
Mess Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Mess is a serious psychological deterrent. Clutter can create stress and reduce productivity and affect our relationships."
"I've made an absolute mess but I have made the most heavenly guacamole."
"I'm so excited to mess all this up."
"That's what's really cool about the detailing and cleaning industry; we're always down to clean the messier and more mouse poop."
"My childhood was an absolute nightmare, so needless to say, I turned out to be an absolute mess."
"My son had a snack in the car. What, make a mess?"
"Don't worry about making a mess, we're cooking in the kitchen and that's what you do when you cook."
"Ah, so much to improve on. You’re making a mess down below, ya know?"
"If they make a mess, it'll clean up. If they don't, you might get a dish you can't eat. That's okay, let them get in there and experiment."
"If you're not making a mess in the kitchen, you're not doing it right."
"Am I a mess? Absolutely. In my element."
"This whole thing is such a mess, what has our world turned into? I mean really, it's so sad, isn't it? Just makes me real sad."
"And that was actually a mess and it was so much fun."
"All those sliding sticks, you know, they're just everywhere."
"Life with kids: clean one mess, find another – but it's all worth it for those smiles."
"What a beautiful mess, a Southern Christmas."
"To avoid any mess on the way to the oven, you can place your rack on top of the roasting tray just to avoid any dripping in your kitchen."
"17-car pileup. Big pileup. Big mess."
"Get a nice shot of this because let me tell you, this is a lot of oil."
"Everywhere I look, every corner I turn, every set of doors I open, there's a mess somewhere."
"It's just it's just it's just a mess."
"My dating history is kind of a mess."
"I started trying to rate some of the Dr out and it started leaking out and made a huge mess."
"He's the god of my storm, the god of my mess."
"The strongest message comes from the biggest mess."
"The garbage plate... It's a hot mess. It is a wonderful hot mess."
"He's just gonna finish that off now and I seriously gotta clean up here. He's left a big mess on the floor here."
"It's freaking perfect, this is going to help make this, I'm a mess today."
"You've got a mess of a life. Well done."
"...it's a freakin' mess, it's a garage sale in here."
"This is a real life kitchen and I tend to make a lot of messes, but I do try to clean up my messes as I go."
"They don't understand. It's a mess, a lot of immature. There's a lot of you're a small evil genius."
"What a mess you are, the most decent straightforward woman I have ever met."
"Parties will always be messy and you know that's the fun in them is that you can make the messes and then clean them up later and all is well."
"What a mess and then you hang it in your shower don't look at that I said don't look at it instead look how cute my shower looks."
"Feels like flour, looks like cocoa. I'm making a mess. What's DIY if you're not having fun?"
"Crafting with resin is worth the mess—it's so much fun!"
"I've got cereal over my fingers. It wasn't bad, surprisingly."
"I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that my house doesn't look like a mess because it does."
"Housework isn't a project that we can finish. It's a series of messes that we make when we're home."
"Choose where you want everything carefully, and yeah, and embrace and enjoy the mess is what I'll say. And then you can have a little tidy up once you're done, which I'll do now."
"We've got to start somewhere here, figuring out why we're in such a mess."
"This is a messy recipe. It's a mess opee, you know."
"We're making memories and most of the time memories equals messes."
"Glitter is the couscous of arts and crafts. It gets everywhere, it's like the packing peanuts of arts and crafts."
"I may be a mess, but I'm doing my best."
"Everything in there is just a complete and utter mess."
"The world isn't tidy, it's a mess. I don't try to make it neat."
"But honestly, you don't have to. You have proven your worth just by watching all this mess. Now, I hate to be rude, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I don't like the way you've been eyeing my garbage. It's mine. I said get out, but do come back whenever."
"Because that's what happens when you cook, yeah, it's inevitable you make a mess."
"Cooking in the garage today. No mess with all that egg dye in the house."
"Who cares if the back of your car is messy? I mean, there's science experiments in the back of my car now."
"My hands are covered in dust, it's like little dust all over the place, so everything's very slippery right now."
"hoods can be a hot mess not unlike a Philly cheese steak with too much cheese whips"
"You are loved right now in this mess."
"If you don't make a mess, you're not a pro Chef."
"Adults make mess. That's how we learn."
"There's a silent majority of this country... waking up to the mess that we're living in."
"This project makes a huge mess, so be patient with yourself and your craft area."
"God can get you out of the mess you're in."
"Let's embrace the chaos, embrace the mess."
"It just gets super messy, it's sticky and you have to use a scraper to kind of clean it up."
"It's a hot mess, but I thought it was really cute anyway."
"Imagine we get there, this is like a glitter mess."
