
Carbon Cycle Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"What you've got is a carbon pump, pumping the carbon into the soil."
"Meat and milk contributing to greenhouse gasses but if the animal is grazing on grass and in an integrated agricultural system, some of those greenhouse gases are actually sort of the carbon is returned to the soil and environmental impacts are reduced."
"Green carbon is the carbon of living things, it's the carbon of the carbon cycle, it's the carbon of our climate."
"Green carbon does not cause climate change because it can't cause climate change. It already is our climate."
"If you can get three percent of the biological ecosystem of the planet working toward converting carbon dioxide into the casino, you have a self-sustaining cycle that will eventually change the ecology of Newman."
"Net zero is a policy goal that we absolutely have to do because ultimately carbon dioxide stays around in the atmosphere for quite a long time."
"You have to stop adding to the natural carbon cycle, you know. It is relatively in balance without our contribution."
"Excess carbon in the atmosphere is not the problem. It is the symptom of the problem."
"If you have a loose carbon floating around on the Earth where you want biological life to thrive it will find an oxygen and it'll make CO2."
"Carbon isn't static, it constantly moves through various processes."
"The earth is really good at cleaning up carbon."
"Plants are the ecological liaison between carbon dioxide and soil organic matter."
"There's a finite amount of carbon on planet Earth."
"When that carbon is in the ground, locked up in rocks or sediments, then the planet is cool."
"The atmosphere is a critical carbon reservoir."
"All of the potential life in that carbon resource, the CO2 in the atmosphere, should be coming back into the soil to create blood sugars and fats."
"Climate models also can inform observations. With models and observations together, we can learn in more detail more specifically about where that carbon goes."
"Soil is built with carbon, with decomposing carbon."
"If there's no green plants there, then you're still not going to be building soil carbon."
"Most of the carbon that we put into the soil mostly gets respired."
"We need to close the carbon cycle, transforming CO2 back into fuel using sustainable resources."
"Carbon in the atmosphere is trapped in the atmosphere right now because we're not allowing the soil to bring it back down into the soil."
"Excess carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels disrupts the carbon cycle."
"Plants eat carbon. They inhale carbon dioxide and they exhale oxygen. That's how the whole thing works, right?"
"Viruses mobilize enough carbon per year."
"Plants form a crucial pillar in the carbon cycle."
"More plants means more photosynthesis, which means more carbon dioxide is going to get used up in that reaction."
"We want to close those carbon cycle loops; we want to get that carbon back into soil."
"The ocean used to be a slight source of carbon dioxide, and now it takes up a third of all the extra carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere."
"The forest soil holds water because of the carbon in it, and it also holds its nutrients."
"It's all about moisture and carbon and getting that grass growing like it should."
"Carbon began to cycle in an amazing balance, a balance that allowed for life as we know it to evolve."
"Volcanoes are one of the really key ways to bring carbon from the deep earth store up into the atmosphere."
"A shocking new discovery has found that collisions of tectonic plates below the Earth's surface are drawing massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere."
"It's aimed at tackling the biggest threat facing humanity: fighting climate change and rebalancing Earth's carbon cycle."
"80% of our carbon is stored in the terrestrial ecosystems like on land, so if we had no forest, we wouldn't be here."
"We're trying to do is the other side of this cycle, taking carbon dioxide plus water, adding in energy, and getting out hydrocarbons that we can use as fuels and chemicals."
"The soil holds 70% of our carbon, and rather than growing loads of new forests, actually just looking after the dirt, the soil, and maintaining that is important."
"The southern ocean plays a key role in regulating our planet's carbon dioxide, a key driver of climate change."
"The Amazon jungle plays a crucial role in regulating the earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen."
"The generation of petroleum and what we do with it is actually part of the carbon cycle."
"Plants can photosynthesize to fix carbon from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates."
"This is all part of one of the most important biogeochemical processes on the planet: the carbon cycle."
"It's ultimately photosynthesis that we are managing, this process, it is plants breathing in that carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen."
"We literally need plants to create oxygen for us and they're consuming more carbon."
"What will happen to that ancient carbon as permafrost thaws?"
"We're working with nature... the tree is breathing, the tree is bringing in carbon, and it's growing its body."
"The vast majority of carbon is locked up into plant matter and especially trees, and fungi... enable that carbon to return to the carbon cycle."
"There's something about carbon and sunlight that just hits different."
"Fossil fuel burning is quickly returning to the atmosphere carbon stored for millions of years in crustal reservoirs."
"Plate tectonics is what brings carbon from the interior to the surface of the Earth, a critical ingredient for life in terms of photosynthesis and ultimately sources of oxygen for respiration."
"When we burn biomass, we're releasing what we refer to as modern carbon."
"Evaluate the extent to which today's increasing demand for energy is the most important factor in modifying the global carbon cycle."
"Carbon is the building block for life."
"Carbon flows from the atmosphere to plants through the process of photosynthesis."
"All living things need to eat carbon; that's where we get our energy from."
"We're putting back into the ground the same amount of carbon that we're taking out of the ground."
"The purpose of photosynthesis is to balance carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."
"The Amazon rainforest plays a vital role in the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the biosphere."
"The concentration of carbon in the ocean affects the atmospheric concentration that will then affect climate."
"Plants are building their bodies out of carbon that they derive from the air and from water they derive from the rain."
"I actually study carbon, okay? This is essentially the cycling of carbon on a coral reef."
"The rivers are the conveyor belt taking the carbon from the land to the ocean, where it's effectively removed from the atmosphere."
"Phytoplankton fix over half the world's carbon dioxide and form the base of the food chain of the world's oceans."
"Nature has found a way to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and put it in soil."
"Photosynthesis sequesters carbon out of the atmosphere into the plants."
"The trees talk with each other using this internet and actually harness carbon for each other."
"We do that by making sure that the life in the soil has what it needs, that it can get oxygen, that it can get water, that it has carbon to build life."
"We have put the carbon in the wrong place. It needs to go somewhere else."