
Personal Admiration Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"He's a dog. He is probably the best dude, the best player I've ever been around, period."
"My mind is an incredible thing, and I am constantly in awe of my own capabilities."
"He's such a king. Broke the 30-year spell of liberal rule, saved us from the global financial crisis, grew a beard, now taking on Murdoch. Is there anything this guy can't do?"
"Muhammad Ali was the greatest human being I've ever met."
"Like, I've got so much respect for people like Cole Bennett."
"A wonderful beautiful human being, Klopp's breaking a lot of records."
"I admire you for your dedication to going tiny. It's definitely going to be a change for me, but it's the idea behind it that I'm a fan of."
"It's actually sick he's not just throwing them away. You are the goat, LWIG. You are my king. Keeping you and never change for nobody. You, my North Star, I'd be lost without you. Never leave me."
"I thought very highly of the guys that I competed with."
"I love this dude, so smart, so funny, so cool."
"I really respect her, she's an incredible scientist."
"Pedro has the perfect body, he has a nice smile, he's just... I love me some Pedro."
"She's just so kind and so honest and so real."
"If you think of your heroes... if you stop for a moment and analyze why is it that I look up to that person... it's simply that you're recognizing gifts of God, attributes of Christ."
"Jared's worth ethic was something that i would literally i cannot even just say applaud like i would kiss his feet like every night for like his worth ethic was something that i've never seen anyone be able to do."
"Nikola Tesla was an amazing inventor and if you haven't noticed so far he is also my favorite."
"Miss Viola Davis, you will never be canceled by me."
"He's the guy for the whole region, he is my biggest hero."
"Farage deserves some sort of credit, I see him as a hero of the realm."
"I always admired Jeff... But those just aren't my games." - Warren Buffett
"My sister is my hero for the very reason that she's probably one of the strongest individuals I've ever met."
"I want to work for you because you're amazing. This is how people make a big difference where you work."
"I have been one of your biggest fans my entire life."
"The only thing that got them cheering was when they were assured that President Trump personally loves each and every one of them."
"Bill's the man, dude. I mean, what else are we gonna say, enlightened?"
"I've known many heroes, but to you, you are mine."
"I love you so much, Mia, I'm just going to say you're like such an icon, but."
"You both are people that I really admire and it's not easy admitting when I'm nervous."
"Elon Musk's Fascination with Kanye West: His 'Greatest Inspiration'."
"It's amazing how everyone adores me. Top Geo, you're a hero, you're the best, you're so... it's crazy."
"He is my all-time all-time favorite preacher and dead or alive."
"Roosevelt deeply loved his nation, not just the people and culture, but also the physical land itself."
"You are a better Spider-Man than I will ever be."
"I love her personality, I love her hustle, I mean I love it, I respect it."
"I love QT, I do. I do like QT a little bit. I do. I do and I respect the way he's been late and I love his intensity."
"Somebody like Whoopi Goldberg is like a National Treasure."
"Now Fumi is a self-made man and he's being presented as someone to be admired."
"He's a legend of the game and, you know, he's one of my favorite footballers."
"It's tough too with this narrative and no you listen I love Conor McGregor you guys know there's some big Dublin dick right on Conor."
"I admire him for that that's what I like about the country I like a can-do attitude..."
"Can we give him a standing ovation? I don't give nobody standing ovations, nobody, except for my man Derek Jeter."
"For that value, you're getting one of the best synth sounds in history."
"We love Alvin Kamara, or 'Super K Kumari' as we call him around the show."
"That's why I love Trevor, oh my gosh. That's why I love Trevor."
"You are an exquisite flower in the heavenly garden."
"Jerome Iginla, my favorite non-Leaf of all time."
"You're like the smartest, most talented person I've ever known... as long as you're there with me."
"John Carmack is one of my gods of the gaming industry."
"There's only one Conor McGregor, I love Conor."
"It's Mariah freakin Carey and if you really know Mariah Carey I've been following her since 1992."
