
Arthritis Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Every dog that has arthritis, in my opinion, should be on a glucosamine chondroitin supplement."
"I had arthritis as a kid. That's one a lot of people don't know. I had child arthritis in my legs when I was younger from like the age of 8 to about 11."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that people who crack their knuckles are more prone to develop arthritis."
"Arthritis means your spine and nerves are deteriorating, affecting organs."
"Gout is a crystalline arthropathy, which is inflammatory arthritis caused by deposition of microscopic crystals into joints and other tissue."
"It is time to open the doors to Adventure even with arthritis."
"An arthroscopy cannot cure knee arthritis but it can help with reducing the discomfort associated with mechanical symptoms of clicking, catching, and locking."
"Arthritis is not bad for you, but it might hurt like crazy."
"...this is going to stretch those digits into extension especially for those that kind of have arthritic bent hands."
"Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice, has gained significant attention for its potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a popular choice for individuals managing arthritis."
"Extra virgin olive oil, celebrated for its heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and potent antioxidants, emerges as a valuable option for individuals navigating arthritis."
"In the realm of arthritis management, the foods we choose to consume can play a crucial role in alleviating symptoms and promoting joint health."
"By incorporating these arthritis-friendly foods into your diet, you can take meaningful steps toward managing symptoms and enhancing your overall quality of life."
"Remember, when it comes to arthritis management, every bite counts towards a healthier, more comfortable future."
"Nuts and seeds encompassing varieties like walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, and flax seeds offer a wealth of nutritional benefits that can be particularly advantageous for individuals grappling with arthritis."
"Whether you're looking to fine-tune your diet, make informed choices, or simply learn more about the foods that can help you on your arthritis management journey, stick around."
"It's really important to stay mobile, and for a lot of people who've got arthritis in the feet, I know it can be painful."
"Proper nutrition decreases the risk of arthritis."
"In this part, we're going to focus on a big cause of arthritic knee pain which is muscle and soft tissue tightness."
"Arthritis proper is the wear and tear of everyday life."
"I was not happy to see the connection between oxalates and arthritis in my own body."
"Arthritis is a marker of pending cardiovascular disease because it's a systemic problem linked to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress."
"Arthritis is not just a degenerative wear and tear disease; it's a systemic disease manifesting in the joints."
"When it comes to inflammatory arthritis, movement is key. Lack of movement causes issues."
"Inflammatory arthritis can affect children and people of all ages."
"Arthritis pain doesn't have to change who they are."
"You know, they're just saying it's arthritis. Maybe 'keep it warm,' you know what happens more in the summer, more when it gets hot, humid."
"It lowers the risk of rheumatoid arthritis."
"I know many people who rub their hands or their knees or whatever arthritic part of their body in nettles to help work with it."
"So unless contraindicated, NSAIDs is what you're going to use first line to treat the arthritis."
"Strength training on arthritis is now considered essential."
"...arthritis. The arthro bit just means joint and the itis bit means inflammation. So, it basically means a pathology of the joints and inflammation of the joints."
"The biggest enemy of arthritis is immobility."
"It's refreshing to hear that there's hope for people with arthritis, that we now understand some of the mechanisms."
"Research has proven that velvet antler is very useful for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis."
"Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis out of all the arthritises."
"Sesame oil is also shown to improve symptoms of arthritis."
"People who run are actually less likely to have arthritis."
"That deep aching groin pain that people are just kind of nagged by over and over from their hip arthritis is usually markedly improved if not gone."
"It's such a game changer for people with arthritis."
"Please, please, please listen to the people who you love who have arthritis, if they say it hurts, it hurts."
"You should see a massive reduction in your lower back arthritis pain."
"The cartilage becomes worn away, the bones can rub together causing pain, stiffness, and can have a major impact on the quality of your life."
"Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory arthritis compared to an inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis."
"The pain gets worse with use and activity and gets relieved with rest."
"There is no pain at night in non-inflammatory arthritis like osteoarthritis."
"Gelling is a stiffening when you have stopped and rested for some time."
"So many people suffer from arthritis at much younger ages."
"Stiffness after periods of rest, stiffness lasting longer than an hour in the morning, difficulty arising from a seated position and turning over in bed."
"Pain that's worse in the morning, worse after inactivity, the pain usually lasts longer than an hour typically until lunchtime, and the pain improves with activity."
"Psoriatic arthritis is a combination of psoriasis and arthritis."
"It is good to have a bathtub, however, because a lot of people find that if you have aching joints or arthritis, yes, it's good to have a hot relaxing bath."
"I have arthritis, but it doesn't have me."
"Exercise is the number one treatment for arthritis."
"Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints."
"Give now to your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation."
"September is Arthritis Awareness Month, our time to shine the spotlight on arthritis."
"It's very promising and encouraging once again that cannabinoids could be useful for treating different types of pain associated with different arthritic conditions."
"A severe arthritis flare-up is something that you can recover from fully."
"Regular use of castor oil as a natural remedy for arthritis can complement conventional treatments and offer holistic relief from symptoms."
"Any kind of low impact activity will improve arthritis symptoms if you can get past that initial pain."
"Moderate physical activity will actually reduce the incidence of arthritis later in life."
"Be an informed consumer, don't fall for false arthritis cures."
"Arthritis is when the cartilage breaks down, then inflammation happens, and that's painful."
"Not all arthritis is the same; there are different types."
"Warm water is a godsend for arthritic pain."
"Living with arthritis takes a lot of strength."
"Cracking your knuckles too often will give you arthritis? No conclusive study has ever backed this up."
"Golden paste is amazing in dealing with arthritis."
"MIT researchers are developing a new technique to treat rheumatoid arthritis that involves bombarding the affected joint with subatomic particles."
"This absolutely does not need to be the end outcome of someone who develops arthritis in 2010; in fact, this is a rare outcome nowadays."