
Criminal Activity Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"It's probably one of the riskiest undertakings he can do as a criminal."
"Hodson was alleging that Paul Dale was seeking opportunity and work to murder somebody. The work is as a hitman."
"A week ago, the primary gang leader...basically said okay, the fuel terminal is open."
"The current approach is not working. It's hurting Canadians, it's funding criminals, and we have to make a change in our policy." - Justin Trudeau
"Counterfeiters have no regard to health or safety or who they hurt along the way. All they're concerned about is the bottom line."
"No one agrees to get killed when they go to Ed Buck's house no matter what they agree to."
"Last night was bad, right? The criminality, the looting was the most egregious."
"I never had to weigh out anything, all I had to do was take the product, transport it, and give it to my dealer."
"I saw criminal activity. I needed to get this to the proper authorities."
"Criminals will be watching, harvesting any sensitive data that you enter into the computer."
"Yeah, I have a feeling this is probably the drug dealers."
"Do not join the cyber war, don't be a part of what is actually a criminal activity."
"This is pulling off a heist. How does he not get in trouble for this?"
"You've got to gain notoriety, knock over some records, and maybe take out a few thugs."
"You started scamming credit cards before you started smoking weed heavy, that is a bold choice."
"Everything he said publicly was in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy."
"OneCoin was revealed to be one big con, with Ruja disappearing into thin air."
"If your name has appeared on the Forbes 30 under 30 and you're running some sort of criminal conspiracy, it might be time to start planning your escape."
"A few weeks after this event in August of 2019, prosecutors say Heather and Iliya leave for Ukraine during the month-long trip, receiving multiple packages with fake Ukrainian IDs, bank cards, and SIM cards for mobile phones."
"Just because you say something in broad daylight doesn't automatically make it not criminal."
"Gang members were renting houses and hosting parties with the express intention of spreading COVID-19 among them." - Sheriff Ross Gibson
"Can you beat Payday 2 without committing a criminal offense? After thinking about it for about 10 seconds I realized the answer was a hard no."
"If you've got gangsteritis, you might make some quick cash but the feds have all the technology in the world."
"There's a defined distinction between what's first amendment protected speech and what's criminal activity."
"It's not okay to steal people's identities and act like a bitch and be a criminal."
"He's not caught on camera performing a good deed, but instead dumping the body of a woman he allegedly murdered."
"At this point it isn't heisting it's just breaking and entering with a sprinkling of genocide."
"He fled and took the church's money. So it wasn't like they let him go, it was very clear that he fled."
"It really starts connecting the dots that this was indeed premeditated."
"This wasn't just... they got paid... these valuations were so extreme that they went from these subjective okay it's mushy to it's absolutely fraudulently criminal."
"NDAs do not cover criminal activity, illegal activity, or things that are already out there in the public domain."
"The defendant's commission of these four murders over a 10 day period is one of the worst killing sprees in the history of this state."
"And all this secrecy has provided excellent cover, as in 2012, four priests were investigated for operating bank accounts for the mafia to launder money."
"I suspect that there was probably foul play involved."
"The one thing I can maybe find that would be under the umbrella of what we would call Criminal is that there are now allegations that Jack Dorsey perjured himself."
"This is not a conspiracy theory... we're talking here criminal activity."
"Intruder armed with an AR-15 rifle apologized and left 200 for homeowners after breaking in to eat shrimp and have a bath, police say."
"More often than not, legitimate criminals get off on these types of crimes."
"There's no culture of compliance this is an organization that from the very top was sanctioning criminal activity."
"He was already planning the second act of his ruthless spree."
"Thousands and thousands of images and videos of children, some suggestive, others more so."
"This is still a sick individual, and what they've done goes beyond far than just hacking databases or facilitating the sale of illegal information. That's honestly, in my opinion, like 10 steps below the CP charges."
"The big theme here is that they were part of a criminal enterprise."
"That's mental... bad news bloody been bad bad guy got away with a bag full of stuff."
"Is anybody brave enough to stand against this hoard of thugs blatantly criming in broad daylight?"
"Lori Ann Talens and her husband constructed what may be one of the biggest counterfeit coupon schemes in history."
"If you've been arrested over a hundred times, you're not a good criminal. You need to find a new path."
"The scheme here, this criminal scheme here is apparently not a new thing."
"Start somewhere. There's also it was a stolen car, he had an open fifth of whiskey just like in the cup holder, has microdose had a live rattlesnake."
"Lester Coke began recruiting thousands of members and had the largest arsenal of choppers Jamaica had ever seen."
"Lester Coke fled Jamaica with 20 of his shower Posse men."
"This is all a game to them for money laundering."
"Queen is obviously the while not the most important piece on the board the most powerful and his queen jeffrey Epstein's queen is a woman by the name of ghilane maxwell."
"But who are these cruel scammers and just how much money do they make from these scams?"
"Apparently, I used to be a bit of a dodgy person and also, yes, there was some kidnapping back in the day."
"The fire was incendiary in nature, intentionally set."
"At some point earlier that night, Charlie would have snuck into Jenny's house and set up that camera."
"This is crazy. I mean, why? Like, why would somebody dump them over the bridge? That's just such an evil thing to do."
"Criminal fraud is a crime that involves a scheme to cheat or deceive another individual or entity in order to obtain a financial gain."
"He created this world around him where he was in total control, not just talking about the sex trafficking, but everything."
"Financial frauds are not victimless crimes. He engaged in this massive amount of fraud and it wasn't just a simple mistake."
"Ryan's just an innocent victim, a bystander just going about his business."
