
Firefighting Quotes

There are 368 quotes

"We have been in the phase now of fighting fires and saving lives."
"There's nothing out there like it. We've been fighting fires the same way for a hundred years."
"Now, let's suppose for a moment that someone that you know or loved lived in a house that caught on fire and they could have been saved if only firemen could have gotten water to the structure just moments sooner."
"Searing wildfires ignite across Siberia, firefighters battling nearly 200 wildfires."
"Anywhere you see in yellow could get up to an inch of rain and firefighters are loving this and Idaho and portions of Oregon and even Montana to still take every drop of rain they can get after this horrific start to the fire season."
"The physical progress that these firefighters show from all of these agencies is tremendous and nothing is insurmountable for them they will not sleep they will not rest and put it until they get this fire out."
"I've done more firefighter funerals than I want to acknowledge."
"The point is if firefighters can follow it, then everybody else will pay for us with all that stress if they can."
"Firefighters worked for hours to extinguish a fire as contracted by the city and county of Honolulu."
"Nobody's upset because there's no choice between public and private firefighters."
"That's the Ventura County Fire Department releasing an army of satanic avatars to happily snack on the dry brush in the area, thus preventing forest fires."
"The firefighter said it was like fighting against the devil himself."
"Putting out fires. They use these super long wiggly hoses, a bit like what we see in the garden but super powerful."
"Honestly, huge shout out to the firefighters and everyone out there fighting the fight for us. We appreciate it so, so much."
"After seven days on the jolly mountain fire, I feel beat up. Not as young as I used to be."
"Incredible to be a smoke jumper, one of the riskiest jobs of all time."
"This footage is captured from the dash of an Australian fire engine. The region is besieged by raging wildfires."
"Firefighter drones: The aerial superheroes combating wildfires."
"Firefighter drones: Aerial heroes revolutionizing wildfire combat."
"I'm hype, I don't care if it's firefighting, I'm hype."
"Cheers to the firefighters out there in California, risking their lives to protect people's lives and properties."
"This is what being a firefighter is all about."
"Every well fire presents unique problems, but the basics of the job are always the same-- put out the fire, and cap the blowing well."
"It's a profession that relies on courage, education, and increasingly the latest science and technology."
"It's surprisingly advanced when it comes to firefighting tech."
"Firefighters up, dressed, and out on the road in under two minutes."
"The super scoopers are up, they're loaded, they're ready to drop."
"That wouldn't necessarily be a good situation either, so I'm glad to hear that just how hard the LAFD is hitting this fire right now."
"Wildland firefighting is some of the most difficult work that you'll do."
"These firefighters doing what they can to keep these flames contained."
"His dream became a reality. Official. He was a New York City firefighter."
"Firefighting equipment thread pitch has been the same since the last 100 years."
"Every component to be what would be on their fire truck, you don't change what works."
"For the first time in human history, thanks to airborne support, forest fires could be fought effectively and efficiently."
"Did you know you can buy an anti-fire ball that you can drop into a fire, take a few steps back, and it will explode and extinguish it immediately?"
"Being a firefighter is not just about going to a fire and putting it out and coming home. It's about being involved in the community."
"Fire's out we're going to have to wait for a second to go down there it's pretty hot and Smokey."
"If you see a lot of videos of Wildland fires trucks going down the road hoses are draped on the back."
"You don't fight a fire by attacking it from above. You attack it from the side or below."
"Thanks to Sera, Mark now combines firefighting with teaching safety at schools."
"I could feel the whole truck leaning, and I was like, 'Man, if I have to go down an incline or on a little hill or something, it would stink if there's a fire and then I just roll my fire truck."
"Structure guys defend structures. Wildland firefighters defend nature."
"Fitness wasn't for a long time considered to be a part of the firefighter's duty. It's our duty to be in the best shape that we have and that we can be in and to be always ready to go."
"We've got the fire, I can see the line going into the building."
"The Fire doesn't get put out because of squad and rescue, it gets put out because basically the first and second to engine and truck do most of the hard work and then we take up and exactly."
"The nice thing about the pre-connects is that once you pull the line all the way out and you've activated your water here this this will automatically pull and open a valve."
"What is the cheapest firefighter helmet that I could buy that actually is worth anything?"
"They're fire trucks they're life-saving equipment."
"The CL 415 Canadair or bombarder water bomber is an iconic symbol in fire fighting and Forest Fire Control."
"Without their protective clothing, it would be impossible for firefighters to go into burning buildings and save people."
