
Freedom Fight Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice, but I quit."
"The only way this thing turns around is if good people fight for freedom."
"The whole point of fighting for freedom is sometimes a lot of people die for Freedom."
"The struggle for freedom had broken out greater than the world had ever seen before."
"By any fair accounting of the situation, the goblins have every right to kill their way to freedom."
"Let us give the Ukrainians the tools to finish the job. They're fighting for our freedom as well."
"The only reason Ukraine still exists is because Ukrainians are literally ready to die for their freedom."
"It's about fighting for liberty and the right to take back freedom by force if necessary."
"We're against it, we're fighting against it because if they win we're all slaves."
"Will you fight for your freedom? This may be the most important fight in America."
"You gotta fight for it. If you don't, you're gonna lose it."
"The decisive victory of the Ukrainian forces for freedom is very close."
"Eren fought them because he knew that once the titans were all gone, humanity would have its freedom back."
"Juneteenth is that holiday that encompasses it all. If you don't fight for freedom, if you don't continue to make certain that your children understand what it is to be free and to fight fully, then you will lose."
"This new reality is not that we enjoy our freedom and democracies but we fight for them."
"The war is for our freedom. Without our freedom, we're not marching on anything."
"Always fight for what you believe in like Patrick Henry. Give me liberty or give me death!"
"This isn't a war about Ukraine... this is a war about freedom."
"Aggression will be met with decisive action and the Ukrainian people will not give up their fight for freedom and sovereignty."
"Critical thinking and looking at things from different perspectives is always how we learn."
"As an indigenous population, we should not demand that we sit down and negotiate with our oppressors for basic freedom and basic human rights."
"It's not the first time that the fight for freedoms has been on the back of what is a relatively minor criminal charge. We're going to keep fighting."
"Each of the nine titans has a name to describe it. Throughout history, this titan's marched in the vanguard. It has ever pushed forward seeking freedom. And for freedom's sake, it fights. Therefore, it's called the Attack Titan."
"If we do not remain engaged, if we do not stand and speak, if we do not fight back, we will find we've become captives, slaves in a system that cares nothing for us, our children, or our well-being."
"There are some things worth fighting for, and Ukraine's fight for freedoms resonates incredibly strongly."
"We're fighting for freedom. We're not going to stand down."
"Hassan Rowhani, the good people of Iran have the power fight for your freedom."
"We are a nation that conquers terror, millions of people who each in his own place bring closer the decisive day, the Day of Victory in the war for our freedom."
"They're actually right. It's not easy to fight for your freedom. It really isn't."
"The world will not know that free men stood against the tyrants."
"Our main goal right now is to fight tyranny."
"People fought for freedom and people suffered for us to be standing here right now."
"Live as a slave? Because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom..."
"Even if there was a chance of a snowball in hell that black people would ever be free, I would still be a free black man and go down swinging."
"The people out there who have been fighting for freedoms and pushing back against the tyranny, you know, they are the only reason that the government would be relaxing these harsh lockdowns and these restrictions."
"It tells us we are a people who despise oppression and embrace freedom, and that we are willing to fight and if need be die for those ideals."
"Democracy had found its champion—a people who were willing to fight, to free themselves of a king."
"Turn your eyes, your wings, your fire, to the land across the sea where dragons are poisoned and dragons are dying, and no one can ever be free."
"If the Greeks hadn't won, the whole notion of fighting for freedom, of Freedom or death, that would not have come through so forcefully."
"To all the patriots from Ukraine who are out there fighting the communist invaders and putting their lives on the line for their freedom, I salute them."
"We're only two generations away from our grandparents fighting in World War II, and they fought for our freedoms."
"It's hard for me not to root for a guy whose sole purpose right now is to defend the last free cities against this conquering empire."
"The British were alone fighting to preserve their freedom against the marauding Nazi forces."
"It's really interesting to note that how many people don't know about the 1811's labor bolt even though it is one of the most incredible fights for freedom that ever happened on American soil."
"Madame X is a secret agent traveling around the world, changing identities, fighting for freedom, bringing light to dark places."
"Fight like hell for your freedom; it's what humans do when they have a taste of it."
"Despite facing immense hardships and being disabled, he never lost hope and fought for his freedom."
"For those you killed, and for being a stranger on a world that does not want you, and against the day when Mars is free, I leave you."
"Our brothers and sisters are going home to fight for the freedom of their brothers and sisters."
"We will not surrender, not out of stubborn pride, but because we have learned painfully what it means to be free."
"We started this for Earth, now we fight for all who want freedom," Nathan gripped her shoulder firmly.