
Sketching Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"Sketching portraits is a numbers game; you need to draw thousands of portraits to become good at it."
"These quick sketches are just thinking, you know, this is problem-solving what we're doing here."
"These sketches don't have to be perfect, in fact, you know, allowing these imperfections to happen might show you areas where you're less confident. Just happy little accidents."
"The sketches that come out now I have been highly elevated in my opinion."
"Betty sketched a copy of the starmap that she would later describe as a three-dimensional projection."
"Studying art is doing pages of anatomy studies in a Sketchbook."
"Sketch as loosely and freely as you can, but then take your inking quite seriously. Just chill out a little bit."
"The sketchbook is to explore ideas and to have freedom to mess up."
"Most architects will tell you that sketching and model making, they're still a part of their design process today."
"I will probably use it mostly for sketchbook paintings because I really love to do portraits."
"Sketches come to life with a sketchbook and characters surrounding it."
"Sketching... making everything as best as you can."
"And last but not least, a sketchbook... I will definitely be doing this."
"Some of the best sketchbooks... make zero sense at all and then as you flip through the pages you starting to sense a theme."
"I started a sketchbook journal and I drew every day in it."
"Wish you guys the best of luck with sketching and have the most fun in exploring this wonderful world."
"This is one of my favorite sketching tools now, so much fun to sketch in Procreate."
"The power of sketchbooks: they can be as benign as just sitting there doodling or as heartfelt and emotional as what I've just shown you."
"Each Sketchbook a little time capsule of emotions and moments."
"Experiment with freestyle sketching as well."
"I've always kind of tried to take that approach to sketchbooks because it really is the place where you can be your messiest."
"Poly strips allow you to quickly sketch out strips of quads."
"Every once in a while, I will try to just do some sketching, even if it's something as rough as the warm-up sketches."
"Optical drawing board that allows you to pull up an image you want to sketch on your phone and then actually draw it on the piece of paper yourself. That's so smart."
"If you're sketching a street, don't try and sketch everything you see in front of you; pick one thing out that you can sketch."
"Sketching is just what makes you feel most comfortable; sketch to the point where you feel like you're ready to take this into Illustrator."
"I had a lot of fun with the Sketchbook."
"I hope this has inspired you to get out and just sketch more and not worry about whether you're creating a masterpiece or not. Just to sketch, document your day, capture the moments, and have fun."
"...it just really reminded me how useful sketchbooking is to me as an artist."
"I love sketching with pen because when it is down it is down there is no eraser, that's part of the charm to it and also the intimidation factor."
"When it comes to sketching, always start off light."
"All I'm looking for really when I sketch is the silhouette, the shape of the thing."
"...the Precision pen 3 is great for sketching out artwork taking notes in a meeting it really is very versatile."
"Both kaio and leon visited naga this is um kaio's sketch of the lion temple and the roman kiosk this is lean on sketch of the two monuments side by side one another leonon also drew the ammon temple at the same site"
"Everybody usually freaks out at this point because we're talking about sketching but really it's a really, really simple thing to do."
"Just kind of doing light little sketcherly marks."
"Sketching can be a really great way to just warm up for a bigger sketch or for a painting."
"Every sketch, no matter how quick or imperfect, serves its purpose in warming up and getting the creative juices flowing."
"Everybody should be able to sketch because you start... just putting the major masses in the right place and then working a concept around that."
"Doing a quick preparatory sketch or exercise where we at least draw some elements and get a sense of what marks we're going to use to capture the essence of our scene really pays dividends in our final drawing."
"...what I like to do the spread it's got sketch ideas here and then draw the final thing there."
"I feel like I always have the most fun with the last couple of sketches on the page they feel the most natural and I think that's because I'm the most warmed up"
"I've been using pencil more in this sketchbook and that's sort of just how it goes."
"So, normally I will actually sketch stuff out on my sketchbook first. I pretty much have stopped sketching on my iPad before. I will always sketch in my sketchbook and trace something from my sketchbook."
"What I'd like to do today is just draw in my sketchbook and design some characters."
"Sketching at the end of the day after a busy work day is a really important way for me to recharge spiritually and also mentally get ready for the next day."