"Firefighters are as I said the bravest you're running into danger with nothing but yourselves with no weapons nothing you're just running right into danger so we thank you."
"Five minutes worth of water like you've just seen can put out a heck of a lot of fire."
"Jack and his Modok helped put out the inferno during a town fire."
"If you go into a fire academy and you're thinking you're going to get hired on somewhere and you're too out of shape to just do the basics, then this might not be the job for you guys."
"But whatever you think you're training for and you're ready for, you don't even know. It's the greatest job in the world but you have to really want it."
"When you're a new firefighter and you're out on a fire ground and you're actually fighting a fire and you're in some difficult situation, the people that you work with need to know that they can rely on you."
"They're going to spray their stuff in there to try to put this fire out."
"There's nothing more frightening to a firefighter than an out of control forest fire, with its oxygen-sucking firestorms raging at the temperature of molten steel, gobbling up everything in sight."
"They positioned on both sides of the hotel, advanced a hose line inside, pulled ceiling, and minimized that damage so that it didn't spread beyond the pool room."
"Go join your local volunteer department. Go join your local part-time department. If you want to become a firefighter, start spending time with firefighters. Makes sense, right?"
"When you put all those together it produces a hydro Kim product of water foam and the dry can purple K which is really really effective at putting out fires."
"Water transport operations add another layer of hazard and complexity to any firefighting effort, and the driver operator plays a crucial role in making sure that each of these operations runs safely and efficiently."
"We received some good insight on what it takes to make a great firefighter."
"The bureau of fire demonstrated why they are at the heart of the city of Harrisburg."
"I see a lot of guys doing all kinds of techniques to try and move before the engine, that I'm sorry the nozzle forward faster but a lot of the drilling is done out of parking lots and stuff, I get it how to hold the two and a half by yourself more but."
"Firefighters use wetting agents to make water wetter. The chemicals reduce the surface tension of plain water so it's easier to spread and better soaks into objects, which is why it's known as wet water."
"The firemen are doing a good job."
"During that 24-hour period, if you could take two hours out of that 24 and pick up a book—ladders, engine operations, training bulletins, whatever it would be—it'll make you a better firefighter."
"Roll out the hose, up the ladder, and put out that fire."
"This is the best costume ever. I'm so ready to put out fires and ride the fire truck."
"Hot Shot Wildland firefighters represent the pinnacle of firefighting expertise, often likened to the special forces in their field."
"Firefighters risk life and limb battling these infernos, facing unimaginable dangers with unwavering resolve."
"For the Granite Mountain Hot Shots, their wildfire battle would be a tragedy."
"The depiction of fires and firefighting in movies is very inaccurate."
"Getting water quickly on a fire keeps it from getting larger."
"Hitting it hard from the yard, transitional attack, or softening the target—whatever we call it—slows fire growth and increases victim survivability."
"A lot of people just think because they see fire on the side of the fire engine or the fire truck that all we do are go to fires, and that's not the case."
"We are embracing technology to improve fire ground accountability."
"I see why people call it the best job in the world."
"The greatest fire department in the world."
"It is important to understand the fire behavior history of the area you fight fire in."
"I think it's a really important job to be a firefighter because they help save people's lives and put out fires."
"The only way to stop a wildfire is to take the fuel away from it."
"One of the coolest things about the whole thing of firefighting is not only the fact that you get to make a difference every single day."
"Anytime we were able to get a fire under control, that would have to be it."
"We saved a lot of firefighters' lives over my 18 years in the company."
"It's going to be a long day. We're going to take a beating walking up these stairs, but you have six aggressive engine companies on the scene to help put out this fire."
"I'm Flynn. Fiery Flynn. I'm the leader of the firefighting team here. Under my leadership, no fire's too tough to put out, no flame is safe to lurk on our island."
"Cheers are for fire engines that actually put out fires."
"Rule number one of fighting fires: don't screw around with fires."
"Every fireman sooner or later hits this."
"Early firefighters who had to trust in a silly hat, a piece of hose, and the colleague known as a bellows boy."
"A small town can't afford to have a dedicated fire department but they obviously need one, so what do you do? Well, you train up a bunch of volunteers."
"One of the reasons why we use the ring fire technique is because we have, um, what happens is the fire collapses in on itself. It creates its own little low pressure system basically and collapses in on itself and basically gets the smoke up into the atmosphere."
"But patrol is the most important part. So patrolling is basically going back and forth on the line, the fire break, to look for any slop overs or suppress any spot fires or extinguish any kind of hot spots along the way."
