
Financial Recovery Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"I went from almost £25,000 in debt to having enough money to buy a house."
"Bankruptcy... is Nature's do-over. It's a fresh start. It's a clean slate."
"Those who play their cards right during these next few months will make up for years, maybe decades, of complete mismanaged financial moves."
"I get you recuperating financially. So if you've had some crazy spending... you will actually recuperate."
"Genuine recovery and anti-hacking experts do exist...but the hard reality is the money is gone unless someone you meet with face to face that works for your bank can tell you otherwise."
"A good movie may not initially make money, but word of mouth, with a few exceptions, will make sure that money eventually finds it."
"I made back every penny, ladies and gentlemen."
"Bankruptcy: a chance to resolve debts without liquidation."
"The only people bailing us out of our financial troubles is the people in the mirror."
"Your Pentacles will turn around. If you've been struggling financially, you won't feel lacking anymore."
"Financial restoration and compensation for losses are declared."
"Markets are ripping, jobs and inflation looking good as the Dow hits an all-time high."
"We have two million dollars, we will recover it, it's going to be okay."
"Success through deleveraging, no matter what type."
"We're still early enough for you to make it back."
"Back to life, back to reality brother, the loan's over and yeah, back to fossil football extraordinaire."
"The EU will present a financial recovery plan that will exceed 1 trillion dollars."
"My account went from negative 240,000 to plus 20,000 because of Upwork and buying dips."
"You cannot save your way out of devastation."
"The thing I wanted to squeeze in is like you know look I secured hundreds of millions of dollars in excess of a billion total from two auto companies for cheating."
"Foundry makes the marginal cost of application development approach zero."
"Step by step with the whole situation that we have going on in the world and this shows financial recovery as well all right again it's not gonna happen over in one day it's gonna happen step by step."
"Do not be afraid of bankruptcy if you need to wipe the slate clean, do it."
"Your financial mistakes don't define you; they're just mistakes that you made."
"Even though he's still got the car, Alex has managed to clear 20,000 pounds worth of debt."
"Mount Gox creditors set to receive over nine billion dollars in Bitcoin."
"Personally I don't have an opinion on that I just want my Bitcoin back."
"That's fantastic! Not only have we regained some of those losses, we've actually gone up almost 20 percent."
"Bitcoin's recovery compared to the stock market."
"I've lost a lot of money before, I've made a lot of money back."
"I genuinely believe Edelson PC is trying to get back the two million dollars."
"We need another trip already, right, we need another trip, I can't, I need to financially recover from a big snack, honestly, same."
"The worst is over, bottom is in for Bitcoin. I think they're going to salvage this."
"Funds recovered... return the illicit funds to the victims of the crime... all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Hercule makes the grand proclamation that it will only take him 3 years to drag Lamura out of the depths of financial destitution."
"So, we took this restaurant that was just riddled with debt and turned it into a cash cow. You know, within, uh, you know, a hundred grand in debt the first year, got rid of it, second year we start, we're pumped."
"Bitcoin had a amazing miraculous recovery, we kind of predicted that this would happen."
"Patience does pay off... starting to get back up to 261."
"Marcinkus and Calvi got cozy, attempting to gain back lost money."
"You shouldn't let them get away with it, and it's selfish to think, 'Well, you know, they got away with it, but it's not worth my time to get the money back.'"
"Maybe we're going to see a rebound coming for Coinbase."
"In the span of just the last couple of weeks, Tesla stock has rebounded from around seven hundred dollars to about eleven hundred dollars per share."
"She hit him right where she lived... that's part of the money that should be clawed back from Donald Trump."
"I feel like to be able to get the money back, I gotta start now."
"If you lose 70%, your gain is going to have to be 140% to break even."
"Knowledge is power and being able to negotiate this is what's going to get us back on track."
"A 50% drawdown takes a 100% return just to get back to even."
"Two profits, two losses, and overall into profit again because of proper risk and money management."
"We're getting back money, we're getting back money, this should be easier now."
"Stocks normally bounce out of that bear into the next Bull Market with some of the best returns you'll ever see."
"In one and a half days, AMC Theaters was able to wipe out all of their losses from 2020. That's huge."
"If debt is taking over your life, it's time to get a fresh start with Upstart."
"This Queen of Cups is stepping into a season of restoration... receiving her payouts, reimbursement, and offers."
"Recovering from overspending hasn't meant I'm free from wanting stuff. I've just unlinked the desire for stuff from the behavior of buying stuff."
"One of the beauties of going broke is you no longer care what people think."
"You're financially down right so I was down 90 000 of the [__] now I'm hungry I gotta make this back because you know maybe uh my family won't be able to eat."
"Now, after living through the 2008 great financial crash, getting smashed like millions of other Americans and others around the world, it was really my wake-up call."
"Bitcoin will come through and all these fantastic projects that may be down right now, they will recover."
"If you hold a long-term investment you'll eventually get it back and make more money again right."
"By December of 2012 just after the game had been launched on both platforms in Japan, it was just shy of having 200,000 subscribers and it had already recouped the 16 million dollars it had cost to divert the game and support it since launch."
