
Gaming Advantage Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Having unlimited ammo is a pretty big deal in this game."
"Snipers have a really big advantage on ground war."
"You don't need to build a BKB if you're really ahead like I am in this game."
"Dead Hard: This perk essentially gives you an extra hitpoint."
"I mean it's like a cheat, it feels like an absolute cheat."
"High refresh rate gaming... could give a slight competitive Advantage."
"If you have both a legendary cloak and the garish weapon... you're just going to tear through the leveling content."
"The real reason to play top tree dawn is this right here: this breaks maps."
"It makes all your specials better... and you'll probably win the match."
"Kirito got to floor 8 during the two months of the SAO closed beta, giving him a significant advantage."
"You're never gonna need to reload, you can kill like eight or nine people before you even need to reload your weapon once."
"If you're able to play this without outcast, you get to attack two minions and you take no damage in response, and that is just amazing no matter how you look at it."
"You're basically ahead three auto attacks right now."
"Farming junglers have a very clear advantage."
"Adding Mountaintop to your arsenal of PvE weapons is borderline unfair to the enemy because it doesn't run on power ammo."
"It's interesting to see how much having the Hat makes everything so much easier to do, right? It's like, you're defenseless without it."
"Crystal ball is kind of just more powerful in a raw sense."
"Running all these perks that are gonna keep you alive longer is going to help you maintain on your streak and it's super super important."
"An absolute god tier weapon in pretty much any piece of pve content."
"An absolute godsend for grandmaster nightfalls and makes bosses inside raids look like majors out on patrol."
"This deck has something even stronger than it: a lot of freezes."
"Batgirl is definitely the one you want to go with because you know you have two additional lives in your back pocket without being afraid of dying."
"Thank you. It's like I love the cheat code in the game, and you just hit god mode."
"Explosive eggs make getting op gear a dream come true."
"Oh, this is a lot easier with thorium weapons. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah, okay."
"The stock cloak is better in most situations."
"Prayer is like the most useful skill in the game for everything."
"This nets him a free kill on top lane since Ryze was low on health and overextended."
"Huge power and pure power... starting the battle with a double attack stat."
"Core ability will give you a Ronin worth of health and remove your weak point forever."
"The demon heart gives you the extra accessory slot which is incredibly useful."
"Once your level surpasses Zed's, laning against him becomes much easier."
"Xerath provides insane poke and super lane dominance."
"Your ability to have extra inputs... definitely will give you the capability to perform certain actions in game more fluidly."
"Josh Allen feels like a cheat code. It feels like a cheat code. It feels like a cheat code."
"Getting that additional action once per short rest can make a huge difference."
"I am literally hacking Minecraft, I have a crap ton of Hearts now, I think I have like 60 hearts, like I don't even think I could ever die."
"When you're lightweight, you gain +20 damage and your dodges are most effective."
"Having this kind of privilege is naturally very appealing because it provides you with a fallback in the event you get autofilled or counterpicked."
"Explosive payload is arguably the best pve perk in the game."
"This is just free LP for you boys for the next week or two before they can really um stop this leaking this is too much too high of a win rate on the champ at the moment so you're going to jump in really quick."
"Having advantage is such a big deal in this game."
"Fortune 3 really does help out with diamonds."
"It's definitely giving you a competitive edge if you are a bit of a mobile gaming fan."
"One mana, two-one, draw a card. Oh my goodness, that is insane!"
"The last player advantage is pretty good in this game."
"It gives a fullness to the audio and in games where directional sounds and hearing things around you are important, this headset definitely gives you an edge."