
Religious Mission Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Jesus came to divide, that's our job. The truth divides."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
"Mary Baker Eddy gave the Monitor a missionary role, saying it was 'Dedicated to the task of leavening human thinking.'"
"The prophets' number one goal is to testify of Jesus Christ and to get us to come unto Him."
"Our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ."
"We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity, and ultimately human fulfillment are created from the bottom up, not the government down."
"Their job is to bring Christ into the secular order because they're the ones who understand the secular order."
"We are gathering Israel for the last time and are doing so with the Book of Mormon--a book that, combined with the Spirit of the Lord, is the most powerful tool of conversion."
"Praying in the Holy Ghost, finding souls, pulling them from the fire, one church, one person, one family, one nation at a time."
"God truly is using you as we help people around the world find God and find life."
"The last message will be brought by The Remnant, keeping the Commandments of God."
"It's this connection, remember, His overall commission is on earth as it is in heaven."
"In our lifetime...we need to establish His kingdom in our country India."
"Setting up the kingdom of God on earth will be part of our assignment."
"We know the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 are going to the entire world."
"These are powerful gifts that God is using, using me, using us, to advance his kingdom."
"We're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation."
"A church which goes forth is a community of missionary disciples who bear fruit and rejoice."
"The primary mission of the church is to declare the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"If you can't have a non-Christian president, then maybe one day if we're lucky."
"I wasn't made in the image of a supreme cracker, I was made in the image of the supreme god."
"Lord Jesus Christ, use us, transform the world, make this prayer through the intercession of Our Lady."
"Bethel's model: Bringing Heaven to Earth." - Describing Bethel's mission and motto.
"The rescue mission that God is launching right now, calling his body and his ecclesia to stand up, is paramount."
"He did that job very well, converted basically the whole city that the prophet salallahu Islam sent him to."
"Present a full Jesus to this world through your Ecclesia."
"Christ for the world, for the world needs Christ!"
"We have been authorized by God Almighty to carry out his word."
"God wants to fill all things through the church, not just fill the church."
"Evangelization is the mission of the Church."
"All authority is given to me in heaven and on Earth, go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
"The Gathering of Israel is the most important work taking place on the Earth today."
"The future of the faithful is in your hands. Unite Christendom, Christianize Asia, or bless the rains down in Africa."
"The church must get back to demonstrating the kingdom of God."
"Hopefully we can lead people to Jesus Christ at the end of the day, amen."
"He even chooses us broken vessels today to bring his messiah to those around the world."
"Spread the truth of the Gospel... that's the only way we're all going to have eternal peace and salvation."
"Islam's mission in life is to help humanity, to save life."
"The promise is he shall have dominion, and he is winning the world. All the families are going to return. So my duty is to be faithful to preach the gospel, to win the nation to Christ."
"Rachel Hamm is a weapon in the hands of almighty god that is doing a lot of damage to the kingdom of darkness."
"From your home it will spread through your neighborhood from wards to stakes to to nations until the knowledge of the lord covers the earth even as the waters cover the sea."
"We're here for the right reasons, trying to bring people closer to Christ."
"It is our responsibility to share the word of Allah with humanity."
"We have got to do everything we can to reach young people with the gospel."
"The primary mission of the Catholic Church is proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and inviting the whole world to faith and repentance."
"God's about to launch a billion Souls Harvest."
"The Bible gives us just one assignment as last days Christians and that is to occupy until he comes."
"The church was left here to fulfill the plan."
"Unity and holiness serve the mission of God, which is the establishment of the kingdom of God."
"Let us aggressively pursue the peace of God through the preaching of the word of God to the nations of the world."
"Jesus came for the world, but he came to Israel... He came for the world God so loved."
"There is only one truth: the Catholic church has been endowed with a mission to bring all of humanity to Salvation through Christ."
"Let's join hands and link hearts and put our resources together for the cause of Christ."
"Help us take the media back, help us take this back, help us reach the soul of the next generation, and help us do it right now."
"He doesn't send people on a mission to go and preach a Christless conservatism. He tells his disciples to go make disciples."
"We are all here for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus."
"Our mission is to bring light to the world... the light of Jesus Christ."