"I have to say personally, from all I have read, I now have a lot of respect for Yasushi. I adore a man who so stubbornly sticks to what he wants to create regardless of what other idiots often have to say about it."
"Eric is maybe the smartest dude I know, just on a raw IQ level."
"She's awesome, she's beautiful, she's successful, and it's her energy."
"I love Pat McAfee. He's a man. Love him to death."
"Yo yo she is she's art like she's a masterpiece like this is amazing Lake I love it I love it."
"My father is probably the best thing that's ever happened in U.S politics."
"Beauty, everything about you is perfect to me."
"If Belichick never wins another Super Bowl, I still love Bill Belichick, I still love Tom Brady."
"Aaronsolo is actually a former tag partner of mines and may I add, a black belt in karate. Yes, karate, and I am a fan of Aaron Solo, and I'm not a fan of many people."
"It's tough that he wasn't able to make it even as a bench player. I admire his dedication and passion."
"Penn State recruiting Clark was one of those moves that you're like Russ, I love what you're about right now."
"He was a legend of a man, what a legend of a man."
"You are the best person I've ever met in my whole life."
"He's the greatest, he's the greatest to ever do it out here."
"I feel like no one ever spoke about how amazing they are."
"Are you doing the way his brain fires? Yeah, yeah it's incredible. No thank you, keep going, be you."
"But his intensity and commitment were so incredible that I just fell in love with him even more."
"She's special, she's very special, and she's different."
"I like Izzy as a person and as a champ more than I've liked most Fighters."
"Mike Moustakas, I'll never forget him, gotta rep my Greek boys."
"He is always authentically himself and I got to tell you I just love that about him."
"Vince is my hero when it comes... this kind of tops that now."
"My mother was the most wonderful person in the world, everybody says it, but their mother, no they don't." - Bill Shankly
"He was one of the hardest working people I met."
"Selene, you're a queen. Thank you for showing us the way."
"He would not give up until it was physically impossible for him to walk and I always like admired that."
"I really like Michael Antone. He's a smart guy."
"New York City is gritty, tough, beautiful, artsy, eclectic... New York City is [__] awesome!"
"Among the many virtuous individuals Walter had encountered, Kylie stood out."
"I love Ronaldo, he'll always be a legend to me."
"The girl stole my heart, the talent okay she deserves the entire world."
"Zoey Kravitz is so pretty, she's another person who could just do no wrong with fashion for me."
"I love what he represents, I love what he does for the sport."
"I really look up to him as a quarterback, him as a person."
"He's just amazing. I mean, I love Derrick Rose. I really do love Derrick Rose."
"Rarely in my life have I met an individual with a bigger heart as Miss Jean."
"I think Ryan's basically my Jesus Christ, he saved me."
"There's always that element of you don't know what she's going to do on that next breath, which is so cool. That's the cool thing about her, just she's just so cool, and I just want to be her friend. Is that too much to ask? Too much to ask?"
"I love who he is as a person. Like, I know his struggles, I know his journey, and I just respect him and appreciate him so much for it. And he's a strong man, and he's amazing."
"What I loved about Les is that he really, really, uh, loved the Earth, loved the subject matter, and was able to retain information because he cared about it."
"Your beauty reflected by the Stars; your essence is the air that I breathe."
"I'm never gonna turn away from a guy who's dedicated to his craft."
"He is probably the most eloquent educated football fan I've ever seen."
"I love the attitude, I love him as a person, I love him as the top contender."
"He was such a legend for the club... when I even first started supporting Chelsea he was one of the first legends."
"It's legitimately unbelievable to me that anybody could be around Taylor and not be fully in love with her."
"I'm big on friendly neighborhood Spiderman, Batman, like a Bruce Wayne."
"It's LeBron James bro that's that there that's that there that man."
"Clay is admired within, he's admired without and you can't put into words what he means to our team, means to our fans, our coaching staff, his teammates."
"Keanu Reeves is a Canadian actor, director, producer, rock musician, businessman, and just an amazing person."