"Nearly 200 people have been arrested for deliberately starting brush fires that have devastated the nation of Australia."
"This summer an AP analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion dollars in pandemic relief funding."
"The global shortage and insatiable demand for GPUs... criminals and bot scripts... capitalize on any inventory... and in turn scalp it for well above MSRP."
"So the criming kicks off with what may be an actual murder."
"The entitled landlord was actually stealing prized possessions from this family and was arrested."
"You've caused us considerable inconvenience, smuggler."
"It's absolutely insane to see. We're at such a level where we have individuals like Jeffy Epstein who used the government who used the FBI who used tax dollars to essentially traffic thousands of children."
"Agents seized all of the criminals' assets; they were able to account for about five million dollars of the stolen money."
"Ram Charan and their syndicate, their problem wasn't really napoleons. Their problem was where they were going to hide their money."
"Authorities in the Indian state of Odisha released shocking details about a suspected fraudster who they say is accused of marrying more than a dozen women in order to dupe them out of thousands of dollars."
"Mysteriously, the flames went out, meaning that the perpetrators were soon caught and sentenced to life imprisonment."
"This is an organized crime ring, this is not a conservatorship."
"The criminal gangs who try to cheat their way around our immigration laws will not escape justice."
"Do some cool crimes. These are petty, silly, dumb [ __ ] crimes that you're doing," - Commentator
"Everyone that's died from fentanyl overdose or poisoning, the Mexican cartels and anyone that's facilitated that trade needs to be brought to Justice."
"My father was a lot of things, few of them good, but he started out smuggling moonshine."
"This is hardcore criminals. This is called mine hijacking."
"But now, the problem is the Snells' poppy field. Helen's like, 'Hey, you have to burn it before the feds find it.'"
"Listen guys, I'm not gonna lie... it's fucking criminal."
"A lot of people that I knew bad people what they saw was about a half a million dollars I mean just for a kidney you can get $200,000 a liver $167,000 a hard qu of a million you know some places 130."
"The crime is super clear and has been from the very beginning."
"The lines had been cleanly cut suggesting that a tool had been used and the perpetrator had specifically planned this ahead of time."
"Somebody's trying to sacrifice somebody and they're gonna get arrested."
"Stop calling it a sex scandal, this is criminal activity."
"The evidence was overwhelming. Mr. Smollett had faked a hate crime, lied to the police about it, and compounded his crimes by lying to the jury."
"I guess as being a drug dealer, Hankerson seized all of the cash."
"He was unshaven, starving, he was armed with a shotgun and pistol, had two bags full of stolen valuables that he had taken during other violent break-ins."
"she did do those things she was aiding in sex trafficking supplying women for Keith those bad things should receive extreme consequences because those things also affected dozens and dozens of other women in the process"
"Creepy as that might be, the Cape Intruder's victims could take comfort in the fact that this intruder seemingly came in peace."
"It was also done by very highly organized criminals."
"Large quantities of cash leaving the country is often linked to organized crime."
"He described to us some some fairly bone chilling um uh conspiracies that that that had gone on and that were going on in an effort to uh to try to to kill the government witnesses."
"Finally in 2002, a former employee of the Picton farm came forward to police and said that he personally had seen illegal weapons inside of Robert's trailer."
"However, in the state of Georgia, there are much more elaborate criminal syndicates."
"Like I'm that dumb that I'm a steal a guy I'm supposed to whack, take his dog and leave it 10 miles from my house. Come on, that don't even sound right," Rocco said.
"It's been over 45 years, but there's no doubt in my mind that if this person is still alive, they're very much a threat."
"How are companies allowed to get away with this type of criminal activity? I'm overwhelmed, I'm frustrated."
"These guys in the last five years have stolen somewhere between 300 to half a million dollars worth of shit off of contests everywhere, probably easy."
"With fraud and scamming on the rise, criminal gangs are always on the lookout for people willing to lend them their bank accounts to receive and withdraw the unlawful cash."
"You drive around, literally gave me masks, uh, the submachine gun, gave me submachine guns, all you gotta do is go in the bank and stay in there with the gun. I said, okay."
"Once again, that court case is going to hinge on one thing, whether Sky knew they were selling to criminals to help them commit crimes."
"You must not be part of the [__] RICO, you feel me? 'Cause if you was part of the RICO, they would have came, you know what I'm saying?"
"The film features a real-life mafia hit that takes place in Costa Rica when the Chicago mob learns of a low-level accountant's thievery."
"You just lured the biggest criminal family in Brook Haven. Perfect."
"They wanted to look like a mob hit."
"The Hastings gang in the 17th and 18th centuries had over 40,000 people employed in the smuggling trade just on the south coast alone."
"He literally gave them the address of his meth lab."
"He was likely at that point because he becomes a made member of the Bonanno crime family."
"When he got out of reform school he got a job working for a tobacco farmer and what he would do would be to steal the tobacco and sell it and then he set fire to the barn to cover up the theft."
"It's what happens, yeah. And then you've got the county line stuff kicks in, yeah."
"Arthur Lopez Jr. donned a mask, hopped on a bike, and coasted toward the unsuspecting Hernandez."
"The migrant smugglers in my opinion are the lowest of the low."
"The criminals in neighborhoods like the East Division of Philadelphia will stop at nothing."
"If you didn't know they were cocaine dealers, you might think they were just another happy family."
"You hurt Hector when you rob that truck, if you were to hurt him in the same manner again, I would not stand in your way."
"The threat from Russia at the in the criminal sense, in the nation-state sense, is very, very real and current."