"It's always great to capture days and moments in your sketchbook because as soon as you see it, it brings you back to that memory."
"Anyway, getting back to the sketching portion after I've made the loose sketch with my HB pencil and I know where the features are mostly going to go, I went over it just to make clear lines with my 6B pencil."
"Sketching is all about getting a feel for it. You're gonna darken a line and realize, 'Oh, that's too dark,' or you've made a line too light, or the weight of the line's too thick. So you just keep playing until you get the desired effect."
"It's just such a fantastic example of how we often see the world in terms of symbols when we go out sketching."
"So, obviously, I've just done a little sketching session and still got my fairies on the go."
"Sketch everything and keep your curiosity fresh."
"Loose sketching is going to have lots of mistakes."
"It's really important that people know that scribbles are as much part of any Sketchbook as the thing you flick through and go, 'Oh my God, that looks like an amazing piece.' You have to have the scribbles page."
"Drawing? Five seconds. Sketch? Sketch."
"I prefer to start my design process by drawing out my ideas by hand."
"You can take individual sketches and export as DXFs, which is awesome. I can drop that DXF straight into my CAM software and cut these out on my router."
"If you're looking for a cheap erasable colored pencil to use for sketches, buy these."
"I think most graphite artists are really going to enjoy these, I think initially you're going to maybe swatch them out or do a little bit of sketching and you are initially going to really sort of notice a difference compared to your regular graphite pencils."
"I love starting new sketchbooks, I love finishing sketchbooks, I love the whole process of making a sketchbook be full."
"Doing quick drawings like this is a good way to get your ideas out on paper. It's like a visual mind map."
"The whole series is your sketches."
"Exaggerate the more contrast in my opinion you put into your sketch the better it looks."
"So this is why a lot of people struggle with floral sketching, they don't take the time to do these basic shapes, to do these ovals first."
"You can't beat a few splashes because they add energy to your sketch."
"My sketch time is sacred; I nurture that sketch time."
"Using your sketchbook can help you improve faster and create a plan to get you drawing more often."
"Keeping a sketchbook is the perfect place for you to learn, experiment, try out new ideas, and most importantly, make mistakes."
"The rough animation is like a sketch of your complete animation, so you work out all the movements and stuff like that."
"Show the process you took from original sketches to get that character to where it is."
"It's actually really amazing when you force yourself to do one little sketch like this on a piece of paper every day."
"We're already starting to see the head start to develop a little bit."
"I start off lightly blocking out the character's silhouette and proportions, slowly trying to get the pose to take shape."
"Sketching is not about getting it right; sketching is just about the practice of doing it."
"A sketch as an interpretation, or at least as a study, needs just enough information for the viewer to know what I'm trying to communicate to them."
"The sketch stage is the most important to get your idea out of your head."
"I like to start every project with a sketch of some sort."
"Use sketching and writing to explore what you see, remember what you observe more vividly, to increase your observational skills."
"Sketching is a language, a universal language and the clearest language to communicate ideas to somebody else."
"I'm going to show you guys how to actually lay out a sketch page."
"Seeing how simple we can make sketching and as a result how good we can make sketching."
"Sketching like this is something we could do forever and always enjoy and always learn from."
"What we want to be able to do is to really comfortably sketch anything."
"To be able to comfortably sketch anything, it means we have to get comfortable with simplifying."
"What's the simplest shape which explains what's going on?"
"It's going to be comfortable, it's going to be fun to sketch."
"A thumbnail sketch is the visual version of a brainstorm."
"All he used to carry with him was a pen and paper, and whenever he used to meet somebody interesting, he'd make a sketch of that individual."
"Just a girl who loves anime and sketching."
"Sketch for yourself, to think about the things that matter to you that you want to retain, that you want to remember."
"We're going to start with just a very basic, super rough sketch of the main shapes of our character."
"Oh, this is such a nice sketchbook."
"We're sort of sketching here, and I want to keep it sketchy and see whether we can get something that feels like it has a little bit of dynamism to it."
"So this sketch, we're going to do something very quick, very loose, so don't worry about being precise here at all."
"Thumbnailing... it's really useful just to see in a super small scale a very rough sketch of what you want."
