
Biblical Figure Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"One of the reasons why the life and the ministry of David the King continues to bless the body of Christ... was because of the character of the relationship that David had with God."
"He becomes someone who will save the whole nation of Egypt."
"Jacob is unquestionably an archetype of Christ."
"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
"All praise to you in the name of your son Yahusha Hamashiach, the anointed savior of Nazareth."
"Jeremiah overcame periods of dark depression."
"John the Revelator was visited by an Angel... clothed with a cloud and a rainbow around his head."
"Jesus was the Messiah because He showed up exactly in the timing of the prophecy of Daniel."
"Samson was working construction... Samson knows where the [ __ ] he came from."
"God really prospered Boaz right after a famine."
"Peter's leadership role in the early Christian church was marked by miracles, bold preaching, and unwavering commitment to spreading the message of salvation."
"For years, scholars dismissed the existence of the heroic King David. But a chunk of basalt uncovered in 1993 in northern Israel offers strong evidence of his existence."
"Scripture is surprisingly quiet about Mary Magdalene."
"Be a Jacob, the man who was broken by God, became a Prince - and his name, Israel, is now on the map again after 2000 years."
"Moses spent 40 years in Egypt before he left, he spent 40 years on the back side of the desert."
"Enoch's name is thought to mean 'dedicated' or 'trained,' suggesting a meaningful journey as part of the big story in the Bible."
"Enoch, who never faced death and was taken up by God, shows a divine favor acknowledged throughout history."
"When most people think of Satan, they are probably thinking of the character Lucifer."
"Yet Melchizedek turns out to be one of the most instructive figures in the entire Bible for helping us put our Bibles together."
"Joseph's life tells us a lot about how God fulfills his word."
"At a time when Israel faced internal disarray and trouble from foreign invaders, Hannah displayed remarkable faith."
"Moses is born of no one, drawn from nowhere, rescued by the most unlikely of hands."
"David, king of Jerusalem, a model for kingship in the Bible."
"Boaz becomes an instrument in the hands of God, living the law of Moses but doing it in a much expanded way."
"Josiah led one of the biggest revivals Israel ever experienced."
"Nathan is the classic example of a prophet who serves as the conscience of the king."
"Some say that Melchizedek was a type of Christ."
"The Bible emphasizes Samson's exceptional nature, detailing his divine conception and his status as a Nazir. Yet commentators note that Samson's life starkly contrasts the Nazir as described in Numbers 6:1-8."
"This is James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."
"Paul is a very, very complex character."
"Consider the apostle, the apostle Christ Jesus."
"Moses climbed Mount Nebo, and he was able to see the inheritance of the children of Yash for a possession."
"He was despised and rejected by man A Man of Sorrows acquainted with grief."
"And he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the way of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left."
"Now Melchizedek, he comes out and he greets Abraham and he brings bread and wine, and he blesses Abraham."
"Moses is clearly the most important player in the Bible."
"I'm inspired by this woman Hannah; her story is in the Bible for a reason."
"David, the simple shepherd boy... who became a noble warrior king."
"John the Baptist is still the star here."
"Moses had numerous encounters with God on Mount Si, culminating in the momentous occasion when he received the Ten Commandments."
"Moses was 80 years old when he spoke to Pharaoh to demand the release of the Israelites."
"It's going to be a profound element of evidence to again put Joshua there in the 15th century and validate the historicity of Joshua."
"John the Baptist said, 'I am that one.'"
"The boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord."
"Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians."
"David described in the Bible as a man after God's own heart brought the nation together, made Jerusalem its religious and political capital then secured the kingdom's territory."
"As the king who sacked Jerusalem and took the Jews into Babylonian captivity, Nebuchadnezzar remains a powerful figure."
"Deborah defies all of the stereotypes that we have about where a woman should be."
"He is the same Holy Spirit who gave wisdom unto Solomon."
"Joseph of Nazareth, whom God the father would trust to raise his son."
"And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest."
"I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee."
"Simon of Cyrene was compelled to carry Jesus's cross."
"Noah was a righteous man, the only man who is called a righteous man in all of the Torah."
"The portrait of the patriarch Abraham shows us a great man of faith."
"And Adam lived 130 years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth."
"Moses was 120 years old when he died; his eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished."
"Deborah, a prophetess... was judging Israel at that time."
"Joseph is a very eminent type of Christ."
"Elijah was one of the greatest men of God recorded in the Bible."
"He was made a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."
"Simon Peter... worked as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee before being called by Jesus."
"Rahab the great-great-grandmother of David was a truly amazing woman not just because of what she did but who she was inside."
"Of all the characters in the Bible, Nehemiah may not have been one that some of you had ever even heard of."
"Prophet Micah is considered one of the 12 minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible."
"Sarah was then blessed and gave birth to Isaac."
"Abraham is the only person in the Bible called a friend of God."