
Objective Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The goal is simple: start as a British or a Scottish tribe and then form the nation of Albion."
"Your first, last, and only objective should be to entertain your audience."
"Ensure the payload arrives at the victory Point unscathed."
"We will engage with people, and our objective is to get them to a better place."
"The ultimate goal of the game is to escape a labyrinthine dream facility by finding a door to the waking realm."
"Our primary objective was to prove that the Chicago skyline is not a mirage."
"Every game is the same on the surface: you do whatever the objective is and kill anybody in your way."
"Establishing that whole fear that Dr. Staples' organization uses to justify its objectives."
"The search for truth is what we should all want."
"My main objective was to take over the whole entire planet."
"The actual goal of the game is to collect six body parts of the titular character."
"Rules and objectives: win the UEFA Champions League final."
"Let's go unlock the water purification plan, guys!"
"This game might be named Prey, but you're clearly hunting for quick completion."
"The objective of this competition is to simply end the game with more city tiles than the opponent."
"My objective is to get people to think for themselves."
"As an executive I want to generate a sales report so I know which departments need to improve their productivity."
"The objective should always be to do dangerous things carefully."
"Entertainment is the main objective."
"What is your overall investment objective? Make money."
"Anytime you have a position... always think about what your objective is and what you need to do."
"So my character's goal was to recapture all of the spirits and put them back in the box where they belong."
"The main objective was to get out, and the mission in the first place was to see what was down there, and that mission was complete."
"This might be the most important objective."
"The only objective is to get that rig in a site without damaging anything."
"The sprint goal provides the team with an overarching objective to achieve during the sprint, helping to focus efforts and align work streams."
"The goal of a Sprint is to deliver working software."
"I think the objective of the race is whoever has the most fun wins."
"In order to free Null from his prison, Carnage is collecting codexes, little bits of symbiotes that are left inside the bodies of their former hosts."
"My number one priority is to help the studio turn around creatively."
"This was a big target on the bottom."
"The goal is the goal comes with the territory."
"The objective shouldn't be pursuing justice, it should be about moving forward."
"Our objective should be to overcome inertia and create momentum."
"Does it better suit our rainy climate? Absolutely."
"A respite. Time to accomplish the objective."
"You need to understand what game you're in...the ones who are playing the infinite game or their objective isn't to win but to stay in the game."
"It's usually the number one objective."
"It met that objective and I was like okay, cool."
"I think there needs to be an understanding that the objective is not for the Jenga Tower to fall down."
"Onwards to his objective and a happy New Year."
"We're supposed to make food for the judges, not for each other."
"The more objective you are with your trading, the more likely you will be able to stick to your trading plan."
"Our objective today is to take this to do this."
"It's much nicer when romance is their objective instead of murder."
"What was the huge goal of the culling game?"
"The most important thing is to reach the objective, to reach the targets. And the target was to win the Premier League."
"The goal is not to necessarily make tons of profit at this point."
"The object is to really get to about your objective which would be your starting point for the flying two F flying one mile."
"The objective is to find something spooky on camera, find something entertaining for y'all, and find a place to sleep."
"Objectively speaking these speakers fall short of some things that I would have liked to see them do but subjectively speaking they sound fantastic."
"Our subjective opinions can reflect an objective truth."
"Sherman's main objective was always to restore the union, not to free 4 million enslaved Americans. In the end, Sherman's March through Georgia accomplished both."
"Valheim drops you into the world with only your threadbare knickers and a dream to defeat the six bosses."
"The objective today is quite simply to get this thing running."
"But the objective today is quite simply to get this thing running."
"The post office's main goal in pursuing Mr. Castleton was achieved in that we had a good judgment precedent which helps us to defend the Horizon system."
"Your number one objective is to improve people's mood in behavioral change."
"But by solidifying a primary objective, you'll be able to keep your messaging consistent with what you hope to achieve."
"The objective is the maximum number of the greatest number of people possible who have maximum Liberty will be a success."
"You'll want to start in your PRD by including the objective why you're proposing the product. It'll help bring a lot of good focus on the doc in your meeting, it'll also help remind people who are working on it why it's so valuable."
"Security as a business objective is key."
"The goal should be to find the best bike available that will fulfill your main motorcycling objective in the safest manner."
"If you can't tell what the objective of this game is: simply get the hook on the green thing, pull it up, and boom, you get the prize."
"The Japanese plan consisted of an initial attack against Miri and Serai with the objective of securing their oilfields."
