
Nazi Germany Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Vidkun Quisling has become one of history's most infamous traitors owing to his collaboration with Nazi Germany."
"Like much of the story of Nazi Germany, Himmler has become the source of fascination for historians."
"Hitler appoints his second in command, former World War One flying ace Hermann Göring, as minister in charge of the new government air ministry."
"Well, you know, and I'm just gonna, I just want to discuss this a little bit, you know, when Hitler was gone from Germany and all this, a lot of the scientists, a lot of his generals, they disappeared, uh, they disappeared with lots of submarines."
"Magda Goebbels murdered her six children aged between 12 and 4 years of age before she and Joseph killed themselves."
"The Nazis reached unprecedented heights of scientific advancement."
"By June 1941, the invasion of the Soviet Union had been initiated and Hitler was effectively locked away from all party officials, leaving Bormann alone as the unchecked representative of the Fuhrer."
"A deliberate attempt by the legally constituted and elected government of Nazi Germany to exterminate, wipe out an entire race."
"The night was dubbed crystal nacht, meaning night of the broken glass."
"The murder of millions of Jews and others deemed to be of inferior races was this the culmination of long-standing beliefs and actions of the German people or a monstrous new creation of the Nazis?" - A chilling historical question.
"Reinhard Heydrich - The death of Reinhard Heydrich showed the world one important thing - as protected as Hitler’s inner circle was, they were not invincible."
"At the top of that bureaucratic pyramid at the outset of the Holocaust was Reinhard Heydrich."
"Goebbels’ role in this respect was so significant that the controversial historian of Nazi Germany, David Irving, has described him as the ‘Mastermind of the Third Reich’."
"Goebbels' propaganda work was highly successful."
"There is no doubting the significance of Goebbels’ role."
"Goebbels' writings glorifying the war effort were rarely absent."
"Goebbels took on an ever more important role."
"The Nazis were actively hostile towards the occult."
"Night of broken glass refers to what amounted to a state sanctioned rampage against Jewish Germans."
"Hitler told Goebbels to pull back the police."
"Germany had a systematic strategy of brutality. The SS and the police made sure that its goons were completely all right with the mass murder they were committing."
"The subordinates of Hitler all followed orders willingly, enthusiastically, and effectively."
"Comparisons are almost always drawn up between our current situation in the modern day and Nazi Germany."
"Heydrich was the only high ranking Nazi to be assassinated in the whole of WWII, a fact that explains our continued fascination with him."
"Book burning stands as a powerful symbol of Nazi intolerance and censorship."
"The Nazis were never elected as a majority ruling party in Germany."
"On February 27th, pedestrians near the Reichstag heard the sound of breaking glass, soon after flames erupted."
"Rather than Hitler dictating his decisions from above, many policies were implemented from below as his henchman, such as Himmler and Martin Bormann, fought turf wars amongst themselves."
"After Crystal Night, when there was so much violence against Jewish businesses, Hess issued a statement and ordered that there was to be no more looting of Jewish shops."
"The political life of the great Fuhrer had finished, the kingdom of a thousand years had finished."
"So it seems to back up Igor's theory that the Nazis were carrying out experiments to put a man in space."
"Virtually everyone, including his enemies, conceded that Goebbels was a brilliant propagandist."
"The hunger plan is just one piece of an inhuman strategy."
"Nazi Germany invaded Poland and conquered much of Europe during World War II."
"If we look at Nazi Germany, we can see that the function of racism can be very similar to the function of anti-semitism in promoting and encouraging fascism."
"The chances of escaping from this camp in far eastern Germany and making it across Nazi-controlled Europe to neutral territory was, as the Germans thought, nigh impossible."
"Himmler's obsession with the occult and the esoteric."
"...Nazis began the march towards the final solution, but I think there's no doubt that it was there implicitly or here explicitly in Hitler's rhetoric from the very beginning, don't you agree?"
"Thomas Mann would become one of the first writers to be exiled from Nazi Germany."
"Hess was effectively Hitler’s designated successor at this time should anything happen to the Nazi leader."
"Resistance against the Nazi regime within Germany is heralded as an example of heroism and bravery."
"The legacy of Nazi Germany is something we are still struggling to grapple with to this day."
"Kristallnacht marked a shift in Nazi Germany from legal restrictions and harassment to indiscriminate violence and terror against the Jews."