
Societal Focus Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Do something nice for somebody, pay it forward. It's not all bad stuff out there. They're just trying to focus us in on that stuff; there's a lot of good stuff happening too."
"It's a really weird concept right now where the talk of millennials and Gen Z is just the talk of the town."
"Let's look at what we have in common, rather than obsessing over our differences."
"People no longer care about economic issues, they care about politics."
"Human beings will constantly squabble over smaller internal divisions instead of recognizing when they have a bigger common enemy."
"People are no longer worried about a virus, they're worried about people's opinions of them."
"We're not talking about the issues that matter."
"I feel like there's been nothing but a dialogue these last like let's start a dialogue I'm going where have I been everything's been about race it's everything I totally agree"
"Most people are out there living their lives and not obsessing over this stuff like we are."
"Is this the time for us to stop focusing on what the media wants us to look at... and start focusing on the interests of 99.9% of everybody else?"
"This is cognitive dissonance in narcissists, and narcissists have dissonant thinking."
"We've spent all of our time worrying about the 99th percentile and not enough time worrying about the 50th percentile."
"China is going to figure this out... while we're fetishizing diversity, inclusion, and equity."
"Let's stop with the freaking nonsense and let's be serious."
"Communities are turned by problematic humor and that's what should be focused on sometimes, not dog whistles."
"This is not about the individual, this is about what's going on."
"We're so focused on the substance that we've actually forgotten the value of human life, and that's just tragic."
"A society of people who are adored and can't pay attention won't be able to achieve collective goals either."
"What new forms of science, medicine, education, agriculture, or other amazing things might we be able to focus on and share?"
"Forget about the news stories, forget about the impeachment for a second, forget about Emily Rakowski for a second, forget about the man in the giant hamster wheel crossing the Atlantic Ocean if you can."
"We need to seize on this unprecedented moment of attention on the prison system and expand that attention."
"Instead of focusing on one collective goal, we just hop on to the next thing."
"Social capital is more important than either of those other two."
"Humans have a lot more in common than not, and we need to put the [expletive] aside and really focus on what matters."
"The vast majority of black people believed the best way to reduce crime was to address social issues rather than to strongly punish criminals."
"Hopefully start to look at the more important things that are actually going on around the world."
"You can't obsess over woke concerns and also fight crime or inflation."
"There's an opportunity cost to this identity politics."
"The whole world doesn't revolve around sex, there's more to life than that."
"I hope we care about black issues when it's not done by a white police officer."
"Stop focusing on the crazy people and start focusing on the moderates."
"We never talk about quality of work, we never talk about art, the beauty of art, we never talk about good stories anymore, all we talk about is race."
"There's always going to be inequality, but I'm interested in the amount of opportunity."
"It's so amazing how the entire world is waiting with bated breath... I mean waiting with bated breath... this is like when we're waiting for the Rittenhouse decision."
"It's a very superficial issue and it's a lot of noise and America is missing the point."
"This is probably the most important single subject... entire Human family right now."
"What we really need to be doing as a collective is shifting our focus into trying to make it a more equitable system overall."
"It's time to put those labels to bed, talk about what we're actually going to do for the American people."
"Nobody really cares about anybody's opinion and the opinions don't matter at all."
"You never heard the word immigrant. All of a sudden, the last three years, we focus on immigrants and what the fuck's going on."
"Food, water, energy - those are the three things that matter. The rest of it is noise."
"Your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has."
"It's crazy how people never make news stories or talk about all the good."
"It becomes very urgent to focus the mass of people's upset about what's happening to them on something other than the economic system."
"In Los Angeles, the fame topic is on everybody's mind."
"Unity is gonna be the key theme on the planet."
"The failure rate of communication is not the height of concern for most of the American people."
"Mental health matters arguably nothing more than physical health, both matter, but I'm just saying I feel like we put a lot of emphasis on physical health only and not so much onto mental health."
"Their sense of community. They think about we, not me."
"We should forget his name and instead remember the smiling face of April Jones, the girl whose life he cruelly took away at such a young age."
"We need to focus on building Mutual Aid societies."
"100 years from now what they'll remember is not the false solemnity."
"The vast majority of people are concerned with unimportant things."
"I genuinely think that this is the thing, this is what we should all be tearing down right now."
"What could that be? You know, I feel like we're just in a time in the world where people are just so wrapped up in the wrong things."
"Love is really the answer, not all this other stuff."
"I hate that negative outcomes or bad news get way more attention than people doing good."
"China puts people in the center of its governance."
"Courage, bravery, history, and freedom need to be on our lips all the time right now."
"It's really important to deal with that but I think the other importance here is to not roll to talk about what divides us but what unites us."
"We just have to stop allowing them to divide us about things that aren't essential."
"I think is is we're all gonna agree here mainstream media huge percentage of modern focus and attention is on stuff that's just utterly superficial mm-hmm it has no bearing on our long-term well-being or our survival as a species."
"There's good people out there... we focus on the bad but there's good people too."
"It's very clear the funny and trivial dramas were taking a back seat instead we're seeing more serious problems being brought to the public attention."
"Why worry about the one person when you have thousands showing love?"
"Is this really the thing we should be focusing on? Is society really being harmed by this?"
"Are we going to be a chamber of commerce party or a people-centered party?"
"What could be more important in the world than talking about something like this instead of all the BS that's been used to distract people."
"The idea of racism... hurts us because we need to focus on who we are now today."
"This isn't about the guns, it's about the people holding the guns."
"I think anytime there is a beautiful, successful woman who was murdered, that's sort of what society pays attention to. For better or for worse."
"If people could harness their phony anger and fake outrage into health care and education, it would be hugely beneficial." - Tom Kenny
"The left telling us that they want gun control but they won't focus on the aspects of our political culture."
"Good to see some positive news instead of all the negativity lately."
"You've won the culture war but you've forgotten about science."
"Ultimately, at the end of the day, it's the economy that matters."
"So at this point it would seem to me that really the most vital thing that we could do is start to focus on those members of the society who are most likely most vulnerable to this illness."
"I think we need to focus more on the idea that a lot of people are just lonely."
"But all those problems and things facing us who's around sitting around thinking and has prioritized whether the earth is round or flat."
"This is our world, and what we're doing is imploding our world. We're centering it, we're getting closer to a core."
"The difference has to do with what does the culture value and where does it spend its time and attention."
"The basic structure of society is the primary subject of justice."
"...future headlines would no longer be exclusively dominated by politics and military conflicts but would reflect society's ever-growing interest in science."
"Hopefully we'll get to a society that focuses on that at some point."
"We should focus less on women's beauty and more on their education and finances."