"I love sketching with these because you can't erase them, and it's so easy for me to go back on my older drawings and see my mistakes and therefore I can improve on them."
"I've been in a very creative mood where I just really want to draw and like be creative in my own sketchbook aside from bullet journaling."
"Everything every sketch for me is like an anthropological and architectural analysis of sorts."
"If you would like to take a photograph... you will probably get a vague idea of what the atmosphere is, but if you do like me and spend half an hour sketching this scene, you'll get a notion of whatever is going on."
"You want to start your sketch from the main character basically and then spiral out until you get enough of the scene."
"We want to capture this guy's happiness."
"I am not the world's greatest artist but I do enjoy drawing and sketching."
"It's great fun to do something like this in your sketchbooks."
"I want my sketchbooks to be happy places for me."
"It adds more energy to your sketches."
"It's not a perfect sketch; I just want to add that energy to it."
"I'm always happier when I'm using my sketchbook."
"And of course, Claude went out into the countryside. He did many of these sketches, probably from life, outdoors."
"So much fun to do, I love even just filling up a sketchbook with flowers with this style."
"Putting a time limit when I sketch makes me not want to waste time."
"If you need a sketchbook that is going to be able to handle a variety of mediums, maybe watercolor, maybe a watercolor pencil, maybe pen or fine liner, and colored pencils and things like that, this paper is probably best."
"I'm loving this new way of working and I plan to continue this kind of back and forth dance between making sketches and then coming back to make a full series."
"One of my favorite things is I actually took this sketchbook to Egypt with me and I did some urban sketching in Egypt."
"I love this painting right here, I absolutely love it, and this is the kind of thing I would have normally been doing in my Sketchbook."
"Sketchbooks are so important; they're a place for you to do anything, help you build consistency in your practice, and are a great place to refresh your mind."
"That's everything I need for a full day of plein air painting and sketching."
"Let's begin by sketching this out."
"We're going really fast because we're just drawing quick shapes to help us figure out where we want to put everything."
"Well if you haven't started a sketchbook, do start one now; it's such fun and you'll plot your progress."
"Sketching for me is about being present in the moment in a certain location."
"I spent a month sketching in Oslo."
"We're trying to raise awareness to the value of observation and quick sketching techniques."
"It's Sunday, time for the sketchbook chat and some coffee."
"A fantastic way to keep a sketchbook is to start an illustrated nature journal."
"Sketching loosely is about having confidence in your drawing."
"The first step is to create a sketch of your design."
"The lines still retain their edge, their crispness, this is exactly the quality that I'm looking for for this particular sketching technique."
"For my money, there's really no better compact sketching method and I hope all of you out there will give this a try."
"It's all about doing something really simple, quick, easy, simple sketching."
"They are kind of... they look like they were sketched, so they have a lot of dimension to them already."
"I'd go to the witnesses and sketch these creatures that they saw, just like a police sketch artist."
"This is perfect for sketching, as the name might suggest."
"I decided that I wanted to actually just do a sketching session for today."
"Sketching feels a little bit more freeing; it doesn't put that much strain on my arm."
"Sometimes you may get a very, very thin sketch that you can't do anything with; I'm going to show you how to get around that."
"It sketches really well, the pressure curve is really nice."
"I want my sketches to both look like the subject as well as capture my experience of it."
"We need to be in the center of this object before we start sketching."
"We can pad this sketch by using the pad tools."
"It's gonna make everything look more dynamic; it's gonna be more organic as well."
"The most single most important thing you can do is to try to figure out a way that you can get yourself sketching on a more regular basis."
"This is just the fundamentals and building blocks of how I sketch out and draw kids, children, and babies."
"I'm really passionate about keeping sketchbooks because I think they're a really mindful, excellent hobby to have."
"I love to paint flowers; they're one of my favorite things to do in a sketchbook."
"It's really amazing, literally just having a half an inch border up around the top and bottom of your sheet will make something that's really quite sketchy otherwise feel like it was planned and intentional."
"Now you see that I think when you see like an amazing sketch done in pencil in a sketchbook, it just has that life about it, that energy of imperfection."
"We here do really simple rough sketches; we just want to map out the general shape, we're not all about the details at this point."
