
Cancellation Culture Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The idea of canceling entire historical figures or works of art or scientific ideas because the people who engaged in them were of their time and flawed is obviously a road that we should not want to go down."
"I learned what was happening to me had a name. It was called being canceled."
"The only way you actually effectively cancel someone... is when you convince their audience to leave."
"We proved that the left cannot cancel people if we do not let them."
"We should be able to talk about everything without being cancelled, that's insane."
"Can you truly cancel something that there's an audience for it? I don't think you can truly cancel people."
"I'm surprised George Strait hasn't been canceled at this point."
"I can't be canceled. There's no way that you can stop me. I'm fully independent."
"Talking about people's bodies is tiring, okay? Needs to stop. It's canceled."
"Joe was at the forefront of saying, 'screw you, you can't cancel me, I can do what I want.'"
"Instead of cancelling her... she was going to use this as a teaching moment."
"I don't want this to be like that cringe YouTuber apology style cancellation video."
"Change does not equal cancel, except when it does."
"He was on the fence to being cancelled. He was right on his way to being cancelled and then he won."
"This is the place where people just get cancelled."
"It almost feels wrong to call it a cancellation because I think the word canceling has kind of become overused."
"Nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it."
"You sir are canceled and that'll do it for us today thanks for watching thanks for listening have a great day godspeed."
"I believe in freedom of speech not just because I think the people hearing it will be the better for it but because if we don't have freedom of speech even someone like me gets cancelled."
"The bigots who would deny the validity of Ali London's Korean identity are today absolutely and with great righteous rage cancelled."
"We all get canceled, whether it be online or by death itself. The ultimate cancellation."
"Welcome to Twitter, where they cancel you if you don't toe the line with all of their opinions and [expletive]."
"This just further goes to show that when you stand up for anything in Hollywood that doesn't align with the far-left echo chamber, they will try to cancel you."
"AOC got game and she don't play no game. No cancellation culture can take away my admiration of her hotness."
"It's much easier to just cancel things... than to engage in conversations that might be uncomfortable."
"Twitter cancel is you just get cancelled, you didn't do anything but Twitter just wants to cancel you."
"Canceling someone doesn't even matter anymore because it's like, 'You breathe, you're canceled.'"
"It's likely that I'm being canceled for a joke that I told that was funny and people agreed with."
"You can't cancel somebody that doesn't give a f***, and I've said it many, many times, you can't cancel somebody that does not give a f*** about the cancellation."
"If they cancel me, they cancel y'all, so protect me."
"Pettiness mixed with a lack of care and insensitivity is really enough these days for your business to get canceled."
"It's another form of cancellation, I suppose."
"James Charles had just experienced one of the most intense cancellations anyone had ever seen."
"In 2019, a 20-year-old James Charles faced one of the most destructive cancellation campaigns ever seen on YouTube."
"I got cancelled by white people but got so many supports by a lot of other white people and also by black people."
"I remain unfazed. This is the first time in history someone who is canceled became more popular than before."
"Don't let them cancel you. Trust me, I've been canceled 17 times."
"Is cancellation only utilized by the left? Well, I guess you'll have to ask Walmart, Netflix, Budweiser, Starbucks."
"Canceled everything's canceled therefore cancellations mean nothing."
"Nobody's going anywhere... you just can't cancel anybody."
"If someone sexually assaults someone, they should be canceled."
"You're not going to cancel me. What are you going to do? I don't depend on social media. You want to cancel me, cancel me."
"There's no fear of cancellation at Compound Media because everybody who subscribes loves comedy."
"Your product is your persona and if the public is angry they're canceling both the person and the product."
"You're cancelled, cancelled, you're on it's a rumor."
"How have we not been canceled yet? That's not an invitation to cancel, I was gonna say. No, don't get any ideas, guys."
"I've never been canceled before. It was cool. I was canceled and then uncanceled in the span of 24 hours."
"I don't think I've ever seen a cancellation quite as bad as this."
"We can't cancel pedophiles but we can cancel Kevin Hart or Dave Chappelle."
"People will get pissed about anything and just try and cancel."
"You are in charge of your own destiny; no one can cancel you because you own your own show."