"Listen, Linda, you are the most beautiful woman that ever existed, like to him she was Elizabeth Taylor."
"Joe, if you're watching this, you're my hero. Thank you."
"Jurgen Klopp to me is just a breath of fresh air... hate saying it but he's a likable guy."
"You gotta really respect somebody like EJ Liddell."
"To me, he seems like a man who is hard after the truth... and I think he'd enjoy it."
"I seriously love her so much. She's like one of the most amazing people in this community."
"I noticed Casey's beautiful face and blue-green eyes, like swimming pools."
"All that to also say Hozier I love you Hozier if you wanted to release an entire album of just you singing Irish folk songs I would buy it and I would push it and I would get it tattooed on my entire body and also bring back Bluegrass 2023."
"I love this for him 'cause he does have a great personality."
"I think you're a hell of a man, hell of a family man, hell of a player."
"I like that about her, I like that vulnerability about her, you know cuz I like she's so invincible."
"Wolf is daddy as hell... I would just listen to him read the wine menu."
"Linda was a champ. She was the ultimate mother. She was my female version."
"Dan James is the most decent man I've ever met."
"Gene Hackman fit for me this is... one of my heroes."
"What do you think of Melinda's efforts? Melinda's is very courageous and a strong person."
"ReNera is Daddy. She's so strong and badass. She's pretty damn great, teenage problems and all, and the emotional struggling. She's a..." - Matthew Medina
"The whole thing is just gorgeous, and I've never seen another guitar like it."
"You're my favorite person, OMG, and a top-tier poet."
"I actually respect you because you're such a competitor."
"Felix... he's a highlight of the year... I'm a fan of Felix."
"I have very good feelings about her." - Truly Lin expressing admiration.
"Ethan especially, we were just saying this before we started rolling, gotta be probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. I think so, I think he might be number one."
"You look so cute, I don't want to make it weird but you're just a little cutie in my heart."
"She's one of the best human beings I've ever met in my entire life."
"I really do... it's the coolest community ever."
"Kevin Durant was spectacular. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna get me an Olympic Kevin Durant jersey because, yeah, he was on some other issue the other night."
"I'm such a big fan of makeup and I'm such a big fan of you."
"I'm always gonna be a big fan. I love his grit, I love his style."
"She's one of the most brilliant people you're ever going to meet in your life."
"Win, lose, draw, dude, you're my freakin hero."
"I'm already obsessed with her. She's so cute."
"You see why we like Craig Jackson, he drives his car."
"I'm still a fan I'll still give you your roses even here today even after that I'll still [ __ ] you still was one of my favorites growing up so we gotta give roses man."
"How can anyone not fall in love with his steel blue eyes?"
"I think he's a beautiful young man, I really do. You know, his stature, his face, his body, I think he's beautiful."
"You called them out on their BS and that's that's exactly why they kind of love you."
"She was multi-dimensional and I think that's the reason why I really liked her."
"He's a phenomenal... I think he's one of the best storytellers ever. He is so fucking good at telling a story."
"He's just a normal dude but a really damn good one."
"Charlie Gillespie has been an incredible band leader, an incredible role model, an incredible friend."
"You're not just a hero, but you'd make an amazing movie."
"He is just one awesome vampire and I mean that. He's an awesome person who happens to be a vampire but he's also just one damn awesome vampire."
"Happy birthday bird, you are such a beautiful spirit full of strength and goodness."
"Unlike every other character I've talked about in One Piece, this is someone that I legitimately respect. I respect as a human, I respect as a man, I respect as a living entity."
"Brian is an amazing person, an amazing talent, and an amazing role model."
"I aspire to be like Russell Brand, the wokest man I know."
"She's beautiful obviously and it's beyond the external. You know, being just a strong independent woman and multi-dimensional."
"The Red Baron became Germany's biggest hero and was idolized so much that soldiers would carry pictures of him in their pockets."
