
Polygamy Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"A sultan could have a relationship with four women at a time."
"For my children, this is reality now. I've married two women. I haven't filled my quorum. It's three wives. I gotta figure this out."
"Every single man since the dawn of human time had more than one woman. All kings, emperors, sultans, conquerors."
"As long as you have polygamy you'll have hypergamy and as long as you have hypergamy you're going to have polygamy."
"Arrested Pazuzu and two of his female fiances."
"Polygamy, a uniquely out-of-favor family arrangement."
"Finally arrested along with his two wives Amber Birch and Crystal Matlock."
"I just want to thank you today for being able to gather my five new wives together."
"Before I got here, I was told you genuinely have no chance because polygamy is like a really big thing here."
"Men who take on more than one wife should be looked at as kings. It's a noble act."
"You see what I'm talking about? Polygamy is beautiful, beautiful if it is for you."
"Polygamy, it's not about the money, it's about time."
"Sister Wives: a reality television series that followed the lives of four sister wives all married to one man."
"Polygamy did contribute to the end of the family. Cody wouldn't have been able to do any of this without polygamy."
"Muslim men in India are still allowed to have four bloody wives."
"I think there is the possibility of a good happy relationship in polygamy."
"If you have a tough day or need to talk about something, you have a sister wife or friend."
"If I can help a sister wife or whatever, I was always just happy to help her."
"They purposefully put like my mom had her own house, the first wife had her own house, the third wife had hers."
"Every single man is polygamous by nature."
"Polygamy, it's not about that. It's really about being fruitful and just multiplying the world, you know what I'm saying?"
"Having three wives knowing that we've all solidified our Union and brought it together like we have, it's just unbelievable."
"I'm sure polygamy works for some people, but even with a poly relationship, there has to be an upper limit on what these girls should accept."
"...I would be like, 'well what about the Bible says not to lay with your sister? What about, um, the multiple things in the Bible that say some things against polygamy, right? It doesn't seem like we're doing the right thing here then.'"
"If you get one wife a gift, then you should get another wife a gift as well."
"Polyamory and polygamy are actually based on unity, on actually creating family."
"It's just not simply just about sex when it comes to polygamy or polyamory."
"Polygamy also weakens the voice of women."
"Joseph was openly telling the church he wasn't practicing polygamy when the church itself now admits he had like 34 wives, right?"
"The reluctant polygamists give me the term 'Striker' to describe the seducers."
"Polygamy was disguised whoredom, but the disguise was so good that it metamorphosized the system into something quite different."
"Most of the polygamist women were very certain that it was a commandment of God."
"If you have multiple wives, you're constantly living ESPN Red Zone."
"...polygeny was all about sisterhood, you have women who are helping each other raise their children, they're supporting each other in what they do, and they just happen to be sharing your husband."
"You do have to keep in mind that though it's difficult to understand why anyone would live polygamy from the outside, it's just that's also a lot of them, the way they were raised."
"Many women don't want the husband to have a second wife. They don't want to have to share their partner. They don't want their partner sleeping with another woman, period."
"Polygamy is just damaged people from different relationships who trying to make it work."
"Men at certain levels can provide for multiple women, how is that a bad thing?"
"In a 2003 interview with the CBC program The Fifth Estate— one of the only in-depth media interviews he’s given— Winston Blackmore himself didn’t seem comfortable discussing his unusual personal life."
"According to a 2013 study examining women living in plural marriage, the results generally suggested mental health issues were more prevalent in polygamous women than monogamous women."
"Polygyny frees up the time of the individuals... because people value their time more than most things."
"...a revelation reversed the whole thing, but don't worry, in the afterlife, men are still allowed to get more wives."
"We have put up with 200 years of Lies, nearly 200 years of lies about polygamy, and finally Dawn just blows the doors off a 200 year old castle of Lies."
"Polygamy is apparently a practice that is sometimes divinely sanctioned but always like in the Book of Mormon times when it was prohibited."
