
Political Shift Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"In times of anxiety, people move right culturally. They have a sense of deep unease about who they are, what kind of world they're living in."
"Far right is moving into Europe's mainstream."
"I just wanted you to watch me swim through piles of money. It's pretty cool."
"I think this will be the one that makes people turn away from the Labor Party and make them a fringe party on the extreme left."
"There's also a shift in the suburbs, and it's moving against the conservative."
"All of the animus towards Bernie Sanders... shows how far the Democrats have moved to the right."
"The culture wars belied a great rightward shift in politics."
"Liberalism is dead, replaced by woke neo-marxism."
"Every single story I hear from someone who walked away from the Democratic Party, yeah it's very simple... I decided to do my own research."
"There may be a big shift leftward when the boomers are no longer voting."
"The Republican party has actually moved to the right."
"The story of Facebook is kind of fascinating in the sense that it used to be celebrated by the left, now it has become persona non grotto, enemy number one for the left."
"White Suburban women are swinging back toward Republicans." - Ben Shapiro
"The Democrats are gone, they're so far left I can't even see them anymore."
"Neo conservatism is dead. Maga is taking over. America First is the future."
"The mood has shifted after the vote of no confidence four weeks ago."
"The real key change here is that the Democrats have taken over the Senate and they now have the House, the Senate, and the presidency."
"The fact that so many more women are moving towards these politics, not because they're dredging up second wave irrelevancies from the 1970s, which was pre-internet and almost prehistoric."
"As the polls flip and they begin to favor across the board the Republicans, let's do this."
"The NRA changed the entire purpose of its existence and became 100 percent about politics."
"Both parties are really increasingly focusing on Hispanic voters... a republican stronghold until 2016, flip blue during the Trump era."
"Georgia used to be solidly Democratic... Suburban voters... becoming more diverse."
"Yeah, it's been happening for a while right? The party has slowly but surely been seeding power to what used to be considered the 'fringe' of the right wing."
"Over time Democrats tack more and more right-wing politics onto their agenda."
"The left decided we're constrained, snip the cord and jump so far left everyone else is left standing there watching them."
"A shift to the right on one issue will open the door to other issues as the popularity of the ideology responsible for the popular shift gains more cultural relevance and political power."
"The move to the left from the Democratic Party is long overdue and it can't wait any longer."
"That is a former Republican who is now going to vote for President Biden if he has the opportunity to over Donal Trump because he knows what's at stake for his children and his grandchildren and the country at large."
"Now, because we have a new president, a president who recognizes we need to depend on science."
"Pennsylvania voter registration Trends are suggesting a massive shift over to the Republicans."
"The fight for free speech and free expression has gone from a left-wing thing to a right-wing thing."
"The Republican party is getting more right-wing... or more racist."
"A barrier broke and a political shift stepped away from Bush and Clinton."
"The story of liberalism in our time is how mainstream liberalism was overtaken by progressives."
"They were moving firmly into the nationalist camp and away from the kind of conservatism that CPAC used to believe in."
"Democracies and republics have taken the power from the king given it to the people."
"I didn't leave the democrat party, the democrat party left me."
"Our Republican base is becoming more populist. The trickle-down policies of the past aren't in style with the base now."
"I believe with the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign with even AOC starting to back away from far left progressive politicians we might be seeing the end the far left in this country as we know it."
"Geffen broke the spell on Hillary Clinton being inevitable for the presidency after soured relations with the Clintons."
"Even people on the left... beginning to turn."
"No, Democrats are deplorable: Why 9 million Obama voters ditch the Democrats and embrace Donald Trump."
"The shift from left to right is happening and we have so much momentum right now."
"Why the Democrats all moved on from Obamacare into Medicare fraud?"
"If we seed leadership, if we're no longer the leader of the Free World, then the world is going to look for different leaders."
"California is ready to turn red, a rebellion against the political class."
"But with the right message, there are an awful lot of Democrat voters that will vote Republican next year."
"Texas has been turning into a lean left facility now because let's hope I still think it's an uphill battle but I think it is moving in that direction."
"So conservative that she's now to the left of Bill Maher on many issues."
"So many Democrats are leaving the party. I think we are going to see another massive wave who are already telling us they plan to vote for Donald Trump coming in November 3rd."
"Trump's moment of Reckoning has finally come."
"For many former Democrats, the mostly peaceful protests were the pivotal moment."
"If you take all the Republican-held districts and average them, they're down to a one-point lead against the Democrats. That's not a wave, that's a tsunami."
"This is more than just a political movement, it's a spiritual movement."
"Generation Z is driving the entire country to the left."
"Young voters as of right now are driving the country to the left."
"Charlie Kirk has become a white nationalist hardcore."
"This day marks a shift from Donald Trump to Donald Triumph."
"Florida went blue by five, North Carolina did go blue by 11."
"There's possibility outside for those who want to move in a left direction as well."
