
Product Presentation Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Your pictures can play a huge role in that. You want your pictures to clear up any confusion that they might have, as well as allow them to picture how life would be better if they had your product."
"You can see a much tighter less scattered ring around the light for more reflection and shine to the buyer's eyes."
"Adding a white background and clear product images increases conversion rate and sales dramatically."
"But this also means it’s very important how the tools are offered and advertised."
"Gorgeous packaging, absolutely colorful, colorful, and just pops off the shelf."
"Don't cheap out on the product photos...it's incredibly important."
"Take your time there because this is what is going to sell your product."
"Paint a picture for your customers with compelling bullet points that solve their problems and speak to their needs."
"You've got the reviews at the top and the name of the product."
"If it comes in a fancy box, it has a bigger effect."
"Sometimes you do need to edits like the image change the images and things like that."
"That was beautiful, look at the packaging. I love the way they just display this in here, it's like you're opening up like a new set of Rolexes or something."
"The choice is yours to make... I'm just showing you how each one looks if you opened it out of the box you want to buy it put it on your desk how does it look."
"Create an amazing experience for them. You're not just selling a product, you're selling an experience."
"The unboxing experience, they really put a lot of care into it."
"When you first look at that product, we want the only thing you to see back is your shining face." - Curtis
"Marketing everything about it, I mean look at this."
"When you go into a dispensary you're not sampling the products you're just looking, so you have to, it has to look nice and then the product inside needs to match."
"I love it. They're heavy so I'm just gonna show you the first three but it comes like this basically with the lion in two layers and three bottles in the top layer and three bottles in the bottom layer."
"The packaging is on point, so definitely a lot of respect for people who put extra emphasis on their packaging."
"This is the palette right here as you guys can see."
"Everything they've shown today looks excellent."
"This kit comes very nicely packaged with RGB lighting."
"A little bit of packaging to show that you give a shit about your product really goes a long way."
"Wow, this is our Pulse exclusive cover, just look at that."
"Presentation is important - this is already a better presentation than anything you've seen from Google, Apple, and Samsung all year long."
"I'm the director of R&D, that's research and destruction, and this is what we got new for 2022."
"Packaging, I'm gonna give that a ten out of ten. Made me feel fancy, it made me feel elegant."
"Once you package it up and label it properly, everyone is gonna eat that up like there's no tomorrow."
"Once I put it out and put it on the table, I don't really care if the table is pissed off that the computer is 2 pounds."
"It's incredible, full of features, full of cool details, I'm excited to show it to you guys."
"Don't ever think something's oversaturated, it's actually the more saturated, the more chances there are for you to sell something."
"It just came awfully beautifully packaged so major major kudos to coach for just the time and the attention that they took to to end up packaging their their handbag."
"Your Amazon images are equivalent to what packaging is to retail."
"You must wow the customer from when they view your listing to when they open your package." - Stand
"Let's see what they've got, looks great and smells good."
"Representing Intel, we've got the Core i3-10100."
"How do we sell you because I don't think Bethesda's done a good job at it?"
"Thank you guys for staying till the end, I know some of you are eyeing this pink sweater off the rack here and you didn't see it so I didn't want to disappoint you guys here it is on me."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Apparition."
"Let's dig right into it because today I'm presenting the Glass Parency graphene coating."
"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for: product price."
"It's about letting your product really speak for itself, letting it get wild like it would in nature."
"Showing how something like this moves really helps an item sell."
"That my friends I think is a pretty comprehensive tour of the new Aquila 70."
"So when you're on the screen you're like holding up a pack and you're sitting there and you are arranging each of the you like this one do you like this one do you want to change this one how much how point does it need to be how bb it need to be."
"Videos simply make your products look amazing."
"I'd like to thank you for taking the time today to take a look at the brand new special edition REI 20x."
"High quality product photos are essential for attracting customers and showcasing your products in the best light possible."
"Creating a wow moment is important when someone opens your product."
"...the odd little random dot of these uh sort of Pinky ready ones yep from it just does really does sell it off."
"I think people just like to see all the options they have at once instead of seeing only product photos."
"Here she is, the new 2023 Nissan Versa, finished in fresh powder."
"So let's go ahead and show you what comes in the box."
"You need to make sure that you include all the key details that would help your potential buyer visualize themselves with your product."
"When you're opening this product, you really want to see a downtown."
"May I present to you this the Rambles microfibre towel. Supplies are extremely limited."
"oh wow look at that packaging that looks fancy"
"If you're not getting people exactly what they want and if you're not showing them something that is familiar like an Amazon product page, they're just not going to trust it and they're not going to buy."
"Presentation is a lot of the selling points."
"Each one is carefully wrapped in this bandana. Look at that! When you've got to open it, look at this, Jody. It's a backpack, a purse with a cat. I couldn't be more thrilled."
"...I always find clear packaging like this to be so satisfying to look at."
"Look at this thing! How can I not get you excited?"
"Looks good. It stands out in this initial launch version of the Tumi sen 10."
"Lighting is the key. If your photos are looking dark, adding some more light into them, brightening the picture, is going to make them more appealing and easier to look at for your buyer resulting in more sales."
"You want your product to look as perfect as it can."
"I love the packaging presentation, I love all of the included extras."
"I present the Shimoda Explore V2. Now this, this is a sexy bag."
"Emphasize the styling of our product through high-quality images."
"Lighting is number one, you've got to get lighting right or else nothing else will work."
"Price is one of those things... pictures, price, and title."
"It feels so substantial, and I just love the fact that they wrapped it up in the cloth."
"I've already raved about the packaging, I just think it's beautiful, it's thoughtful, it's really really well done."
"Everything is individually wrapped; I don't think I've ever seen anything packed with this much detail."
"The packaging is just as beautiful as the product."
"I would much rather you guys be happier and more impressed when you see the jewelry in person."
"If your product comes with multiple pieces that people care about, make sure to showcase them all in your main image."
"Having product videos on your Amazon listing is extremely important."
"If you've done a great job with your images, with your copy, then you should definitely see a better conversion rate."
"We always like to have the face of the soap facing the customer as they open the box."
"The product page is even better, in my opinion."
"Present each product with pride and authority."
"Make sure that your bullet points are beautiful; they're really, really well written."
"Having complete control over the layout of this page lets you tailor this page to the nature of your products."
"Busts are amazing for your sales, people will flock to those compared to your pegboard because they're able to see what the product looks like."
"The white beautiful full cappings, that's really where it's at in marketing your comb honey."
"You want to treat it as if it's your own product, you want to share all the things about it so a person is going to be comfortable with making that purchase."
"Make sure to include multiple images that show your products from different angles and convey a realistic idea of what your product is actually like."
"He actually managed to make a keyboard feel luxurious and high-end and interesting, not only through good design but also through the use of composition and lighting."
"Ebay wants the buyers to feel confident in purchasing an item that they are actually going to get the item that they expect to receive based on a number of photographs."
"Get a good main image... it's worth investing in."
"I wanted something that kind of fit and finished it off and made it look nice when you open the bags."
"You want a product that can easily pique someone's interest within the first five seconds of seeing it."
"Anyway, that was a presentation on the Sony TCM 5000 EV cassette tape recorder."
"They give them new meaning in order to tell you all the great stories."
"When it comes to making your image, make sure that the image is as good as it can possibly be."
"Visual merchandising is about presenting your retail business and your products in an attractive way to the customers."
"In the customer's mind, the jewelry should always be perfect and this is how we should present it to the customer."
"You want to keep your main product image like either white background or grey background and have it consistent throughout."
"I do love the packaging; I really do love the color story."