"It can actually work as long as the wives don't know about each other."
"Polygamy, but it seems like that's just a whole bag of man, one's enough, one's more than enough dude."
"The problem isn't that he wanted to be polygamous, the problem was that he did it on Earth."
"Are we to believe that God actually commanded the Prophet Joseph to do this and cause the wife the first husband and the children a lot of unnecessary anguish just so the prophet can have another unneeded wife in the Hereafter?"
"The spirit doesn't seem to validate the concept of polygamy."
"Taking a second, third, or fourth wife is permissible if you have the means to maintain them at the same level."
"Solomon is also known for his great wisdom and many, many wives."
"Polygamy... if you want to have multiple children, a larger family, a lot of wealth in the family."
"This is heartbreaking. I feel like this one feels so much closer to home than a lot of the other ones that we review. You know, even other polygamist groups, I feel like there's that little bit of separation, like they're related, and we can talk about the similarities."
"But if you want to hear more about what it was like for Sam to grow up in polygamy, some of the similarities and differences as we continue to compare and contrast..."
"I'd like all these groups to just stop it but the reality is they're going to be doing polygamy forever so that's not really an option."
"Never once does God say polygamy is good."
"Polygamy was perfectly normative, where men who had the money, the resources, were not prohibited, frowned upon in any way, shape, or form whatsoever from taking additional wives."
"...how damaging it was for people to think that polygamy was a choice."
"He has 900 something wives, 500 concubines."
"We were the ones who opposed polygamy."
"It is my will that in time ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white. Delight in them."
"Polygamy being required for salvation and the time at which when the church would have to come to accept that this is going to be because, as I believe, you know, Brigham Young very clearly said this is something that will be required for those who go to the Celestial Kingdom."
"Joseph Smith had at least 33 different wives. Eleven of those women were already married to other men when Joseph Smith married them."
"We quickly wanted to let you all know about an opportunity to help support holding out help, an organization who helps people who do leave polygamy and helps give them the resources they need to go from isolation to Independence."
"John C. Bennett's accurate description of the Prophet trying to coerce women into polygamy and his accurate listing of how many of Joseph Smith's wives cannot be overlooked."
"Responsibility... biblically speaking, kings should not take many wives."
"Polygamy was adopted as a response to the need for more men and children during times of war."
"Just because somebody is polygamous and has multiple wives or multiple families does not mean that there has to be abuse."
"Joseph Smith practiced polygamy, and the mainstream LDS church has come out with tons of transparency."
"Polygamy doesn't work and that the women and children involved will never get everything they need to live a happy and fulfilled life."
"It's certainly ironic that the very people who wanted to be the public faces of why polygamy worked were actually the ones who proved to millions of people why polygamy doesn't work."
"If one girl can make you that happy, imagine how happy like 15 can make you."
"Polygamy in general, it was all the church is doing."
"There seems to be an inequity to polygamy, where one person is taking too many spouses for themselves, leaving not enough spouses for everyone else."
"Part of learning about our culture is going to be that Avi is going to be one of Rand's three wives."
"I grew up in the FLDS community, it is a polygamous group run by Warren Jeffs."
"Welcome back to our show, Polygamy: What Love Is This? I'm your host, Doris Hanson."
"Polygamy is and continues to be a crime against humanity."
"According to the Portuguese documents from Joao de Barros, he suggested that the last prominent king by the name Nyatsimba Mutota had more than 200 wives."
"Carolyn Pearson has hit a homerun in her quest to illuminate both the damage that Mormonism's de facto practice of polygamy continues to inflict and the route to a better more humane place."
"I asked God to please help me to either live polygamy if it was His way, or to get me out of it if He wanted me out of it."
"Let me clarify very quickly that not every Muslim man is polygamous; majority of Muslim men on the planet, not even 1%, have married more than one woman."
"He announces his final decision to four girls; he will marry all of them in the future."
"Nothing can keep me from my wives and one husband. [Laughter]"
"The whole mission of the show was to help normalize polygamy."