
Difficult Choices Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"You have no idea what I went through, the awful choices I had to make."
"Sometimes, doing the right thing and the hard thing are the same thing."
"Saying goodbye to a best friend is the bad part of the right thing to do."
"The toughest [] I could do is stand on merit or some [] that I know got real integrity to it."
"It's difficult to pick a favorite pretty good one for free isn't it yeah have you got a favorite moment."
"The tactics that abusers have are going to be relentless I'm not going to lie to you it's not gonna be easy to leave your abuser."
"Choosing between an unwanted thing and another unwanted thing, now that tells you what really matters to you."
"Lots of good selections out here, Legacy did not make this easy on me."
"It's always difficult to let people go, but sometimes it has to be done for the sake of growing properly."
"It's never going to be easy, but at the end of the day, less people would be hurt out of that system than they are right now."
"Steve Rogers doesn't want to kill anyone, but as a great man once said, sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones."
"Someone strong to walk away from such opportunities even if they are bad for you."
"Some of you found out the truth about the situation or this person, but still can't walk away."
"He was left with the tough decision to either choose Barbara or choose Sherry, and he chose Barbara."
"These policies, which are difficult, which are life-changing, they are being implemented by people because people are choosing to do the right thing."
"The right decision shouldn't hurt this much."
"Difficult decisions now can lead to significant future financial gains."
"Believe in yourself and make the choices that are good for you even if they're hard and painful."
"I've got three kids, so basically I gotta leave one behind. Tough call, but I'll do it."
"This is such a difficult decision, I mean this is like choosing which of my kids is my favorite."
"A woman needs to be able to control her own body, even if that can lead to a very tragic choice sometimes."
"Walking away from a deal I wanted my entire life because it didn't align with my values."
"I never meant to hurt you, son. I had to make a choice, and now I'm paying for it."
"It's like putting an animal out of its misery... like your favorite pet or something... it's that kinda thing."
"Doing the hard thing usually requires pain, and doing the easy thing would be to continue to stay open to this person and just accumulate more pain that you would have to deal with even more later."
"There's death on both sides, there's death in staying in a shutdown, also."
"Hard decisions have been forced to have been made for the survival and the success of this quest."
"Your fatherlessness was me protecting you, I did not want you to be around that."
"Having had friends and family that were adopted, the reason that they were abandoned was nearly always a terrible situation in which the birth parents felt that it was the better option or they had no choice."
"You're doing a really good thing, even if it feels awful. It's part of your purpose."
"Your choices are between having a pandemic, crashing the economy, or killing a lot of people."
"Courage is not being mean and negative, it's taking the difficult path."
"Quality time is like picking your favorite child. You can't do it."
"They walk away but they pay a big price for it. They pay a big price for it."
"Whether you finish this in first place or in last place it's one of ten scores your primary job is to forget this performance get your body recovered and get ready for the next few days of competition."
"I respect them for making the hard decision that they had to."
"Put your foot down. I know it's hard, but you gotta do what's right."
"Stupid theories are often more plausible than logical theories."
"This run is teaching us to face the hard decisions in life."
"It's absolutely abhorrent honestly that it's gotten to this point that the option is essentially like stay and get sick or risk getting you know even long-term health effects from this or leave and have no home and nowhere to go."
"Is it better to keep your mouth shut and not say anything? You might make your life a little bit easier, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy." - Justin Hawkins
"People will have to make decisions on eating or eating the house."
"People are often forced by their circumstances to do things they don't want to and choose between the lesser of two evils."
"For a lot of you guys, you're taking on this burden because you studied something that you've learned, and you chose to take the higher road, the more difficult road."
"God bless. I mean, this is one case that I'm like, it's odd but what options do they really have?"
"I want what Uncle Iro told him, like that he should choose happiness and love. But in the long run, it's either he chooses the one he loves or he chooses the sake of the other nations. Like I said before, it's a hard choice to make."
"It's not easy to turn your back on another human being, though sometimes that may be your only choice if your self-preservation is at risk."
"It's not necessarily a happy option but in some circumstances, there are no good options."
"We understand there's a moral quandary in complete genocide."
"Wendy gave up her brother to keep the peace. It totally breaks her."
"You have to be very disciplined, very hard on yourself. You have to make choices that I may not want to, but I know that I have to."
"It breaks my heart too, but I did what I had to do."
