
Voting Importance Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Every single vote matters...especially in your local elections and your state elections."
"If your vote didn't matter, why are they working so hard to keep it from you?"
"Voting is how we express our values and put people in positions of power."
"Voting is good; local elections are important."
"Vote November 3rd because your way of life, your actual life, your friends, and your family, they all depend on this."
"It's important that people get out and vote, not just in the congressional elections but in your local elections as well."
"This is not a political book there's no political jokes in it it is just down the line here's why voting matters here's how we vote."
"Voting should be seen as a form of individual self-expression rather than as an act to be judged on its likely consequences."
"We need to vote as if our lives and our livelihoods, our liberties depend on it because they do."
"Voting locally is even almost more important than voting for president."
"He's a guy that loves America, which means you can't sit a vote out. If you love America and you truly are a patriot, you lose the option to not vote."
"You must follow your heart or in many cases your religion or your faith. Do what's right for your family and do what's right for yourself. Do what's right for your children, do what's right for our country, and vote. So important to vote."
"Voting has consequences; actions have consequences."
"Let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote, not just vote for the president but for the preliminaries, vote for everybody."
"Your voice matters, it makes a difference, your vote matters."
"Every vote counts, so like it or not, this is the future."
"That's what voting's about... not making things perfect but making things better."
"We have to actually do just the opposite. If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win."
"It's unequivocally important that we vote in the year 2020."
"Not voting is worse than voting for the wrong person."
"Registering to vote, getting your voice heard, is more important than any time."
"It's important that we continue to mobilize and inspire people and remind them exactly why it is so important to vote."
"Voting is important because if y'all would have voted, this person wouldn't be in the office."
"If your vote didn't matter why they trying to take it?"
"There are no rights without voting rights, and we have to be very, very clear about that."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"The only poll that matters is the one that you show up to on Election Day."
"By not voting, you're essentially giving away your power, throwing up your hands, and allowing your state to continue to not represent you."
"Our votes still count, so it's essential we use them."
"Your vote is the most important. It represents America."
"Your vote is valuable, and that's why they will either work to obtain it or they will work to suppress it."
"I think we as people don't really exercise a right that was once not granted to us and that's why you need to vote."
"The right to vote is the crown jewel of American liberties."
"Lesson one: Don't listen to those people. Your vote matters."
"The right to vote is paramount and important."
"Don't ever let anybody tell you your vote doesn't matter."
"Regardless of the two-party system's flaws, voting remains crucial for change."
"Vote and make sure that you vote without even hesitating to vote."
"Every vote matters, it's important to be able to look at where the popular will is."
"Voting matters. Eight Black members voted. Let me do the math here, eight. Voting matters."
"When you see a white supremacist at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, all you need, that's the only proof you need to show your vote does indeed matter."
"You really do not want ex-TV show people, people who've been doing dodgy business deals their whole life, they do not make good candidates."
"The right to vote remains essential to protect all other rights."
"When you don't vote, you are still voting. Your decision to not make a decision is a decision and it's going to affect the outcome of the country."
"Vote for people that are pro-freedom, vote in some new blood."
"Joe Biden shares John Lewis's belief that every vote matters."
"The restoration of credibility of the electoral process is even more important than the act of voting."
"Voting, like the number one thing that you could do as a citizen is vote. Yeah, I think that's why is it such a sticking point where it's racist to have an ID?"
"Nothing matters more than the vote." - Ralph Reed
"If your vote didn't matter they wouldn't be going so hard for it all right there wouldn't be they wouldn't be trying to sway."
"Let's give the people the right to vote." - Dr. Benjamin Chavis Jr
"Your vote matters, regardless of whether or not it's a perfect system."
"Your vote matters, and if it didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent you from voting in the first place."
"We can do this, people, we can do this! Take the environment into account when you vote."
"It's important, use the power of the ballot."
"Every voice really does matter, whether you're young or old, especially young people. Get out there and vote, damn it!"
"Just everybody needs to think of voting not as a revolutionary act but as constant gardening. Take the stress off and just know we vote every two years in this country. Just do it and move on."
