
Financial Motives Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It's not about the money, really. It's the manipulation, the emotional abuse that I think underpins this, that maybe is typical."
"Hundreds of thousands of people are dying: Russian people, Ukrainian people, human beings. Sons and daughters and people's relatives, people that are beloved, are dying in a war to some degree, it seems to me, because it's financially beneficial to prolong it."
"When you hear the league say 'safety,' just replace it with the words 'more money,' and you will understand exactly what they are saying."
"Well, it turns out that there are some profit motives behind pushing this drug."
"Statistically... I don't think that women go in like with like the women's not going to go in to have uh you know to get married just so she can go take this guy to this to the cleaners."
"Now bolton is attempting to literally cash in on betrayal of his country again all of which is par for the course of the modern republican party."
"All revolutions and all wars, when you dig through everything, it all boils down to money."
"The only reason Japanese Studios care about any of this is 100% about money."
"Oh God we're losing so corrupted if that were it I'd be kind of okay with it the fact that the real underlying motivation is oh god there goes our money yes is where they lose me."
"Let's start with why this is happening in the first place... it's basically a blatant cash grab."
"I've seen MMA fighters who you would not normally think are rooting for Conor McGregor actually, you know, popping up on my social media, and Dustin Poirier coming out there, I'm like, good job and also for the money."
"Public servant my foot, she you know there we're talking money we're talking ramp we're talking you know."
"It's a matter of community trust that people do not trust their judicial system if they think that system is just in it for money."
"I'm getting the small opinion that David Dobrik may only be apologizing right now because he's losing money."
"We have a legal system that incentivizes false accusations for money."
"I'm really against single parenthood and women trying to have babies just for money."
"I don't think fun is talked enough about what in Web 3. I think there's so much money grab and power to be had that word doesn't come up very often."
"It's a cash grab... but does that mean it's all bad?"
"This is the mentality a lot of chicks in this generation have where they get with a celebrity athlete and they're just worried about getting a check." - Commentator
"Kyrie Irving just came out with a statement today saying it's not about money, it's about freedom."
"Amber was attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse."
"I think Johnny Depp went for 50 million damages because he would have also made money on the back end of P6 atop the 25 million salary."
"This event has nothing to do with mental health, it's about one thing: money."
"There's a profound difference between people who are your friends and people who want your money."
"It's all financial incentives, it's not just because people like I believe so passionately about Syria that I'm gonna lie about the data it's like no like you're doing this because you have ulterior motives."
"There's some Financial motives here that aren't just about the cost of the house."
"I'm gonna go out on a bit of a limb here, some of you make good money and this person wants you for your money more than anything."
"They're just happy to take lots and lots of money in exchange for pretending it's, oh, it's not my problem if it criticizes Shen Yun, right?"
"It makes you want to vomit up your porridge. It's disgusting, it really is vile and the delays and the keeping in the dark are basically because the glazers want to get a little bit more money."
"The decisions that we're seeing here clearly sound like they're more money motivated than doing what's right for the franchise motivated."
"When people say it's not about the money, it's about the money."
"You don't want to believe... the only person that you think is there for you... will sell you out for some money."
"A lot of these companies' decisions are based on monetary things."
"We're not interested in the money. It was really knowing that Jim was a perpetrator."
"He's not suing for the children, that is in Criminal Court, he is suing on behalf of him but arguing that some of why he needs the money is that it will go to the children."
"They basically just push their propaganda through these networks, and sure, it's like they try to make money, but at the same time, it seems like there's almost more focus on the propaganda lately."
"Ask how can I help, not how can I make money."
"Just the only thing is he's the one to always benefit it's wild how that works out right follow the money remember remember how these things happen."
"Everybody and their moms want to just hop on rap just because it's an easy moneymaker."
"It becomes more about who gets the money and who's going to be successful by the end of the film."