"Before we add the colors, I personally like to change the blending mode of my sketch layer to multiply and lower the opacity until I can just barely see it."
"I tend to like permanent inks for my sketching."
"I'm really proud of this, this is my personal guide. I've made every single page of this as an introduction to sketching and different ways and methods of sketching."
"We're going to start with a super simple sketch with just basic shapes."
"You can control the points that you create so that they either show up as sketch points or center points."
"Sketching is essentially the skeleton for the drawing of the painting that you're going to make."
"Sketching should be rough ideas, just enough to know whether you want to pursue an idea or not."
"You don't actually need color when you're sketching, but by having accent colors available, it just allows you to unlock flavor without dealing with the complexity of having a wide color palette."
"I often start getting my ideas out on paper initially, but the brush pack still provides a variety of sketching tools should you choose to go with a fully digital workflow."
"Remember this process in your next quick sketch and go methodically about it, and you too will have a successful line drawing that shows the form well."
"It's a sketchbook in which I give permission, it's like a safe space, no judgments, own space for me to draw."
"I'm quite good at filling out my sketchbooks with cool things that I like."
"The sketch is actually interesting and more sleek, a little bit more refined than that model was."
"So there you have it, how to create a vector illustration from a sketch using Adobe Illustrator."
"I love the fact that it made me sit down and actually work in my sketchbooks."
"So in other words, I'd like to talk about understanding and sketching/drawing individual Bode plot components."
"Let's jump in with some rough sketching."
"I feel as though I put so much pressure on creating beautifully rendered illustrated pieces of work when a sketchbook doesn't necessarily have to be that."
"I'm going to start out by just sketching."
"When you do your initial sketch, you need to make sure that you've got it really accurate."
"Just do some quick sketching, just observe things that are ordinary and mundane."
"I tend to leave the pencil sketch very roughly and very lightly at the very beginning."
"It's a really great way to just kind of sketch something out really fast."
"I'm going to show you a super simple way of sketching a rabbit face."
"To sketch a parabola, you need to find the intercepts, the axis or line of symmetry, the vertex, the focus, and the directrix."
"I love going out and sketching with my friends because it just reminds me of that time."
"If you can start to block these things out, a few lines, you are way ahead of the curve."
"When I started this sketchbook, I kind of wanted to learn more about drawing cats."
"It is simply enough for us to capture the idea in the form of a sketch."
"When I'm sketching from what is in front of me, I am able to push down any anxieties or concerns that I might have."
"I've been really enjoying using ballpoint pen for my sketching."
"Really inspired by this very cool skull sketch... not super creepy but definitely very cool."
"We can also make a little bit of a refinement to our original sketch for the body and start to plan out some of those intricate segments that happen on the body as well."
"Let's make a sketch plan of this garden."
"I'm really happy with the pages for my trip."
"When drawing eyes, it's really important that you start with a really accurate sketch."
"Being able to just hold the sketchbooks with one hand and then draw with the other, that's really helpful."
"I'm sort of almost breaking all the rules here, doing all the things I tell you not to do, but when you're using a sketchbook, it's quite nice just to experiment."
"A sketch is usually a quick drawing usually done with a pencil."
"I'm going to show you a really simple way to use sketch geometry to solve a lot of this for you."
"Sketching quadratics... first of all, I would consider the shape of the quadratic."
"I get very precious with sketchbooks to fill it with my best work."
"I like to start off my sketchbook with a hello and at the end, I like to put goodbye."
"I think these two are one of my favorites in this entire sketchbook."
"I finished my last 100-page Sketchbook in March this year, so that took quite a long to finish."
"I'm going to pre-plan what I want to sketch and then check them off."
"I really love filling out this tiny sketchbook with you folks."
"I love pencil sketching; that was probably my first creative outlet."
"It's pretty fun, I love traditional media sketching."
"I have this little sketchbook, and it's mostly full of mechs, so I thought maybe I'd just do a little walkthrough."
"Even 10 or 15 minutes of rough sketching will save you hours of frustration later on."
"You will see more detail if you actually try sketching."
"Sketching pretty much anything while you're visually observing is awesome; first of all, you have a record of what you observed."