
Beauty Perception Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Art isn't just for the male gaze; it's also for anyone who appreciates beauty."
"In the eyes of society, beauty is more than just skin deep."
"Science is not in the eye of the beholder, beauty is. Science is not."
"Beauty is like just this undefinable thing that comes from the inside out."
"I think you are more beautiful now than when you were on Vine."
"She looked like an angel in a cloud and it was so beautiful."
"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." - Confucius
"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless."
"You have a lot of beauty, huh? But beauty is only skin deep, ugly goes clean to the bone."
"When someone tells you that you are beautiful, believe them. They aren't lying."
"What is beautiful about our bodies is what they allow us to do."
"They feel like maybe you're even too beautiful for them."
"If you're kind and you speak to people with a smile and love, you will always be beautiful."
"I don't use any hand cream. I just, I don't know, they're callous and rough and through the magic of editing and color correction we make them look beautiful on the internet."
"The biggest indicator of beauty for me is when I can see light in someone's eyes."
"If she was playing in the rain or was silky curled back everybody would have been like oh yeah horsey hair popping."
"People are allowed to have like attraction and find things different than other people you know like some people aren't going to think skinny people are attractive they like bigger people that's cool."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there we go."
"You're beautiful. You are beautiful. Scary but beautiful."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to me, it was interesting. I always imagined them to actually be quite almost delicate, sturdy underneath their suits but delicate."
"I think everybody's beautiful and I don't think that the outside... aesthetically is not what completes a look."
"Focus on how beautiful you really are through this experience."
"Everybody who is on trail during a thru-hike is just disgusting and dirty and grody somehow you see beauty in them."
"Black is bold, black is beautiful, black is gold."
"Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder."
"The majority of humans don't all look like freaking Zendaya or Kylie Jenner."
"There's beauty in your painting, even when you think your canvases aren't pretty."
"I just really hope that you don't feel that way because it's not true. It's not gross. It's beautiful."
"I still feel like a glowing goddess despite my appearance right now."
"Do you know the expression 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?"
"A shiny Pokémon is still a shiny Pokémon at the end of the day, so don't let that make you think that shinies obtained at boosted odds are worth anything less or anything like that. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder."
"I feel more beautiful than I ever have in my life. I feel more like myself than I ever have in my life, and I'm loving it."
"Boa Hancock, regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world and almost undefeatable."
"I'm beautiful now because there are no mistakes made, and I don't get to view myself as a mistake any longer."
"Your problem? Oh, there is no problem. You are very beautiful."
"It's crazy how much it can transform the entirety of your face."
"There's beauty in unexpected gifts, even if they seem beat-up."
"They see your inner beauty manifested on the outside."
"Achara, you just look beautiful, never mind what those people say."
"If you're watching this and you're feeling stressed out about your wedding or like the way that you look, I promise you, you are gonna be and feel so beautiful on your wedding day regardless."
"If a man sees that kind of beauty, he enters into what they call a trance."
"Jennifer is so inspirational for women because they can see that a curvy fuller body is beautiful and the sexiest thing."
"You're beautiful. There's no standards for you to be beautiful. You are beautiful."
"There is a beauty everywhere. Even in the places you swore were your least favorite on the planet."
"They definitely think you're beautiful like they're definitely very attracted to and they really think that you are beautiful."
"True beauty is the highest currency we have in questions perception."
"Would you say she was extremely beautiful or would you say that because she has this tremendous charisma?"
"I actually think wrinkles are beautiful I see them as examples of people who have lived and laughed and loved within their lives."
"Be happy with your perfect imperfections. A beautiful thing is never perfect."
"The definition of beauty is when you're able to believe and proudly accept the uniqueness that is you."
"Beautiful things are never perfect. Perfection does not exist, my friend."
"I do have my own insecurities, but if you have any insecurities don't let them get to you guys because you're beautiful you're absolutely gorgeous stunning."
"Don't let anyone judge you based on your physical appearance, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"I love the way this look turned out, like I feel so pretty right now."
"Beauty really is in the eye of the beer holder."
"The most important aspect of beauty is that we are at home with it."
"Everything that's happening right now looks beautiful."
"A movie is really special when you walk out of the theater and the world just looks like a more beautiful place."
"You listen to the staticky signal on the other end. It's harsh to your ear, but then the noise begins to slowly change into something beautiful."
"Beauty definitely affects your mood. I think it's the idea that everything can be beautiful if you take the time."
"Beauty is a state of mind, my body, my mind is stuck on gorgeous."
"What makes the desert beautiful," the little prince said, "is that it hides a well somewhere."
"Remember these designs are beautiful no matter how they look, and ultimately it's soap."
"Beauty is not evil. If it was evil, God would have never made us beautiful."
"I mean, you might not think that's beautiful, but to me, that's pretty beautiful."
"Everything that looks beautiful is ugly in some way, and everything that looks ugly is beautiful in some way."
"Beauty is what you see with your heart, and it's totally different from perfection."
"She looked beautiful, perfect even."
"I don't think beauty is just about someone wearing a crown or some elusive and attainable goal; it's actually all around us."
"You can be totally ugly and have some kind of confidence that makes you look pretty."
"When people feel beautiful, they act in beautiful ways."
"I think beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
"Beauty is limited by what our minds can interpret from a physiological level."
"Standing no more than five feet tall is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
"Beauty is not external; beauty is essence, it is internal."
"You can see the beauty in anything, even me."
"Scales? Don't you mean jewels? I think they're beautiful."
"Ugly, that word is not suitable. I can see you right now, you're looking beautiful."
"Listen, where you are, there you go, you listening to me? You are beautiful."
"There is a finite amount of beauty we will ever see. Just as there is a finite amount of anything we will ever see."
"It's only beautiful when you decide it is."
"You're literally not ugly. Being ugly is literally subjective."
"It's beautiful, oh my gosh, everybody kind of said how like ugly it was but honestly, I think it's super pretty."