"I just respect his old-school fighter's mentality and his whole style."
"Honestly, you have no idea how much I admire and respect you."
"All I can say about Owen Hart is I hope that I can be as good a man as him so that I can see him again someday." - Admirable qualities of Owen Hart
"I mean, she's so beautiful. I love her so much. She was definitely the best dressed, in my opinion too."
"Said as much [__] as I talk like you are one of my favorite drag queens just in like the cleverness and the smartness of your drag and the attainability and you."
"He's fucking amazing, dude, he's fucking amazing."
"He's respectable guy, he's honest, love him."
"I love this documentary. I was always a Beckham fan from afar."
"You can just tell that there's an anointing on her, and I don't know, I love her so much."
"As far as inspirations, some of the people that I really, really looked up to are people like Bill Hicks and George Carlin."
"Josh Bodi, you are a truly remarkable human."
"Connor is a true Soldier. You gotta love a dude that's right or die."
"Wow, Amanda is such a good surgeon. I cannot believe how talented she is."
"Beautiful man, Dario, incredible house dude. I'm very impressed."
"She's inspiring to me, I love it. She's gonna be awesome."
"I just, I love that dude, man. He was telling amazing stories about Phil Jackson, I'll tell you that."
"They really admire your grace and your character."
"I find you a remarkable man and somebody that history should remember."
"I love what he did. What a beautiful human being."
"Sir Alex Ferguson could tell me to f off in the streets and maybe he would but I would still love the guy."
"I am in love I've been on record many times saying how this is my dream car."
"I do appreciate it. Cub's ability to grind like whatever he's using caffeine wise I need some of that."
"You're a queen, you know, you're beautiful. I'm so, I'm so sorry, Queen."
"I love this guy, he's the greatest guy I know, period."
"I'm with Dennis on this one Scorsese for me it's an event when he puts out a movie so you know I hope his career goes on for another 30 40 years but you know there's only so many movies we're gonna get so make him as long as you can I don't care."
"They think you're really special, really magical."
"That was the most impressive thing I've ever seen."
"He was a gunslinger like I was and I respected him for that."
"This person finds you to be very physically beautiful and they definitely see you as someone who deserves a lot more of their dedication and deserves a lot more of their compassion."
"Your strength is the most inspiring thing I've ever witnessed."
"Thank you, Ricky Henderson, for being the quintessential iconic one-of-a-kind baseball player and one-of-a-kind man."
"I'm going well that's really impressive right that's really amazing that's pretty good."
"Shout out to Sir Charles Barkley man God damn I [ __ ] love that guy man he made it he made a kid's dream come true being able to just hang with him like this."
"You're crushing it, bro. You're one of my favorite people to talk to."
"I love Solskjaer. I think he was a top person because, like what I keep inside my heart, it's the heart of the person."
"That's the man, I love to do, man. He won a Super Bowl."
"She is everything that I believe she was from the jump. When she wins something, it feels like the whole world won. It's nice."
"No one's done [__] like that and obviously like I don't know I got I just love how again she inspires me so much."
"The queen was always my favorite royal, and I'm so saddened by her death."
"He's an animal, dude. Him and Four Brothers, which is one of my favorite people."
"I think he's a legend. I was actually blown away."
"He's got a super impressive as a big man and I'm happy I got to see him a lot." - John Wooden
"Deepti is hands down like the most amazing person inside and out."
"Porsha you are beautiful you are charismatic you're funny you're cute intelligent."
"There's so much beauty in that sacrifice, in their love."
"One has to wonder if James Gandolfini ever really knew how amazing he was."
"I have such a special relationship with my mom like I just admire her so much she's such a strong woman she's for sure one of the greatest role models in my life."
"Let's keep Doyle and his family in our thoughts and prayers. The man was a living legend and he still remains a legend, at least in my book."
"I just think my wife is like the ultimate human being. I just think she's amazing."
"Jimmy Buffett wasn't just some guy... He's the king of being chill and enjoying yourself."