
Public Approval Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"I think that Australia is going to love you."
"Everyone's reaction after the play had proved that people liked me."
"I really am happy that people genuinely like it."
"The queen did exactly the right thing that week."
"You're gonna go up 50% in your approval rating."
"On the plus side, people loved it so that's good."
"It's incredibly cheap to fund not crazy but near crazy ideas and we really just need one or a few of these to come through."
"Honestly, people just love you guys and want to see what you're doing next anybody that tries to critique you maybe they just don't know any better."
"Human nature-wise, I want everybody to love everything I do."
"You can't lose appointing Eric Ten Hag as your manager. You can't. If you appoint him there's not going to be any complaints from the vast majority of football and most importantly United fans."
"We cheered every one of those things, we thought it was a great way to run an economy."
"The critical reception of these games, as well as fan response, all point to this formula being a winning one."
"It was a masterstroke and cemented William's place as the successor to his mother's position as the people's royal."
"Half a million likes, I guess people love this idea."
"I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your cost, not your wages." [Applause]
"I just don't think I could ever have imagined it being so well received by everyone."
"I'm enjoying this, so like, if the people love it then let's do it."
"If you can back it up, I don't have a problem with it, and I think fans don't either." - Justifying confidence with results.
"Bernie Sanders crushed it on Fox News and emerged triumphant."
"He did a great job last night, I would give him an A."
"Do something new with confidence people will go along if it's good."
"Everybody was saying this was their favorite thing at the entire festival."
"If it passes the pub test, then you've got a good video."
"When we take you down baldi, the whole city's gonna cheer!"
"Jon takes charge he doesn't lie about Danny trying to kill him and everyone especially the common folks seem to want him as king."
"Tonight has really blessed me. I've been feeling the Lord has been wanting to use me in some way. Tonight was confirmation."
"Everyone likes it. Comments are singing your praises, Mary."
"It's really nice when the two come together... critics and fans alike go 'Hey, I like this.'"
"Boris Johnson's approval rating in the polls is lower than the lowest it was ever for Jeremy Corbyn."
"I think what he did is absolutely right, and I hope somebody else does it at the next one."
"When you do something and you get these kind of generous embrace from vast multitude of people that you don't know personally, it's something completely different."
"You love to see it, folks. You love to see it."
"It's wonderful when people have nice things to say, but it always means a lot."
"So many people reached out and were like, 'Oh my god, I love Sydney.'"
"People like what we wear; they want to support the vision."
"Trump right now is actually winning... Trump's approval is all the way back up to about Barack Obama's approval at the time."
"My government was rebooted after a huge outpouring of public support."
"If you live for the cheers, you will die by the boos. That's right."
"When President Biden signed it into law in August, something Americans have wanted by huge margins for decades."
"He's doing really good stuff. Also, speaking of real leaders..."
"A consumer-friendly decision that has been applauded by many."
"Trump needs to gain a couple of approval points before the midterms."
"He enjoys very high popularity, and that's for a reason. The reason is he's doing a good job."
"Do what you think is right because if everyone loves you then you're not being real."
"Pat McAfee kind of shut everybody up against Adam Cole."
"The mere fact that you can get almost a million people to watch something like this, where it's factually wrong and internally inconsistent on almost every level, and still get about a 98 approval rating, let's be honest, that's pretty unsettling."
"The republican bill is sizable it is significant and it is the path that the American people want to follow."
"Everybody liked it and so they kept it going."
"We need definitive leadership that President Trump is delivering."
"What matters is does it sound good and do people like it, that's all that matters."
"Seventy percent of Americans favored the third stimulus check bill."
"Spider-Man has saved the day, saved the civilians, won back the trust of the city."
"He didn't need the public's approval for what he gave away financially, and he gave away so much."
"Most in the country rejoiced. Most applauded the efforts of Clay and Douglas."
"That's the endorsement that counts, the endorsement of people on the streets of Britain."
"People like what I do, so I carried on doing it."
"If you're going to hand it over to someone, then it better be somebody who people like."
"After all those months of extremely hard work, people were actually liking it, so it was amazing."
"Just looking around, driving around town, you can see it is a hit; people are really loving these things."
"72 percent of Americans support the rescue plans, including more than four in 10 Republicans."
"He was actually driven away from the High Court to the cheers and waves of a large crowd of women."
"The crowd reaction was huge positive for you guys when you first started."
"I think our outfits worked so well and people loved it."
"Manufacturing of any product or rendering of any service is not a challenge. The challenge is accepting the product by the people."
"Everybody loves these, and there is good reason for it; they're worth it, they're worth the money."
"People really like you, but Swing Vote is a landslide: smart, witty, irreverent, and so inspiring you'll stand up and cheer."
"Anything you put out there to the public or that you're doing in your work, you're getting spectacular reviews."