"A completely separate category with a completely different objective."
"Jing's objective: to break Pariston's spirit, not just physically."
"Your objective in any interview is to secure the offer. You want to make the decision yours."
"Abel was storming into the facility that housed SCP 914 with no intention of leaving until he used it."
"Focus, Doran said. We're looking for stairs down, not loot."
"These guys could be like a backfield objective holder. They've got the range, they've got the firepower."
"Choosing your campaign objective is incredibly important."
"The goal is the tangible external objective that the character wants, the thing their motivation drives them to strive for."
"The objective memo is all about just explaining what's going on—you're not taking any sides."
"Guerrilla warfare is not to succeed, is only to make the enemy bleed."
"Officer's objective to get Mr. Big to identify himself."
"Convert prospect, that's what I want. I want more clients."
"Defeating Gorgon will help us retrieve the Grail," Gilgamesh reveals their objective.
"His mission is to have the ball in the goal by the end of the sequence"
"The goal of today is not to make you firefighters."
"What do I do in this game? Well, I queue up and I ignore every objective and tunnel vision my way to getting as many sick frags as possible."
"The basic objective of baseball is to score more runs than your opponent."
"...so going forward whenever you see that output you think 'oh I know exactly how to decode this I get it because I learned it based on analogies based on something we know and that's our objective."
"It's exactly what we're trying to do and exactly what this stat is all about."
"Our main objective is to cleanse our young men's ways spiritually."
"The puzzle looks as the order of the day."
"Comparing unit costs provides an objective way of making consumer choices based on the price."
"My main objective isn't to recommend Girls und Panzer, it's to provide a new perspective towards a show I came to love."
"The objective of that board... to make sure its members are qualified."
"Their task was simple: go to a village, locate an AI technology lab, and destroy the dangerous Alpha O weapon."
"Your objective in golf is to get the ball as close to the hole as possible."
"...communicating a clear goal and a clear objective for a player."
"The Israelites objective isn't just to establish a mere settlement like Euphemus descendants; instead, they aim to create a utopian society reminiscent of Plato's ideal state in his laws."
"The mission is to bring down the syndicate."
"The objective is make a dope song make a dope beat so if that is the end goal so if it's like you do that to get to that goal there's nothing wrong with any way about how anybody makes music."
"Our mission is to recover Eren and Historia. We will now make for their location believed to be the chapel on Rice's land."
"We're gonna actually have a swap chain target."
"The hallmark of a good leader is the ability to make difficult choices for the overall objective."
"Keeping a formula and process of developing those for the ultimate outcome is in your objective pool there."
"This game was designed from the start with one goal in mind: collecting coins."
"The goal for this show right now is to sell."
"The objective is living a happy life."
"If we make cost an objective at the beginning of the project, we have a chance of achieving that."
"Financial independence is really the main objective."
"To lose their way was to lose the ultimate objective."
"Objective is very simple: set a goal that is decisive, clearly defined, and attainable by the resources you have."
"Just objective is just basic linking with the scenario, basic argument, and move on."
"...if it's not supposed to leak another user's post for example you want to exactly set that your objective..."
"The objective must be measurable, specific, and time-limited. Each objective should have only one item."
"The Demonic human's objective seems to be summoning The Demon King."
"Trading is about making money, not just making trades."
"What should be our objective? What should be our goal?"
"We have just one objective as a team and that's to win the championship."
"Imotech cleanses this objective here."
"Luckily then, wolfener on that objective with the OC zero because they can hold that for me."
"I came in to play the best social game that I could play."
"Escobar had one goal in particular."
"My mission for the day was to get him away from his car."
"The main aim is just to have fun and enjoy it."
"Instead of focusing on like first I do X technique then I do Y technique then I do Z technique, focus first on what's the objective I want to achieve and then what's the technique to get that objective. That makes sense?"
"...that's what we were going for."
"All Cavendish has got to do, Bob, is finish this Tour de France for that green jersey."
"The goal of SEO isn't traffic, the goal of SEO is to make more money."
"The objective is for the plant state to track the state of the reference model."
"If we win, we get another device to stop E2 from happening."
"But again, overall, this is a great car. Those things I just mentioned are subjective. I can tell you from an objective standpoint, this is a great car."
"Ultimately what we want to do is we want to get to the point of the discussion."
"The winner is the first team to intercept the other team's code twice."
"We need samples of that poison he was hit with," Naruto said.
"The objective of lean is to improve our systems, to improve our business processes."
