
Spiritual Revelation Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
"As we catch this revelation, you will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that this church and everybody watching online doesn't have room enough to receive."
"The answer to your greatest prayer request is hidden in vessels of clay and is hidden in the mysteries of the kingdom."
"There's treasure in there, and they don't even know it. It is our responsibility to open up the book and let them see the treasure that has been made available to them."
"The revelations have the eloquence of a majestic symphony, guiding us through the tumultuous journey of faith."
"There is a blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Prophecy is giving us a glimpse of what is already done."
"The revelation in the word literally dropped me to my knees."
"There is a realm of Revelation that opens up through extended times of praying in tongues."
"It's not really us, no, it's not. It's an introduction to Jesus and a revelation of your sin, your depravity, but it's also a revelation of what Christ did in his finished work on the cross."
"The Lord revealed Himself to Samuel by the word of the Lord."
"The divine starfish heard our pleas, and pulled back the curtain of the material so we could gaze upon it."
"God reveals your heart to you, your true heart, you know?"
"When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only."
"God has helped them see who you are and what you mean to them, a divine intervention."
"Hallelujah, you're beginning to see, thank the Lord."
"The mystery revealed: Christ in you, the hope of glory."
"What the Holy Spirit is revealing to us is not necessarily whether something's right or wrong, I think he's revealing what is truth and what is lie."
"You must have a revelation of how much He loves you."
"Catholicism would shimmer in a whole new light."
"When you come to the end of yourself you have no other option than God, that's why I say when you run out of rope it's time to grab onto faith."
"We shall see him as he is because we'll be like him."
"Behold Him and it's so fun because he's been talking about him for so long that it's like that moment where he's like okay this thing I've been talking to you about for so long it's here."
"God has revealed those things to him from God. Otherwise, he'll be a dumb, blind man."
"The word for all of us is Jesus. He is prophecy revealed, He is the Word of Knowledge, He is everything you need."
"God wants to give us the blueprints of heaven."
"But it was to us that God revealed these things. How? By his Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 2:10
"The moment we open our eyes to eternity, in death, we'll suddenly see the entire picture makes sense."
"The cross exposes the real reasons and you need to be released from that."
"Even a genuine Seer may add to what they've received based on a mistake or imagination."
"The God of the Bible who knows the future... and he's written us this book... it's actually a revelation of God's will."
"The maker of all things loves and wants me and there is nothing more impactful to the human life than that moment where you realize that the creator of everything loves you as an individual..."
"It was just those three words, Jesus saved me, that changed everything."
"Wisdom is not the enemy of Revelation, it supports it."
"I knew in that moment if I was the only person in all of creation that ever would have said yes to him, he would have gone to that cross just for me."
"That's where he found God looking right back down on him."
"What if I told you that the secret book of John claims that this God we've been taught about is in fact a god of Darkness that trapped us here on Earth?"
"I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me."
"Satan's greatest secret now exposed, this revelation literally transformed my faith, my hope, and gave me strength in a time of great weariness."
"Every believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit."
"Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life these words so short and so sweet went right through my heart."
"Only the Holy Spirit can reveal something like that and when somebody get that they didn't ever have to tell me that for somebody to be that transparent that vulnerable that authentic that's why we do what we do"
"Only when the son reveals him do you really know who you are."
"Sometimes you wake up and think, 'Why did that happen or how do I know this now?' It's because the veil's lifted a little bit."
"The most high starts bringing all these puzzle pieces together, and now it's time to start asking these kinds of questions."
"God speaks differently at different times. The word of God is the same all the time, but what is revealed is not."
"I declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and all of a sudden, the swirling stopped."
"When the light of Truth Shines on those, we're forced to just say 'Okay Lord you have me.'"
"In this is also being revealed why so few people can hear the message and why so few people see it."
"God, now may you empower us to be those that will leave an inheritance, give us a revelation, God."
"He meets our needs and reveals himself in our needs."
"One speaker will say something that will stick with you the rest of your life so when you see it come to pass you'll think god you really do love me you warned me about that amen."
"It was like the curtains had parted and I can see the truth and I could see I knew why where I came from why I was here and where I was going."
"Psychedelic experiences... similar to revelations of God's law."
"In a lifetime of learning, I have read and I have studied. I believed but today I have truly seen the force."
"Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all."
"Revelation is not information comes through the mind Revelation comes through the spirit of God."
"He was looking for revelation and he was a musician."
"I just knew that he is Moshiach. I never felt more Jewish."
"Come to church, let God truly reveal himself to you."
"I never more clearly saw where the Lord said, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"Father, I ask you to send your spirit of Revelation."
"Mount Kenya is the land that the father showed me where Mount Zion is."
"The mysteries he will reveal to you, the mysteries of heaven, the mystery of righteousness."
"Discovering that in fact, in the midst of Hell, there is God radiant, then Hell itself is liberated."
"I had just been face to face with Jesus Christ Himself."
"My eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all nations to see."
"I'm so grateful for the revelation you've given to me from your word, the understanding from your word."
"The moment you start living life as a witness, this godly secret will no more be a secret to you."
"Truly, truly I say to you... you will see Heaven opened."
"You don't need anything; you just need a revelation of what you've already got."
"Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?"
"Then they will know that I am the Lord their God."
"We have beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth."
"Whoever the self chooses, to that one the self reveals itself."
"If we can just open our hearts and souls to the revelations He wants to pour down upon us, if we can accept His counsel and His confirmation of divine truth, then how can you not have hope? How can you not have faith?"
"The kingdom of God does not appear when and where you expect it."
"I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ."
"The creative energies released at the hour of the birth of his revelation endowing mankind with the potentialities of the attainment of maturity."
"Apparitions never give us new truths, rather they reveal forgotten or recall to mind forgotten truths."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who speaks the revelation of God, spirit to spirit, communicating that to you."
"The Holy Spirit gives us revelation of the will of God."
"The revelation that will come out of this program is going to dissolve doubts, is going to dissolve situations you've been dealing with for years."
"I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him."
"...the god that calls the Delight to shine up out of Darkness has shined in our hearts to show us the glory of God in the face of Jesus."
"Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation."
"He hath revealed it unto us by His Spirit."
"Understanding comes by revelation."
"God will begin to reveal things to you, expose people for who they really are."
"I am asking you, sir, to reveal yourself to them, reveal Your word, reveal Your presence, reveal your healing love in the name of Jesus."
"It's all about the revelation of Jesus."
"The demon that had taken advantage of her was actually her guardian angel."
"And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest."
"Sometimes God gives you revelation in a moment."
"Praise is God's address. Praise brings revelation."
"A good minister is not measured by what he drives or wears, but by how much of Christ is revealed to him."
"We thank you for revealing to us the knowledge of your salvation and how you can save sinners from death and hell."
"The God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts."
"He who hears let him pay attention to the things that the Spirit reveals to the churches."
"God cannot be understood, He can only be revealed."
"Prophecy is supernatural revelation or the voice of God in any given situation that brings forth edification, exhortation, and comfort."
"Heaven opens, and you hear the voice of God."
"The eternal love revealed himself in new loves."
"Our hearts will be thrilled by the revelations that came from the ascended Lord."
"We see the glory of God in the face of Jesus."
"The star is an air energy... it's like the heavens open up and it's revealed that all of this was for a greater purpose."
"God uses physical manifestations to give us deeper spiritual revelations."
"Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ's sufferings, so that you may be full of joy when his glory is revealed."