"Unlimited miracles and blessings that change your lifestyle are about to come your way. Improve your health, strengthen your relationship, and get your finances back on track."
"Hell is only a word. The reality is much..." and now we're gonna financially recover.
"I don't know if I'll ever financially recover from this." - Tony
"Resurrection in your financial life is possible."
"It's amazing how that works. The reason an old fart like me laughs at something like this is because I remember when I got broke."
"Forget about financial setbacks; God is guiding you toward a season of abundance."
"Through this process, you've emptied your pockets, but now the divine is wanting to refill them to the point of overflow."
"I definitely think I've turned a corner four weeks ago 36 year-old Kate felt spending was wild and Unleashed at 27,000 pounds her debts were sky-high and Kate had a stark choice either change her ways or face financial ruin."
"Bitcoin has a real shot to just get right back to where it was, at 59.3 and hit sixty thousand."
"If you haven't played the game, I hope this convinces you to give it a shot."
"It felt like a victory over financial crisis basically."
"Finally, after being down over two thousand dollars, we make a big hand."
"How much money can we recover from the existing assets and a very big variable here is like how much money can be derived from future earnings or Equity value by restarting the exchange."
"I think Disney investors are going to eventually see a recovery."
"Most of the damage is behind us and on the smp I think yeah one has to be open to a 50 correction open doesn't mean that is probable."
"The one good thing that came out of losing money is that it pushed me to double down on myself and my business."
"Your finances will recover as you remove this abusive person from your world."
"You're recovering financially. There's a financial recovery here for you."
"It's super pleasure giving me new confidence to keep going again. I was kind of burned out financially and everything but now I think the future looks good."
"This is what Scott's been dreaming about, getting some money back from Patrick."
"One winning day should make up for three losing days."
"I have the inordinate benefit of having gone completely broke, and once you've gone completely broke, you really don't care what other people think because you figure out most of them aren't going to be around anyway."
"That money is no longer yours; now it's time to have a new approach to making new money."
"Over the last 10 years, I have recovered from that $750,000 personal debt and got into a position where I'm relatively financially secure."
"The Elizabeth Line is exceeding expectations and has helped transport for London's precarious financial situation."
"Good news, we found a recovery rebate credit worth four hundred dollars."
"It's gratifying when after about three months of desperate effort, I was able to restore my income."
"On the verge of bankruptcy, things may be looking up for them."
When Sharon and I went broke, we finally looked in the mirror and said, "That's it, I've had it. I'm not going to be like this anymore."
"My only interest in this case from day one has been in the best interest of those children to try to recover some money that I think they were cheated out of."
"General Motors has finally completed their long and arduous road of solving their financial problems."
"Confidence is going to be your biggest key, right? It's not the money, the money can always come back."
"Financial recovery, goal achievement, financial recovery."
"They had absolutely turned around their financial health."
"I will recover lost territory in my finances."
"Bankruptcy rewards the honest debtor."
"The consequence: that debt went from deep discount basically to par."
"This year results show a return to profitability for the company following several years of losses."
"We are actually better off now than we were before the crash."
"Been broke as hell, cashed the check and bounce back."
"I went from having $30,000 in arrears in child support to changing the entire course of my family's life."
"My people are in financial famine, and I'm going to reveal to you the keys that will bring them out."
"Barcelona, who just a season ago looked bankrupt, corrupt, and in complete rebuild mode after losing Messi, went ahead and mortgaged their future this past summer, and it somehow paid off."
"The real goat is a person who could be broke several times, lose everything several times, and still yet be able to bounce back and come back like it's nothing."
"We're basically asked to be made whole again after what has been taken over the last 10 years."
"Large drawdowns are the enemy of compounding; it simply takes too long to recover from a devastating drawdown."
"It has been revived, officially green year to date now up over $10,000 on the year."
"I was so excited to be working, making extra money to get me out of debt from my divorce and back into savings mode."
"We're out of the red ink, we're now seeing some black, that's a big deal."
"The church used to be really, really poor, in fact, it almost had to declare bankruptcy on more than one occasion, but now it has lots of money, so that's a good thing."
"We're going to need to take a very close look at debt collection and credit reports if we want an equitable recovery."
"I lost my job during the pandemic and I decided to go full time with affiliate marketing, and this strategy right here really saved me financially."
"If you're having financial problems, you're coming out of that, and I don't feel like you're going to have a problem around financial stability ever again."
"Financial pinches in reverse, if you've been going through money issues, something's coming in."
"Time never comes back and experiences, but money can come back."
"Nice, 64 pound pots the bonus, 292 heading towards money back again for the game."
"The money is gone, what are you afraid of earning again? It's not a big deal."
"Once you've been broke, you just don't want to ever go there again."
"I am here to mend your broken heart and restore your financial stability."
"Your confidence, your money, is coming back up again here very quickly, Taurus, while you're focusing on yourself."
"You can always make money back, but you've got to be here in order to make that money."
"You've been through a time where money has been difficult... but it is reversing, so that's a very good thing."