"You win the game of TF2 by capturing the objective."
"He only liked minecraft when there was an objective."
"Your goal is to win a person to Christ, not an argument."
"I found someone in this world that actually thinks I'm funny and that is the number one objective that every single person in this life should actually strive for."
"His only objective was to sow peace into the hearts of the galaxy."
"To penetrate the capital city was the only objective of the entire war."
"Checkmate is the aim of the game."
"The number one objective of Jesus was to get the Holy Ghost back inside of you."
"The objective of this path is to bring change in our life."
"Purpose is the reason for both the origin of the objective and the outcome of the organization."
"Our objective is to give people the information they need to empower them."
"We can simply step in the direction of the negative gradient, and this will lead us downhill down our objective landscape."
"We are excited to finally make it to high camp with our final objective being tomorrow."
"Our objective remained the same, which was to protect the NHS and save life."
"You've discovered the importance of creating data vis that cater to your audience while keeping focus on the objective."
"The objective of a business is to maximize its value."
"Safety is your number one objective, to be safe."
"Success is the achievement of an objective."
"Tranquility is literally the objective of every story ever. It's the goal!"
"If either army takes their objective, then they win."
"The name of the game is to get the ball in the hole in as few number of strokes as possible."
"Social media content has one objective, and that is value contribution."
"The bottom line, you got to win races."
"The object of the game is to end the game with the most coins."
"The objective is for the three elements, all the components of the soul, to be in alignment."
"In basketball, there is one main objective: score more points than the other team."
"The object of education is to make things simpler, not more difficult."
"What is the football? Scoring goals."
"The victorious elves celebrated, but Toyohisa reminded them of their objective: the castle."
"Keep the vehicle moving, that's number one objective."
"We do stuff all the time and our objective here is to get a laugh."
"German military power must now be irretrievably crushed; that is the end we must obtain if we have the will and the guts to see it through."
"The objective in the end is to make a good picture, so you do what you got to do."
"The objective is not to escape, but to confront."
"The book has an objective and for readers like me and Stephen, it meets that objective perfectly."
"The critical objective is to defeat my opponent, not murder him."
"Yes, we are here to aid your species, that is our only objective."
"I hope you found this video informative, objective, and fair, and I hope you enjoyed watching it."
"We have to clear the mission first."
"August has one overriding objective: to enhance the stability of Indo-Pacific amid rapidly shifting global dynamics."
"Students must be careful to insist that science... has that one simple aim: the discovery of truth."
"We are driven by the objective of maintaining and creating jobs for people in the airline sector."
"The whole goal is to get up to the net, and player B's goal is to keep them back as much as possible."
"One objective was to see everybody fact unreasonably happy."
"The objective is to qualify, but a racer is a racer."
"I like to look at these things from a holistic approach, objective approach."
"In other words, you live and die by the objective."
"What we want is that we want to find the function that optimizes this new objective, this quadratic function."
"The aim was not a simple victory but the annihilation of an entire army."
"Every adversity is an objective for you to tackle."
"The objective is to do the good and right thing."
"The objective is our goal to achieve."
"Our objective is to keep as many people around the country in their homes as possible."
"The object of the games obviously is to win."
"It's really quite essential that we put in place policies that will succeed in moving inflation back to our 2 percent objective, and it's a symmetric objective."
"The objective of this functional safety lifecycle is to reduce risk to a tolerable level."
"Because it is objectively delightful, that's why."
"Together, their objective is to uncover additional sections of the cobblestone pathway that lies beneath the surface."
"We pay attention to data and not just personal opinion."
"We see negotiations as a continuation of the struggle leading to our central objective: the transfer of power to the people."
"The goal here is to score, the goal is not to run good offense."
"The objective of spray finishing is to put down nice even light coats."
"The main objective is to overcome our own ignorance."
"Our main objective is not to get 2D image; our objective is to get the 3D image of the organ which is in 3D in shape."
"A system could be a collection of some physical components, biological components, sometimes even abstract components, which talk to each other to kind of perform an intended objective."
"The flywheel as an accumulation of results and efforts directed at a single clear and tangible objective."
"One of the big objectives is to make sure that only the diseased cells are killed but the normal cells are not damaged."
"It's called racing, the objective is to win."
"We have seen these algorithms individually in each of the previous videos; our objective will be to bring all of this together in a single algorithm."
"We need to get inflation back down to two percent, and the public should believe that we will get inflation back down to two percent over time."