"Minorities and women are leading the red wave."
"The more the left does this, the more they are going to move the overton window for decent normal and good people to reject the radical left."
"There's a growing return to Center politics, away from rabid right-wing movements."
"I've been a lifelong Republican. This is the first time I've ever voted for a Democratic candidate."
"We're no longer going to have a unipolar world; it is now multi-polar."
"I am gen X... but now it's... socialist millennials that we get and turn them into fierce capitalists."
"John Kelly has become more and more openly political."
"It's not abandoning your principles to switch parties; I switched parties in pursuit of my principles."
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"I don't think the left left them I do think that both the right have become more left and the left has become increasingly left."
"Modern world politics no longer allows dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin."
"I am retiring from Twitter... I will vote republican now."
"The middle class, the working class in the Midlands, the north coming over to the Conservatives."
"They changed who they voted for... and this was a non-problem."
"Mainstream media is completely flipping on Justin Trudeau."
"Mary Peltola's victory... is showing a change and difference in tide and direction for these midterm elections."
"Elite opinion at least at some level in the United States is now showing some sign of turning against the war."
"Reagan legitimized a move away from the welfare state consensus."
"Welcome to the club, Bernie Sanders. I'm so glad that you've decided to come around to the free market perspective."
"The Republican Party is becoming the MAGA party, not just from the top level like it was under Trump, but from the grassroots bottom-up level now."
"It is so creepy now... I used to be liberal now I'm conservative."
"The blue wave is now running into a riptide of uncertainty."
"The Democrats are moving away from popular opinion madness complete madness."
"Suddenly there's so many that now have religion and are turning against him I think first of all that's a good thing because they they've now come to an understanding of what this individual did to our country."
"As you go into 1932 though that is where you've got a major realignment that FDR creates this coalition."
"People are switching parties if the democrats keep propping up the far right."
"We've shifted to the right on policy, we've lurched into social conservatism with flag-waving and attacks on so-called wokeness, and the results that we've seen this week have seriously called into question competence."
"Tim Pool, much like Tim Pool, is a deeply silly series. A group of people talking about subjects they know very little about to an audience who knows even less. And over time, his content has been getting increasingly right-wing."
"Right and so this sort of indicates a more move to the middle on both sides and that I think is at least encouraging."
"Huge flip for Joe Biden, a state that went to Trump by nine percent back in 2016."
"The ultimate goal is one by one they are turning the knob one one degree at a time towards hard left corporate establishment media narrative."
"Glenn Youngkin's win in Virginia signals a shift; people want their lives back to normal."
"I think we've had a very distinctive shift where finally we've got some of maybe Europe's doubters on board with making sure Ukraine wins."
"Normal Labour voters, union working-class people, voted Conservative."
"Democratic socialism is now not a liability but it's becoming a strength for candidates across the country."
"Republicans are gaining with voters particularly women in the final weeks of the midterm elections."
"There's a new wave of Trump-supporting populist Republicans."
"Now we are seeing that it turns out that Asimi Goita's plan to suspend French as an official language was the trigger point in Africa to move away from France."
"In order for us to build a real anti-war movement, a movement of solidarity, we have to recognize that we're in a new political era."
"M's Victory is a symbol of a global shift away from leftist ideologies and a return to principles that prioritize individual freedom and economic stability."
"Many will conclude on the basis of the midterm results the Republican party is ready to move on without Donald Trump as its leader."
"The Republican party as we knew it is no more, it is dead."
"This is the highest sustained lead that labor have enjoyed in the polls since David Cameron first entered Downing Street back in 2010."
"We're staring down the barrel of a blue tsunami."
"I think my policies are pretty radical or much more radical than they were five years ago."
"Trump brought in new voters but he also converted Republicans to the Trump party."
"For a long time, conservatives backed away from democracy."
"Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled rhinos and traitors by a fascist Maga movement."
"Trump's surprise breakthrough with Hispanic voters could spell Doom for Democrats."
"I used to be a lifelong Democrat, then I read Pol Pot."
"Texas is getting bluer right before our eyes."
"The time for genteel Politics as Usual has come to an end it's time for the rise of the new right it's time for dark Maga to truly take command."
"Fox made significant efforts to pull away from Trump post-January 6."
"People are very enthusiastic about the Brexit party and are not as enthusiastic as they used to be about the Tory party."
"Most of the Democrats are not aware of how far left their party has moved. And most of them are actually more conservative by today's standards anyway."
"We're seeing the rise of a new political paradigm."
"Silicon Valley has shifted to a pretty hard left."
"They're not becoming conservative. The left is drifting so far and so fast towards socialism."
"The people of Texas are getting fed up. The southern border counties are all voting Republican because they're demanding help to stop the crisis."
"Perhaps we are not aware of it but in Europe a new center is emerging parallel to the one set by Brussels Paris and Berlin."
"In 2024 TMC will overtake Congress as the biggest opposition party."
