
British Politics Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"It's been a seismic time in British politics, probably the most seismic time in British politics since 1945."
"George Galloway...is one of the most tenacious, resilient personalities in British politics...he always comes back."
"The status quo is now with us and lo and the most difficult thing in British politics and around the world - but specifically the most difficult thing in British politics is overturning the status quo given our electoral system and everything else."
"The rift-sized hole in Scottish politics, and perhaps in British politics as well, left by Ruth Davidson's departure."
"When the British people speak, their voice will be respected, not ignored."
"British politics has quickly changed from left versus right to leave versus remain."
"There has rarely been a more bizarre day in British politics."
"Well, we have a party system in Britain and that's how most of these things are measured."
"Convince me that this is not the British equivalent of Donald Trump's big lie."
"Robert Walpole invents the Office of Prime Minister."
"Gladstone and Disraeli labored long and hard to bring these problems under control."
"Now whatever the gender of the participants, there are women of color colleagues who are standing up to this government's reckless gamble with Britain's future."
"I believe the best people to govern Britain are the British people themselves."
"Johnson's fall has been particularly striking considering that just two and a half years ago this British Prime Minister was able to reap a resounding electoral success, the largest Conservative majority since the days of Margaret Thatcher."
"Britain could break away from its relationship with hereditary privilege by just bulldozing the House of Lords."
"I think Mrs. May will go as leader this summer." - Nigel Farage
"Boris Johnson is a help, not a hindrance, in keeping the union intact."
"Determining what is an acceptable sacrifice has historically led to some of the most contentious, perennial political issues in history."
"The Conservatives are literally the one thing in the British political system right now that isn't a total piece of [ __ ]."
"Elections do not give you the opportunity to express that in Britain, but this referendum did."
"Dominic Cummings set himself the task of revolutionizing British government."
"He has dominated political life in this country for over a year now."
"The British state is at the center of this moral failure."
"The whole of British politics is going to depend on the outcome of it."
"As time went by it marked him out more and more as the man to lead Britain in her forthcoming life and death struggle."
"In this fractured state of Britain, really the only unity is the crown."
"British politics when done well can be very fun."
"Boris did say at the election, 'Get Brexit done.'"
"The most important vote in modern British history."
"It was a shock, on june the 4th, in a great debate in the house of commons churchill announces solemnly that if necessary england will fight to the end."
"Politicians in general lie a bit, don't they? But the Tories in particular are Masters at it."
"The only meaningful fight in Britain now is between the elites and the people."
"There is now a very big opening in British politics."
"We in Britain have reasserted... our sovereignty in the most reasonable and decent manner possible."
"Pitt did have ideas, pit was a reforming prime minister he's probably one of the most important Prime Ministers that Britain's ever had."
"The fact that you have a parliament partly behind her which doesn't support her but which also doesn't have the balls to be able to get rid of her... It's the most British situation, do you not think?"
"Let's never forget that that happened in British public life."
"The greatest change to the British States in a generation."
"The next big scandal in British politics will be lobbying."
"One of the most remarkable things about what happened in British politics in the last decade is the way in which our two parties have managed still to survive dominating our politics despite the way in which brexit cut across so much of our traditional party loyalties."
"Great Britain is full of great Brits; it's just a shame not enough of them are in politics."
"If we summon the political courage to do what is truly necessary, difficult though it may be, to fight for the British people, we will regain their trust."
"We have a plan which will be put to the British people in an in-out referendum."
"Britain’s political order had continued to insist on being a model of how to do Liberalism right, with incremental reform in contrast to the waves of revolution engulfing Continental Europe."
"It was the hardest, most momentous, most agonizing decision I took in my ten years as a British Prime Minister."
"Britain's constitution is fragile; it relies on members of this house and the custodians of number 10 behaving responsibly, honestly, and in the interest of the British people."
"The British parliamentary vote reflects the shift of attitudes and understanding."
"It is time for the British people to have their say. It is time to settle this European question in British politics."
"It's a big turning point in British politics."
"The new landscape of Britain, very little blue left compared to what it was."
"Never in a British general election we've seen tactical voting on this scale."