swimming pool, we train; you get to release one of them with CO2, and the other one you have to blow up because they're joined."
"CO2 is the holy grail of plant growth, it makes them go crazy, they look great, thickened up, and it's just amazing."
"CO2 is a very essential and natural part of life. It is the gas of life."
"Water vapor amplifies the effect of CO2."
"...they get a little bit bruised and they get a little bit damaged, and with CO2 running, they perk up a lot quicker."
"If you want a planted tank and don't want to do CO2 apparently you can get a million of these."
"You're constantly getting fresh CO2. Your plants aren't starving for it."
"A high CO2, greater than 45, correlating with a low pH, is a respiratory acidosis."
"If it's bicarb, it's metabolic. If it's CO2, it's respiratory."
"It's the CO2 that's the most important variable."
"The majority of scientists think that there is a causal link between the levels of carbon dioxide and temperature of the earth."
"This current rate of carbon dioxide and temperature change is almost unprecedented in the entire history of Earth."
"In my opinion, CO2 is like adding more nitrous to your car. It's a boost."
"Urbanization has led to a significant increase in CO2 emissions."
"More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases plant growth."
"The drive to breathe doesn't come from our oxygen levels dropping, it comes from our carbon dioxide levels building up."
"The value of not emitting CO2 into the atmosphere."
"Go that extra mile, get the CO2, and really then your tanks can look a whole different palette of colors."
"We're harvesting the CO2 that's already in the atmosphere and then using that as a fuel."
"It's just a cycle, but the critical thing is there is not an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere."
"The CO2 footprint of creating that Lotus Island was 50 years ago; it's gone, it's history."
"Rising CO2 levels threaten our very survival."
"The major source of hydrogen ions is from metabolically produced CO2."
"The rate and depth of breathing will increase to get rid of excess CO2."
"CO2 is a silent killer, so this could save your life."
"Plants are in the business of taking CO2 out of the air."
"Once CO2 is in the atmosphere, it's there for a very, very long time, and that insulating power, while maybe less intense than methane and the other gases, has a longevity to it that overall makes it the most powerful and critical greenhouse gas."
"They're going to be growing like turbocharged, especially 'cause we've got CO2 systems going on here as well."
"CO2 is not only dangerous in high concentrations but it can also cause drowsiness, tiredness, decrease our productivity level, and so on."
"Humans are trying to capture some of the CO2 in the atmosphere to reduce this."
"This reinforces our idea of the importance of CO2 and climate."
"An increase in CO2 causes a greater capacity for warming because CO2 can trap more heat."
"I hope that I've shared with you some new knowledge about CO2 systems."
"Does the increased CO2 drive the climate, or does the change in climate drive the CO2? I'm just trying to process all this stuff."
"CO2 has been the biggest control on it, and this is an emerging picture that has come out in my career."
"As we increase CO2, we reduce the amount of energy going back out into space."
"Creating that aerobic environment, driving off the CO2 which is necessary in photosynthesis."
"You can accomplish some really amazing things with CO2."
"We're actually capturing the CO2 and selling it on to a different industry."
"CO2 is perfect for air lockers because it's super dry; it doesn't have any oil in it, so it's a really reliable system."
"The calcification rate is going down the higher the CO2 level."
"The other CO2 problem... what happens when the CO2 goes into seawater."
"Once you put the CO2 in the atmosphere, it takes a very long time to get it back out by natural processes."
"It's hard for people to get their head around the dynamics involved in CO2."
"We'll use group theory to construct an MO diagram for CO2."
"Carbon dioxide, which stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years, is ultimately the most critical greenhouse gas."
"I always feel like I'm in this eternal struggle to convince people that you can grow plants amazingly without having to inject CO2."
"The higher CO2 you have in your body, the better your oxygen will be distributed to tissues throughout your body."
"The more we acidify the oceans, the worse our CO2 problem gets."
"If we add CO2 to the atmosphere, that acidifies the ocean, it reduces the capacity of the ocean to store CO2."
"The climate has momentum, it took some time to build up the CO2 to a point where man-made CO2 was the primary driver of climate change."
"Increased levels of carbon dioxide are causing global temperatures to go up, and these guys are not happy about that."
"Humans have burned fossil fuels that release CO2."
"The Keeling curve... is the most amazing time series of scientific measurements."
"Once all that CO2 is pulled out of the atmosphere, that plunges the planet into a massive glaciation, basically snowball Earth."
"Carbon footprints is linked into global warming in carbon dioxide."
"Deforestation... is having a massive effect on increasing CO2 levels."
"That's a heck of a performance for a CO2 rifle right here."