"The Overton window really has shifted in favor of protecting children."
"The NRA got taken over by these people, white nationalists, in 1977."
"The increased willingness from the modern American right wing to use government power concerns me."
"The rats are fleeing the sinking ship. Biden is imploding and all the suckers like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson that endorsed him back in 2020 are turning their backs on him for 2024."
"The movement that went by the name of conservatism became a radical liberal movement."
"I think there's a problem right moving to California pushed me more Center being online and seeing how like how crazy things were getting as far as if things you would label SJW right that pushed me more Center."
"Republicans are becoming the tolerant ones, we really are."
"We are now entering into a new era in politics which is no longer simply about left-right economic redistribution but is now also about liberal and traditionalist values on the nation and family and community."
"That's why you're seeing Hispanics go to the conservative side."
"I think the big story is that socialism has migrated to the center of American politics and it's taken over one of the major political parties."
"Tulsi Gabbard who ran for president on the Democratic ticket in 2020 has just now left the Democratic Party."
"Before World War One Benito Mussolini was a socialist but the minute the wealthy classes in Italy offered him financial support and power he didn't hesitate to switch sides."
"Jeremy Corbyn: 'We have a real socialist elected to 10 Downing Street.'"
"I'm old enough to remember there was a time when it was leftists who were the people who spoke up for free speech."
"The radicalization of the culture precedes the radicalization of politics."
"22% is Unthinkable in the United States for a president to get in the black vote... if Donald Trump gets 22% of the black vote the Democratic party you will have to go to a museum to find a Democrat."
"If one had gone to sleep in 1990 or 2000 and woke up in 2020 they would find a democratic party whose entire base has become quite sympathetic to Palestine and quite critical of Israel."
"Perhaps there will be a stronger populist rational base emerging."
"The Trump fever will ultimately break and the parties will realign."
"The Republican party is shrinking and becoming more radical and extreme."
"DeSantis beating Trump by seven after midterms, brutal swing of 29 Points in days."
"A subtle shift in Kiev's position on the Russian occupation of Crimea."
"That movement is towards where the country is... towards the pro-choice side."
"We are going to see a significant shift of the power shifting back to the people."
"I'm going to win! I have to get to that voice. That is the passion you need if you're gonna lead. That is the drive we need."
"Overwhelmingly the party has left the corporate Pockets to stand for the individual freedoms and sovereignty."
"Carrie Lake's retreat from the fervent anti-abortion rhetoric of her early 2022 campaign reflects the sharp changes in the politics of abortion."
"There's no room for Democrats in places like Florida anymore, the landscape has changed."
"The Republican Party has completely surrendered to Trumpism."
"The neoliberal world order of the past several decades collapsing before our very eyes."
"The truth about yesterday's off-year election... once dark red Virginia has moved blue."
"Every time the right gains steam for one of these cultural control shifts... they lose more ground every time things shift back to the left."
"Labour picking up votes as Conservative brexit vote collapses in strong leave seats."
"The will of the people had shifted."
"I went from Trump to Clinton because Clinton proved to be more of an adult."
"Over the course of history, as generations continue, this always happens: everything moves left, always."
"Americans are leaving blue states in droves in favor of red states."
"Reagan wasn't always a right-wing Republican."
"The Republican party had become the party of white Christian conservative America, and the Democratic party was now the party of radical progressive leftists and hippies."
"Trump's victory in the general election marked a stunning upset and a major realignment in American politics."
"The majority of voters now identified with the Democratic Party and used this party as a vehicle for civil rights and economic justice."
"...this is going to be a national phenomenon and again it's going to get so big that you're going to have open Klan members running for office."
"The liberal impulse that had dominated politics since the New Deal would give way to a new conservatism."
"By 1848, Van Buren's anti-slavery views have grown stronger, and he leaves the Democratic Party that he did so much to create."
"...this war made them Pro Ukrainian because they never thought Russia would do what they did."
"I think the events of this week confirm the end of conservative England as this country's dominant political force."
"For the first time, African-Americans overwhelmingly supported the Democratic party rather than the party of Lincoln."
"...a lot of Voters are voting NDP for the first time."
"Why are we moving to the left? Because all the right has ever offered us are thoughts and prayers."
"The British parliamentary vote reflects the shift of attitudes and understanding."
"Republicans were celebrating the fact that Nancy Pelosi was no longer speaker of the house."
"The election of Ronald Reagan marked a significant shift in American politics from liberalism to a new kind of conservatism."
"A conservative MP has defected to labor, and that headline is bad news for the conservative party and good news for the labor party."
"With the end of the cold war, the specter of communism has lifted."
"The right wing is growing in strange new ways, no one on the new right really has any meaningful institutional power, but more elite people are beginning to doubt the progressive project."
"1989 was a time of great political change, the Iron Curtain was showing signs of weakness."
"I had to sacrifice a lot to walk away from the left; I kind of had to leave the entire life that I had before."