"Vote vote there's too many people who have given their lifeblood so that you have that capability don't freaking waste that [ __ ] all right."
"You have to make it a choice, not a referendum."
"We just can't afford for people to take the attitude that voting doesn't count, it absolutely does."
"It's not important who votes, it's important who counts the votes."
"Your vote matters and you can't take anything for granted."
"Everybody wants everybody to vote, but if you don't pay attention to politics, what the hell are you voting for?"
"Democracy is not the act of voting. Democracy as a system of government, yes, but the act of voting is how we determine what the people want to do with their power."
"Vote like your life really depended on it. It really does."
"Democracy means persuading one another and then ultimately voting in the majority."
"We need to vote like we have never voted in our lives... it's about our future."
"This vote in November is not about the next four years, it's about the next 40 years."
"Black lives don't matter to you if you don't vote."
"Your vote matters or they wouldn't be lobbying for it."
"Every vote counts. Keisha Lance Bottom won mayor of Atlanta by 832 votes."
"Representation matters, your voice matters, the best place to articulate your voice is at the polls."
"Your vote counts, and it's critically important."
"One vote never makes a difference? Wrong. Elections often come down to whether the people who wonder if their vote matters actually show up or not."
"The vote is the cornerstone of the American democracy."
"The single most important thing that you could do is to vote anybody who is too tired it's too difficult I don't want to stand on any lines and so on the apathy to voting will ultimately be the end of our democracy."
"The dumbest thing you can do is not vote... the second dumbest thing you can do is vote for Trump."
"Voting is important, so please go do something about this."
"It's really important to vote in every election to keep building momentum for environmental progress."
"If you don't elect somebody that might deliver that, you saying I'm not going to vote actually goes against the very thing you say you want."
"Vote like your life depends on it because, I'm telling you, our entire political and personal existence is at stake this year."
"We need more than a victory on November 3rd, we need a mandate."
"Just voted in my local election... Your vote counts, make sure to vote if you can."
"Please get motivated, get out there and vote."
"Freedom is like a religion to us; voting is tied to our freedom."
"Your vote is your voice. If you're not voting, you're not saying anything."
"We must vote knowing what's at stake and not just the policy of the moment but institutions that have held us together."
"There's a choice on the ballot between freedom and fear between cruelty and compassion between chaos and Community between voting or violence and the end of Rights"
"Your vote matters, and so take this great privilege, vote."
"Voting is a matter of life and death." - Angela Rye
"I'm voting for the future of my country. What are you voting for?"
"I would never ever, too many people died for the right to vote so to sit out voting is something I would never recommend."
"If you don't vote, you're dishonoring your ancestors."
"Your vote really does matter and your vote counts."
"Your vote is your voice and your voice is your vote. If you don't exercise your right, you're just squandering what people died for."
"I saw Michelle Obama say that she's already pushing the vote like your life depends on 2022."
"Politics is not supposed to be something you show up to vote and that's it."
"Every vote matters, but it has to be done together."
"Voting matters. Time after time, year after year, cycle after cycle, even though we know structurally, and of course, we know that it's true that voting matters."
"Stay engaged. Don't let people push you to the margins. Don't let people tell you you have no value. Don't let people tell you your vote doesn't count."
"Your vote can be decisive in those outcomes."
"Don't ever let them tell you that your vote doesn't matter."
"We cannot afford to lose our ace in the hole. Our ace in the hole is our vote, and if you're not exercising that, you're playing into what they have put forward."
"Voting rights and voting regardless of what's happening with those rights is so, so important."
"So, it's not just about who you're voting for, it's about making sure your vote counts. That's the foundation for everything that we do and why we do it."
"The number one best thing you can do is to vote for a president or prime minister, vote for your local council people, vote for senators and judges that understand that climate change is real."
"It's so important, like so many people don't vote and it actually matters."
"It's your votes that really count."
"Efforts to strip the right to vote as authoritarian and anti-American."
"More than ever, your vote counts."
"Voting is important because our voices need to be heard."