
Economic Speculation Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Soros built his career by betting on the collapse of entire economies."
"Once it becomes public knowledge that paper notes are being backed by gold then the in my opinion the the value of gold is going to rise huge."
"There's a value in salt. Salt used will be more valuable than gold in a true grid down situation."
"If we get back to fifty thousand dollars, surely we've gotta be heading back to bullish territory."
"People are starting to speculate on the idea that this might be the future world reserve currency."
"If we wind up coming down and making a lower low, this is what's interesting..."
"The only way it makes sense in my opinion is because the market's actually thinking like, 'Well, it's there's still hope it's temporary.'"
"If the stock price reached 175, this investment firm would go bankrupt, they would be worth zero dollars, they would be destroyed, billions of dollars gone, like that."
"Everything comes back to if Bitcoin is going to go down to 12 or 9,000, it's hard to imagine a scenario where at least Ethereum doesn't decline somewhat, right?"
"A lot of people are speculating on bitcoin as a form of digital gold."
"China knows that the dollar is slowly dying."
"I think we're in a little bit of a blockchain bubble right now mostly because people are really more hyped on the notion of the value being created than they are actually creating value."
"It's really incredible that it's happening so fast at this point because the price is getting so parabolic that it's looking like some type of a blow-off top should be happening just hard to predict time."
"Is there something much worse underneath the hood in the plumbing of the financial system that is about to break?"
"Bears being exhausted; could this be the bottom for Bitcoin and stocks?"
"Is the housing market gonna collapse? Thanks for asking, Maxwell."
"Will the markets drop another 50% from here? I mean, things are bad."
"Bitcoin is a pure hyperbolic speculation against government deficits and confidence in government."
"Once we get near 3,000, they're going to push it to 3,000 flat, 5,000, then in the following who knows several weeks and in the following months 10,000."
"But the thing is given that the timing is a few months away and the current time is fine I don't really expect the Adani Saga to play out on the Indian economy."
"Miami, Florida, is the most inflated market; I think it's insane."
"Is this a beginning of a revival rally in gold? I think so."
"Do you think that is going to go to zero and we're going to go back to this incredibly dull and bizarre way of using money? Please God."
"Where do you land like do you line to a point where you know the economy grows at half a percent one percent no recession inflation is back to two and a half to three percent right?"
"Bitcoin could one day replace the world's Reserve currency."
"If people in mass lose faith in bitcoin and don't care at all about bitcoin in the slightest then yeah certainly I think bitcoin would in that case die."
"The bubble will eventually burst; it's just a question of when and what is going to cause it."
"Maybe it could be wrong but maybe just maybe is it possible that inflation does end up proving to be transitory."
"Do the world's financial leaders know something we don't?"
"You're betting on how fast the dollar gonna go down."
"Putin may run out of money at the end of the day."
"So will does that mean higher prices for consumers again it depends on what the product is but it doesn't have to be that much higher quite frankly."
"Gold is rallying because it knows the central bank is probably just going to rip everybody off via inflation again."
"This would be the line in the sandal... watch if we continue to see a pullback over the next couple of weeks."
"Once you realize that, it still implies that gold goes to the moon."
"I think that the market capitalization will ultimately go to approximately 10 trillion dollars this market cycle plus or minus a few trillion."
"Until further clarity from the Fed and until the market makes up its mind on which theme it wants to follow, all of these moves, be it up or down, cannot be trusted."
"Be careful what you wish for. If you say, 'Oh, we have a lot of damage in the economy because of these banks and the FED has to back off,' if the Fed does that, you will see a massive rebound in commodities led by energy."
"XRP probably won't hit 10K because I think that the currency resets before then."
"Take away every gang in L.A., imagine how that would be, just money everywhere."
"If el salvador was to do this... you could have you know hundreds of billions of dollars."
"The world over, zero percent rates got people thinking about anything and everything they wished to speculate."
"Imagine a world where Bitcoin becomes a reserve currency."
"To what extent do you think we will stop seeing 'Made in China'?"
"It's like a burger I never thought I'd ever wish for the market to not go up dramatically but let's just let's argue the mark went to 16 000 tomorrow."
"The market's been expensive for a while. The difference between a speculative market and a bubble is that a bubble pervades society."
"So for them looking forward, the United States of America and by extension the Western world would look like a post-scarcity civilization."
"Russia would be in much better shape economically in this timeline."
"Is it unlikely to think about in the next two, three, four years, we could be at a... 50 trillion, 100 trillion? I mean, why not?"
"Ethereum has higher potential than Bitcoin. How much higher can it get? I mean, my gosh, it's a trillion dollar market cap."
"NFTs may continue rallying for quite a while."
"The only value of bitcoin is with the other guy I'll pay for it."
"The dollar has been scheduled for demolition."
"Bitcoin mining, number one, the biggest holders of Bitcoin out there. Early miners, number two. When things start exploding and price starts going up, why do you think that is? It's the miners driving the price."
"Bitcoin can never go to zero because I will buy every single last Bitcoin that's for sale at a penny a piece."
"If only the Eurozone countries hadn't been part of the Eurozone, things would be magically better."
"The journey to a six-figure bitcoin between one to 200k would likely not end in 2021 but likely extend beyond."
"Bitcoin will hit that mark... it's gonna be more rare than diamonds."
"Who knows in the future one satoshi could be equal to what we would consider 10."
"What might cause this balloon to pop? It could blow up at any moment."
"The terminal price of Bitcoin if it gets full adoption is at least 10 times the monetary value of gold."
"What would the economy look like if the stock market went down by 50 percent?"
"I've started to question now whether or not cryptocurrency could actually become the reserve currency of the world."
"But let’s imagine for a moment that a super-rich person didn’t have such a card or for whatever reason wanted to buy something worth millions of dollars not with a credit card, but cash."
"I know with my whole body that these watches will be worth more. I bet you I can buy a beach Daytona around 50 at some point if I stalked it out, sure, right? We seem to be on the brink of economic joke, yep."
"What silver does have that gold does not is what I guess I'd call a lottery ticket possibility. Silver could double like it did in 2011."