
Wealth Influence Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The Free Speech rights of a rich person should not be louder than the Free Speech rights of average Americans."
"Money starts to take over the whole of society."
"I love Elon Musk because I feel like he's a guy who cares, fabulously rich, uses his wealth and his influence and intellect for the betterment of mankind."
"There's one other thing they can do with that massive amount of income... they can buy your mom's house."
"Football is becoming about Mega wealth and if you haven't got it you won't succeed it's as simple as that."
"Attack a political opponent will not work. Justice is no longer blind to those with billions." - Donald Trump
"Money is just an amplifier. Lanes remain lame even with money. May we Prosper with character Saints all in a real way."
"Our agenda is the agenda of working-class and middle-class Americans."
"I do not believe that any group... should be raising money from wealthy people... Bernie Sanders has raised contributions from more than 40 billionaires..."
"The ultra rich can wield tremendous influence over governments and policies."
"We are watching a hostile takeover of Twitter by the richest man in the world."
"I think we encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax code."
"There's a big difference between wanting to date a guy who is wealthy and describing someone you did as a loser."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"Money buys the world once again, and billionaires just proved it."
"Congratulations to the Blue Origin team. It's just so cool, it's so impressive."
"Roman Abramovich buying Chelsea, you have state wealth entering football in Man City and in Paris Saint-Germain."
"Money makes you more of what you already are."
"He's just a man with a whole lot of money putting his money wherever he wants and pushing global agendas."
"This year's list of the richest Americans has been shaken up by divorce, crypto, and a presidency."
"The world's richest person should be somebody fixing and fighting climate change."
"Ruth married the billionaire in town. Do you wanna give her a run now?"
"You know, everybody's your friend when the money's flowing and the parties are flowing."
"The only reason people are nice to me is because I have more money than God."
"It's sad when people with money can just spend their money bullying the general public into silence."
"Money in the United States lets you do whatever you want and it's just going rampant."
"Money buys you access, whether it's to testing, government relief, or an eBay auction."
"We have allowed ourselves to be trapped by idiotic ideas... pushed by very rich people."
"I want to show how this is sort of the product of egos out of control and people with billions upon billions of dollars who get together at weird forums like Davos and other things who create foundations and start to play God."
"More money makes you more of who you already are."
"This American venture capitalist billionaires have taken over the club."
"Wealth gives you the opportunity to tell the truth. If you're not worth what are these guys worth a couple hundred million dollars they can say whatever they want plus they're old."
"As you're earning money because it's really really interesting the way the world works if you have enough money you control the police you control the government."
"Are you in fact a Saudi Arabian billionaire? Then you can have the best team easy, you can just win easy."
"Simons wanted to have more money to make real changes to the world."
"I think if you want to win things, you've got to be spending a lot of money, and to spend a lot of money, you've got to be super wealthy."
"Warning: stop following rich idiots, they'll get you killed."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy immunity to prosecution."
"Once you get to a certain level of wealth, the way you operate changes. Security, privacy, and convenience take the place of wanderlust and going wherever the road takes you."
"For me, it was just about super wealth, because I think that's how you rebuild Manchester United."
"I think Kanye West just realized he's too rich to not be Republican."
"When you have that type of money, you may want to live your life quietly and peacefully, or you may want to let people know that there is a gorilla in the room and you're going to impose your will."
"Legal difficulties do not exist for people with money."
"He's the monorail guy from The Simpsons. If he kept winning and 20 years later he was the wealthiest man on earth and he had the ear of like nation states and presidential leaders."
"There are no second acts in American life," Fitzgerald said, but Layman disagrees, stating, "The rich have an abundance of second acts."
"It all comes down to in my opinion unless you're already rich enough to pay for your own campaign which I don't know anyone who actually just does that out of pocket typically uh it's the corporations who back you."
"Money unleashes the beast in the narcissist."
"Money wins prizes. That's why anyone against Man United being owned by wealthy people is a fool."
"Money has corrupted our leaders into passing legislation that favors the rich and powerful over the average American."
"Don't ever be so blessed that you think you can be quiet. The more you have, the louder you ought to be."
"She who has the gold makes the rules."
"Money gives you power to influence your future."
"Dunamis means the power to perform miracles, power and influence that belongs with riches and wealth, but it also means excellence of soul."
"Those who possess wealth and education and leisure time want a say in how a country is run, especially on financial matters."