"Exploiting us is lucrative. A lot of people want to keep those systems in place because it's lucrative." - Cube
"We fail because we are run by bankers we are run by people who want money out the club every good football club in history has a vision roman abramovich for all his problems wants chelsea to be the best football team in the world."
"The reality is a minority cannot speak for a majority."
"You don't want to do research just for the sake of getting a PhD or making money."
"This is gonna be a way for us to generate more recurring revenue streams so it's a cash grab."
"They're actors. They know they're lying to you. They'll lie to you whatever it takes just to make sure they're earning that money."
"We are helping America devalue our need in this world by constantly misrepresenting ourselves on TV and radio for money."
"The financial motive in this case was the $1 million life insurance policy."
"It's all about money y'all, it's all about money and control."
"We're just trying to save a million people. Yeah, we're not trying to make a million bucks."
"They're trying to tell you what you can and can't do with your own property."
"Anyone who goes into any sort of content creation strictly as a means to make money isn't going to get very far."
"In conclusion, of course, it's about the money, obviously it's about the money when what Crowder is initially offered is against what a conservative estimate of what he could make on his own."
"He's sounding a little bit like a gold digger."
"We are all we have right now is each other that's it we are all we have we don't have our governments we don't have the media we only have each other when it comes to honest non-sharing and that is a fact."
"I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to make money off of helping people with their mental health."
"There's a point where you can want to help somebody else while at the same time wanting to make money."
"It's all about the money because I am cleanly telling you right now what's happening with the farmer protests across Europe."
"Running for president isn't really about trying to be president... they want press attention, they want to sell books, they want speaking fees." - Tommy Vitor
"We're only divided mentally because the news has made us divided. Why does the news divide us? For money."
"To them, a show of godliness is just a way to become wealthy."
"That's true... there's a financial incentive."
"The glazers will probably sell it to the person offering more, even if they're like the glazers."
"The glazers just want to keep their money for as long as they can."
"When people all of a sudden flood a movement with money always question their motives."
"It's better to live in the truth than a lie if you've been putting false fronts to make money it's time to remove that mask."
"Most people don't have a business to just go and make more money."
"So when we hear these analysts claim you know oh you know I got this huge position you have to always take a step back and go what's the real motive."
"Harry and Meghan always come up with these lofty goals or they tell people they're these great leaders and influencers, and yet at the very end of the day, they're really just after the money."
"The financialization of the food industry: the primary determinance of almost every action that happens in almost every food company that supplies say 90% of our calories—all the indicators are financial."
"Follow the money whose interests are being served."
"It's more of a money ploy, and that's why I like what you have to offer."
"There's a saying: 'Follow the money' to see who's really profiting from this."
"Follow the money. It's absolutely right. There's no question about that."
"It's not that complicated... It's because of money."
"Make a neighborhood that you want to live in, not just one that makes you money."
"Why is it that all artists talk about is money? Money, that's the true meaning of art."
"One of the things that I did when I was doing my research, and it's just my main philosophy, is when you have two conflicted informations about the exact same thing, first trust the one that doesn't make money."
"If we wanted to we could do that... but everybody trying to get some money... ain't nobody trying to lose their life right now."
"This isn't just about money, it's about consolidating control over society."
"It's class warfare... Follow the money trail."
"I'll choose the guy who's losing money from public office over the guy who wants to get elected to make money."
"Follow the money... you'll find out why a lot of what's going on is going on."
"They're making money out of it and like protecting the truth of the people that what they really are a bunch of corrupt idiot democrat."
"When you play with fire to make a little more money and other people get burned, that talent is irrelevant."
"The propaganda, the brainwashing that's going on, it's immense. People are exaggerating the truth for money. They're liars."
"I've never made a decision based off my life with money being the motive."
"I'm sure it was financially driven more than story driven."
"That's such a shame, she only came back in his life for the millions of dollars."
"You never see dogs hurting each other for money."
"Expect positive changes because somebody only wanted you for money or only wanted your money."