"Slime in a bag - contained mess, endless fun."
"I'm just making a hugely gigantic mess here, but I just want to show you all the different possible things you can do."
"There was mashed potatoes smeared all over the bedroom door, on the wall in various places."
"Wow, I made a huge freaking mess if you guys can see, but it was worth it."
"I know when a mess is about to be made. It's like a Spidey sense I have. It just goes off, and I'm like, 'Yep, a mess is about to happen.'"
"Christ is born right into this mess. He's here to redeem it all."
"Look at this, it's just juice going everywhere all over my cutting board."
"um hello I made a mess because I made banana bread and I didn't have your help"
"...it's a much much safer mess..."
"This is a psychological mess, right here."
"Stains on the other hand, this one's also very liquidy."
"All this junk was stuck in there."
"That's what works really well but it makes a huge mess: real Grease."
"What a horrible mess and it's something I think can be easily prevented."
"When he's done, you're going to see something beautiful out of all this mess."
"The mess only exists so that the miracle can be even greater."
"I've taken the fluff off because it was just... they were like 2 pounds but yeah I've taken the fluff off so we're left with just these mess."
"No one does that like you said till it's done, it's a mess fam."
"The back door is wide open, the couch looks like it exploded, the rug in the living room and the couch and pretty much every square foot on the bottom floor is dirty."
"It was such a mess in the beginning I was so happy."
"It's well worth having the tools if we're willing to get a little messy."
"That's a lot of curry on the floor."
"I'm too embarrassed to even show it, but you can see the mess on that couch."
"It's not hard to see the mess that happened within Sears as analogous to the mess happening in the rest of our Global competitive economy."
"In the greatest mess, the greatest message will still be preached."
"Ugh. And I have someone's lunch on my hands."
"It was a mess, you might as well call it a dumpster, not a ring."
"The footage was a complete mess, full of mistakes."
"I found chocolate everywhere. It's not my fault."
"It's an absolute mess, but it's a good mess."
"This is the mess I left in my office last night."
"Education got us into this mess, and education's going to get us out."
"That's disgusting, we can just spill mine outside too."
"So, I'm the Julia Child of painting, if I can make a mess of it, I will for sure."
"I love the fact that I can wipe them off so of course kids make messes they spill stuff all of that"
"The mess always has to get bigger before it gets better, right?"
"This album was a [__] mess. It's just incoherent, chock-full of cliches."
"Thank you guys for watching the video. Dude, that is all over me."
"You see what I said about making a mess earlier?"
"The mess your mess is God's miracle."
"...even if you're just making a mess, it's still progress."
"Oh no, I spilled the sticky purple stuff."
"God will use this mess for something good."
"It looks like Christmas has vomited all over our kitchen."
"Sometimes we don't see the mess 'cause we're making memories."
"You all have destroyed this living room, definitely looks like one of them typical nights after some waffles and maple syrup."
"Don't discount your mess; those may be the very things that qualify you to change other people's lives."
"This is an organized mess, that's what I like to call it anyway."
"No matter how careful you are, you're going to make a mess. It's just how it is."
"If you're going to make a mess, you might as well be good at it."
"It can be called a muddle or a mélange or indeed a mess if you like."
"Just try not to worry about the mess as much, as hard as it is, don't worry about the mess until you're done."
"It was a chocolate massacre on that bus."
"Hey everybody, wanna make a mess? This is a fun mess we can make today."
"You've got to make sure you're on top of the cleanup because it can be messy stuff."
"I think the joy is worth the mess."
"I feel like once you clean one room, you make another messy."
"Sometimes you've got to make a mess before you make it better."
"Somewhere where I could paint, I like doing contemporary art, so I make a lot of mess, a lot of splashing around with paints."
"It's a controlled type of mess, something that looks more intentional than it does a mistake."
"It will look a little bit like a Law and Order scene here by the time I'm done with all this."
"Sometimes you don't know the best way to start because the pigs are always gonna make a mess."
"He can take a mess and make a masterpiece."
"Goodness, Peter, what a mess! Peter, clean this junk up right now!"
"It looked like a fight at a Taco Bell, like a sand castle that Bigfoot made solely with his feet."
"If you're not making a mess in the kitchen, then you're doing something wrong."
"It's a big mess, big wet nasty mess to clean up, but again the good news is nobody hurt."
"Sorry about the mess, my kids are making memories."
"We human beings have created this mess."
"Oh wow, it's working. It's all over the ceiling."
"Don't be embarrassed by the messes that you have in your home; we're in this together."
"Encourage the playing, encourage the mess; you're not going to have this forever."
"Sometimes we have to make a mess before we clean things up."