"Some good people have to do bad [stuff] to keep bad [stuff] good."
"The red pill would show him the truth about the matrix at the cost of everything he had."
"Sometimes you have to make hard decisions in the best interest of your family."
"This was likely not an easy decision for them to make. It's not just like, 'Oh, someone suggested your parent sucks and they decided to distance themselves."
"The right thing doesn't always feel good."
"The tower is about how sometimes when trying to get through a traumatic experience every option kind of sucks."
"Sophie's Choice is such a devastating story that the term 'Sophie's Choice' is a pretty popular saying for any kind of hard decision."
"I always knew what the right path was but I never took it. It was too damn hard."
"Top four cured meats? God damn, that is the hardest question I've ever been asked."
"Sometimes you have to kill what you love."
"It's hard for me because you both made the right choice."
"...I would rather deal with these hard things than be where Josh is than to be in Canada still and not have him."
"Even if it does feel like life is a living hell... There's a huge variety of reasons why someone might actively choose to stay in that situation."
"It's easy for us to look at Libby and just be like, 'Yeah, get rid of them,' but it's your family, and it's a very difficult choice."
"You think you're loved, you think you're wanted, and then an offer comes in which they find hard to refuse."
"Making the emotionally difficult choice is better."
"There was no simple choice. There was no other way."
"Sometimes you just gotta make a sacrifice."
"It was a heartbreaking decision to make because when you desperately want another baby but it's just not working out, and it's affecting every part of your life, like our relationship, my health, our health, we just, yeah, we made the decision that it had to stop."
"I can love her and still make the choice to walk away for the sake of my future."
"Many of them insist they will make that agonizing decision and do their democratic duty."
"Life is full of tough decisions and this is a very tough one to make."
"You're not the [__], you're a wonderful mother who was forced to make a painful decision to protect their child."
"The easiest decision to make was actually the hardest decision I've ever made in my whole life."
"Peace is not always attainable, and some decisions are lose-lose situations."
"The actions I took were not easy, but it needed to be done."
"Freedom of expression and freedom of religion, and yet we're forced to choose between our friends and family and those basic human rights. It's insane."
"I would not have been strong enough to choose your path, Spartan."
"This was one of the most difficult decisions that I've ever had to come up against."
"It can be hard to walk away from something you love, but it's important to foster our talent."
"Even those who used to have some sense of financial security are now having to make some difficult choices."
"The right thing isn't clear-cut. We've done some horrible things."
"Sometimes you can love someone and they may not be good for your life, and you got to cut them out."
"Leaving my best friend of 14 years was probably one of the hardest things I had to do."
"I love Clem, but I can't do that again."
"The rest of us can only hope we'll never have to be put in a situation where we have to make such difficult life or death choices."
"It's like asking me to pick my favorite child."
"Sometimes doing the right thing is the thing that hurts the most."
"I think you did the right thing, and even though it's hard to hear, there's a lot of people who thank you for what you did."
"Sometimes you got to love yourself enough to watch somebody walk away that you care about."
"It was hard but it was good, it was a good decision."
"The hardest decisions in life are often over the things that mean the most."
"This is like picking between my two children to tell you which one is my favorite."
"Life isn't telling me about easy choices; it's about tough choices as well."
"It was without a doubt one of the toughest decisions in my career."
"Walking a true spiritual path means making decisions that aren't easy to make."
"Giving up a child is one of the hardest decisions a parent can make."
"Sometimes love means letting go, especially if you think you're hurting the other person by holding on."
"You don’t have a good choice but you have a choice."
"Sometimes there's no right answer, sometimes every choice means letting go of something valuable."
"It was like choosing between your children; it was impossibly difficult."
"What does it take for a 16-year-old child to give up something that they love?"
"It was at that point that he said he had to make one of the hardest decisions that he's ever had to make in his life."
"Sometimes you just have to guard your heart, even if that means saying goodbye to the one person you want to be with more than anything else."
"It's like choosing your favorite child, which maybe there is one, but you're not supposed to say it."
"Sometimes we gotta let go of what doesn't work, and it's a hard choice, especially if we invested a lot into it."
"Justice involves having difficult conversations and making difficult decisions."
"It was a hard choice to make, but it was the truth, it was my truth to do that."
"Loving someone, feeling connected to someone, everyday thinking about them, to walk away from that, and it be your choice... that's the hardest thing that you will ever have to do."