"He was a ghetto fireman. He was amazing."
"Mike was a great firefighter, he was a great senior man, he was a great example for the guys."
"You always wanted to be the first guy in, the first, you know, get there before anybody else, whatever. I remember in 175, running to the building, not really paying attention to the structures, the flaws, where's the fire, what, you know, what exposure side."
"Deck guns are only good for putting out the fire on the exterior, that's why it's so important to pull accessory lines and have them ready to go."
"Being a firefighter means to me something that's special... You go to people when they need you, they call you on their worst day and you try to make it better."
"A tactical consideration is an evidence-based concept for the fire service to consider implementing into department operations to enhance efficiency effectiveness and increased knowledge to accomplish their mission to protect life environment and property."
"Mopping up work must be done so as to get the fire out as quickly as possible."
"We had so much overtime, they actually had eight firefighters go to that one house, four to the engine and none to the truck. How many times are you ever here? Never!"
"All desperate to just become better firemen so it was a blessing."
"The Action Man firefighter is a personal favorite of mine."
"...it's kind of bad but ultimately it's wholesome at its core, it's cutting down trees which I guess we don't stand but it is also fighting fire."
"A fire engine or fire truck helps in many emergencies, not just fires."
"I don't think you are at a disadvantage having military experience is a positive for getting into the fire service."
"What made me decide fire is when I finished playing soccer, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do going forward, and the closest thing that I could think of that was a team environment that was in the real world, like a real-world job, was firefighting."
"I just knew I wanted to be a fireman since I was super young; that's all I wanted to do."
"When there is fires, right, all that goes away."
"When it comes down to it, doesn't matter when you get to the fire, you got to put the fire out, and that's your job."
"We had a job up there... we hit the door, boom boom boom, went in, took care of business."
"Max said he was planning on being a firefighter, and that his calling was to be a firefighter."
"The praise that you get from your peers in the fire service, that's what it's all about, man."
"The only thing I ever wanted to do in my entire life was being a New York City fireman."
"We go in on a night tour and we'd leave the firehouse and not come back for like hours, we'd go from one fire to another."
"The spider silk of blood spiders is an excellent material for extinguishing forest fires."
"This business, this firefighting in general, is very unique, and anything can happen."
"Those firefighters were real heroes. Many of them, of their oxygen tanks were on empty, but instead of turning back and exiting the building, they pushed through through the smoke."
"Could have been worse, those firefighters were real heroes."
"Outstanding job, boys, outstanding."
"Being a firefighter is a dangerous job."
"Which extinguishing agent is most effective on a mattress fire? Water."
"Portable foam fire extinguishers are designed for use on Class A and Class B fires."
"When approaching a fire, you should shield firefighters from the fire by using seawater fog."
"The most effective cooling agent among those normally used to fight fire is water fog."
"Foam extinguishes a fire by smothering the burning material."
"That was the lesson Terry Hatton drilled into his men: they weren't there to judge, ever, just to help, always."
"Reginald had been a volunteer firefighter for as long as he could remember."
"Great work by these firefighters for putting out those scary massive flames."
"If you're going to step up to do something, what better thing as a firefighter to step up than to work with burn survivors and raising money for burn care?"
"I am a firefighter as well as working for the search and rescue out here."
"Here's the pole we slide down in an emergency to get to the firetruck as quick as we can."
"Heroic water blasting firefighter."
"To fight fire, you must interrupt one or more of the elements in the tetrahedron to successfully put the fire out."
"I want to be a firefighter, and that was my initiation."
"I never looked back from that moment, that was my initiation, and something happened that night where I said I want to be a firefighter."
"Being a New York City fireman was the greatest privilege in the world."
"We're going to take you in and show you one of the most magnificent pieces of firefighting apparatus in the United States today."
"This is the premier fireboat, the Big Daddy of the fleet."
"Leadership is the key element in firefighter safety."
"Safety is paramount; this culture of safety is a big part of the leadership message in the Denver Fire Department."
"More than 900 firefighters strong, the Denver Fire Department has a long, rich tradition and a history of providing quality, timely, and professional emergency services to the people of the City and County of Denver."
"The device is capable of delivering a water discharge ranging from 4,000 to 8,000 gallons per minute."
"It's amazing the amount of coordination that goes into those fires."
"You might not have got your bushcraft badges today, but you've certainly got your forest fire fighting badges."
