
Legal Critique Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"This is the greatest infringement of civil liberties in our history."
"The US Supreme Court has eviscerated Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, giving the police license to stop, frisk, search just about anyone, anywhere without a shred of evidence of any criminal activity."
"Slavery was legal. Why are we talking about laws? Bad laws."
"We have to enforce justice ourselves, because sometimes laws are unjust."
"Is this a miscarriage of Justice? Yeah, I mean this indictment should not go forward."
"Injustice of America's rape kit backlog - why do we need a charity to get these kits processed when it's the literal job of the police to investigate crimes?"
"You couldn't pass legislation; it was handed to you on a platter by the Supreme Court. I'd say it wasn't hard-won bodily autonomy and reproductive rights."
"It's basically trying to accomplish what a RICO case would accomplish without actually proving a RICO case. It's insane."
"What Barr has said is something no responsible constitutional scholar in our history has ever adopted which is the idea that the president on his own can basically run the government and be immune from any sort of second-guessing or criticism."
"The process for seeking a religious exemption is nothing more than theater. The Navy merely rubber stamps each denial." - U.S. Judge Reed O'Connor
"Alina Haba's comment serves as a pointed critique of the judge's conduct."
"The thought policing of hate crimes laws is deeply counterintuitive to basic American freedoms."
"The Supreme Court has perverted the constitution."
"Patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional."
"If there is a law that is unconstitutional, then rebellion is your duty."
"This is really a Soviet-style show trial because so much of the trial is not about the facts or the law."
"The lawsuit is a legally frivolous publicity stunt."
"It's a pointless human rights violation of about 85,000 British citizens."
"The CDC's moratorium on evictions was always another example of unconstitutional actions."
"The reality is that such man-made laws exist purely at the convenience of the current regime..."
"The conservatorship is like stripping you of all your civil liberties."
"The evidence does not conclusive whatsoever, this is probably one of the weakest prosecutions I've ever seen in my professional experience."
"A final thing on this: the Act is basically 154 years old, it's dead."
"Makes about as much sense as Donald Trump's legal defenses."
"Every time you go to work, you might not even think you're going to work."
"They wasted this man's life by convicting him based on this shoddy evidence."
"She's over she's in her 60s her life was taken that night too Illinois state law did not protect her and we really do not protect victims of domestic violence."
"The law is remembered for being a good try than actually making sense."
"Woe to those who enact evil statutes and record unjust decisions."
"Another scar on this supreme court that has frankly lost its legitimacy."
"A genuinely unprecedented decision by a judge." - Paul Rosenzweig, former George W. Bush official
"These red flag laws are blatantly unconstitutional. They completely ignore due process and take the guns first, ask questions later."
"The abuse of red flag laws is much more apparent than their benefits to society. It violates every part of the Constitution."
"It's not healthy, it doesn't help Jewish people, these anti-semitism laws are not helping them."
"Prosecutors are basically like monarchs who can pick and choose when to prosecute and almost can never be defeated because the system is so tilted in their favor."
"It's not a coincidence that the Supreme Court didn't take action because all these particular three Trump judges thank the Federalist Society and Mitch McConnell."
"It's a mistake to conceive of the Supreme Court's Ethics scandals in a completely separate category from the Court's docket."
"Despite the testimonies of Gizan Maxwell, despite the list that has been released and despite the testimonies of the victims in question, the rich will walk."
"This is an organized crime ring, this is not a conservatorship."
"The legal system itself is embedded in the values and perspectives of the men who made law."
"The crime of the indictment under this disgraceful legislation is compounded by the years of imprisonment and torture that Julian Assange has already suffered." - Noam Chomsky
"Welcome to law, right copyright law? Hmm, feels like a scam, doesn't it."
"This opinion not impressive at all and if you want to learn about how not to write an opinion involving the Second Amendment I would recommend strongly you read the opinion of Judge Virginia Kendall in the northern district of Illinois."
"The main theme of the legal system has been how to modify it so that illegitimate tyrannical authority is given more and more power undermining democratic principles." - A legal system for the powerful, not the people.
"It's easy to blame the law for being too harsh, but we need to find better ways to provide mental health treatment and education."
"The defense used inadequacy in the police investigation... to create reasonable doubt." - Highlighting flaws in the legal process.
"This just shows me how desperate and terrified Donald Trump is of the indictment that's likely to come in Fulton County."
"If you have money in this country, you could get away with murder."
"It violates off the top of my head four or five different enumerated rights in the Bill of Rights."
"Far too often Google is off the hook. Section 230 makes it immune." - Senator Ted Cruz
"You can't tell me that you scuffle with someone then you allow and they essentially just kind of walked calmly with their guns pulled following him... So obviously they had the opportunity to subdue him and they chose not to." - Michael Brown
"Amidst the courtroom's legal sparring, Trump's characterizations of the New York attorney general Leticia James as a political hack spotlighted his view of the trial as a politically motivated Witch Hunt."
"Lawmaking in the Council of Ministers is contrary to the whole spirit of the British constitution." - Michael Foot
"This law is insane if you are drunk when you do something."
"Imagine a defendant who murdered his wife, to whom no longer poses a threat, being released because of this ridiculously limited legal standard."
"Red flag laws are both a violation of due process as well as extremely dangerous because you can never be sure if you separated a person from all of their weapons unless you seize the person."
"I am shocked at the level of ineptitude that we have in this whole trial."
"Amendments rush through parliament, the Human Rights Law Center criticizes that there are insufficient safeguards."
"That's cavalier, that's reckless, and that's absolutely nothing I've ever seen in 30 years."
"It is absolutely the case that the Supreme Court's treatment of Section 1983 and specifically the invention out of whole cloth of the qualified immunity doctrine has not purported to be faithful to common law immunities."