"Make disciples of every nation, turning them into students."
"In all that we do, the ultimate goal is to reveal Jesus and to glorify Him."
"The Gospel must be preached in all the nations of the world as a witness as a testimony."
"Through Israel, the way was to be prepared for the diffusion of His light to the whole world."
"God's mission is telling about All His Marvelous works."
"We're just gonna keep growing. The gospel must be preached in all the world."
"The mission of Jesus was to save his people from their sins."
"We owe the world an encounter with Jesus Christ."
"Our mission is simple: to inspire people to live for Jesus."
"What Jesus was all about was lifting up the poor."
"We want to be a Philadelphian church that's a Missionary church that is a compassionate church it's a small church but it's a powerful Church it will not deny his name or his word."
"Jesus sends out the disciples to grow their faith."
"May we, the followers of Jesus Christ, take this good news to the ends of the earth."
"The good news of the Kingdom shall be preached."
"That the Church may continue to make Jesus known to the world through the words of hope and works of love."
"God called us to fulfill missions versus fill rooms."
"The number one goal is for the church to go get the precious fruit of the Earth, the lost, and bring them into the body and bring them into the family of God."
"We exist to represent God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ."
"The church needs to wake up and return to its mission."
"Living with eternity in mind: why this family left a comfortable life in Silicon Valley to spread the gospel on a Pacific island."
"Preaching the gospel is the most important thing."
"If you really love your Prophet's life, then take on his mission. Represent it."
"Every Church named Seventh-day Adventists must be to the world as Joseph was in Egypt."
"Our mission here at Prophecy Watchers is to keep as many people as possible out of the tribulation."
"The proclamation of the Gospel is alive and it's alive through you, an instrument of God's glory and his grace."
"The mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct but inseparable."
"Our mission is to preach the gospel. We're not here to manipulate times, but to tell people about Jesus."
"We're all called to live as storytellers telling the story of Jesus, His goodness, and His grace."
"That the gospel would spread there and that God's kingdom would advance there for His glory and His honor."
"They are carrying out the will of God on the Earth."
"The Great Commission, not the great suggestion."
"God raised up the Seventh Day Adventist Church to Proclaim Christ and him crucified."
"The great commission is not to make converts, the great commission is to make disciples of nations."
"Jesus was sent to Israel first and then to the world with grace and truth."
"Go to Joshua Project dotnet. All 50 of these people groups have less than 2% Christ followers."
"I came to seek and save those who are lost."
"Israel is to become a kingdom of priests to the world, a set-apart nation that will attract other nations to God."
"Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost and to heal the sick."
"It is through learning from the mistakes and holding leaders accountable that the Catholic community can heal, rebuild trust, and continue its mission of faith, love, and service."
"Each one must have the courage to go and spread the good news among young people of your own age who will take the church into the next century."
"...the mission is carried by the hearts that always uphold Islam and always uphold what Islam calls for."
"Paul's entire mission is to prepare people for the imminent arrival of the Olam Haba, the age to come."
"For therefore came I forth, says he, the errand for which he came forth evidently presses him, constrains him, impels him, and he must go forward till all his baptism is accomplished."
"Help us, Lord, reach the cities that we live in because we believe it'll glorify you."
"The mission of Disciple Dojo is to equip, engage, and empower the church."
"This story is about a missionary called David Brainerd who would spread the liberty of the gospel to the native inhabitants of these shores."
"He took the Great Commission seriously."
"Our goal is to disciple nations, evangelize and disciple nations."
"They were sent forth by the Holy Spirit."
"An apostle goes out planting Jesus."
"We can fulfil our objective of spreading the message of Islam throughout the world."
"We are the ambassadors of Christ, we're sent into darkness with the authority of the Holy Trinity."
"His vision was that he, the Emperor, with the help of the monks, would set about creating the city of God on earth."
"Follow me and I will make you fish for people."
"We do announce missionary work, we do share what we're doing with humanitarian work."
"The mission of Christ was to bring people back to the worship of God."
"We're doing this for Jesus, for the Trinity, for Our Lady, to spread the Good News."
"I will soon be celebrating my 90th birthday. Do you know what I want? I want the nations."
"Go out into all the nations of the world, teaching and baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."