"Precipitous rugged slopes of decomposing granitic rock eroding into numerous chimneys and steep chutes create the terrain where fire always moves faster than firefighters."
"This is a really good cause, right? So this is a volunteer, a small volunteer fire department. I mean, these people are doing great work."
"Firefighter M sees a fire, let's put it out. Goodbye, fire!"
"These fire crews are a real credit to the park in their dedication to their job, even in the face of an unrelenting onslaught of lava."
"I love putting fire out, man; nozzle's a great job."
"Big fire, big water, right. Amen, isn't that the truth."
"Did you know that girls can be firefighters?"
"This is not a bushcrafting kit, this is not a survival kit, this is a firefighter's kit."
"Daily undulating periodization produces superior results in firefighters compared to a linear approach."
"Every single fireman on the ground, we're all just like, you know, let's put this out, let's protect life, property, and the environment."
"At the end of the day, the public doesn't care, right? They want the fire out."
"It's unbelievable, the fire activity that I've seen this year."
"To be a firefighter, you always need to be ready. Ready for a big rescue, big or small, we are ready to rescue them all."
"For decades, Littleton fire has had a reputation as one of the most innovative departments in Colorado and the country."
"I'm a firefighter. I don't know if you guys knew that. I'm a certified firefighter from way back in my day."
"The only thing that saved my life is my jacket. The collar held my helmet up enough so it didn't collapse and kill me."
"We have to fight to take back time that the fire has stolen from them."
"Firefighting is not just a job, but a noble cause to leave this world a better place."
"An aggressive firefighter is a person who makes an all-out effort to successfully combat destructive fires."
"Aggressive firefighters pursue with deliberate passion the ability to come to work every day and give an all-out effort."
"You slide the pole, you're getting your cape, your uniform, your bunker gear, you're jumping on the rig, and you're flying through the neighborhood to go help somebody."
"Understanding the concept of void spaces and the different materials that are used now is certainly going to prepare us better when we do show up at these fires."
"She was one of the first female firefighters on the FDNY. We love her, the one and only, the girl, the woman, Lois Mungay."
"After every fire, I'm always smiling, and so is everybody else, because we're just happy, ecstatic, just loved doing it."
"The early application of water to reduce the thermal threat to firefighters has proven to be effective."
"Rescue remains the highest priority for the fire department when operating on a structure fire."
"Be safe, stay aggressive, and keep training."
"Remember, the number one mission at every fire is: Everyone goes home."
"Getting back to the basics of firefighting."
"Firefighting is an environmental emergency."
"We need to get back to the basics, and what we saw today are some of the very basic techniques that you can use when deploying your ground ladders."
"Keep it simple, and we're going to be cliche and say see you on the big one."
"I think what attracted me to firefighting was kind of that brotherhood, hanging around waiting for that call, boom hit it, and get to go ride in that red truck going real fast down the side streets and show up on somebody's worst day and make everything better."
"Every fire goes out, but they don't all go out well, and we are paid to make them go out well."
"I go in training fires to put the fire out; I go in real fires to save lives."
"The best tool that you any of us bring to the fire ground is the one between your shoulders."
"We were just trying to improve that line, trying to progress, and that fire was just getting bigger and bigger."
"The best thing we did was get into our shelters."
"We've got a good black area. We've got a lot of crews down below. You know we have helicopters. We have things are to come help us, but for the next few minutes, we're gonna have to sit tight and wait for basically help to arrive."
"We're the problem fixers, and it's not just fighting fires."
"Firefighters are firefighters; they love what they do. It's the best job in the world."
"You never know when you'll get the call for the biggest fire of your career... it makes certainties more critical than ever."
"Being a firefighter is really important."
"He went into the fire and for that you got to give him his respect."
"The only thing she loved more than being a firefighter was being a mom to Clay and Taylor."
"Firefighters do more than just respond to fires; they're also responding to car accidents and medical emergencies."
"Our goal is to create intelligently aggressive firefighters who can locate the fire faster, locate that victim faster and fulfill the mission of the fire service better than they have before."
"Fighting fire, there's a lot to it, but you know, you basically put the water on the red stuff, you put the fire out."
"Wow, you look like a real firefighter. I'm proud of you, son."
"We don't know the situation until we get there; it can be anything from a small brush fire to a big forest fire."
"Everybody works as one and do what we do best: fight fires."
"You go from a company officer to a battalion chief, it's a big difference because you have to step back and realize that you're not a hands-on guy anymore."
"It takes about five years before you're a good battalion chief."