
Classic Gaming Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"There is a simplistic joy in revisiting classic Sonic, and it’s something that I cherish amidst the chaos."
"Engineering has just amazing potential in classic due to the unregulated nature of the game back then."
"Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... there can only be one ten in the series, and that's Ocarina of Time."
"You can still go back and play Final Fantasy seven."
"A twist on the classic RPGs of the late 90s."
"An opportunity for a double dose of late 80s and early 90s nostalgia." - Classic Gaming Quarterly
"It's fun, it's gory, and it's classic PS1 action."
"Parodius demonstrates what can be done with classical pixel art."
"You gotta make it like the classic Halo but you got to put your own spin on it." - Xbox Ready
"What makes 'Super Mario World' special though is how open it is."
"Sometimes real is boring, but it is a classic game in its own way."
"It's been calculated, war roomed, planned out, and now executed."
"What happened to Resident Evil zero is a shame it offers some of the most unique takes I've ever seen and the classic rest evil formula."
"If you're just going to be focusing on classic and retro gaming, I think this one's a great fit."
"Descent 1 and 2 are really raw, unadulterated examples of old-school shooting that have stood the test of time."
"Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a classic that has stood the test of time to a spectacular degree and is one of the best sequels in gaming."
"A HUD doesn't make an immersive Sim unless your System Shock in the OG the HUD is overwhelming."
"One of the classic 3D medieval fantasy MMORPGs of the early 2000s."
"Crash Team Racing is one of the best kart racing games you can play on the PlayStation 1."
"It still feels like a true classic Metal Gear game...just bigger than it has ever been before."
"His sound pack absolutely breathes life into this old classic."
"In the world of Mario, glitches are our passport to the extraordinary."
"The definitive port of a classic game." - TotalBiscuit
"The actual gameplay, however, was that great Mega Man goodness we all know and love."
"This game is just classic, classic Castlevania."
"Classic Megaman still rocks, delighting players and influencing young creators alike."
"I kind of love it and we gotta go Super Mario Brothers."
"The mazes are all great and play exactly like you'd expect classic Pac-Man to play."
"So, literally, it's John Madden Football Classic."
"I don't think it should be a remastering of classic WoW."
"Super Mario World remains today as one of the best."
"Turtles in Time really is a brilliant game and is simply one of the greatest 16-bit games ever made."
"From controls to game design to its presentation, Sonic CD is a gem of a game even today."
"It was the first platform that I saw Policenauts on the classic Konami adventure that was similar to Snatcher."
"I think Edison format's a really fun one and Goat of course is classic."
"Sonic 2 is an absolute masterpiece of a video game."
"Honestly this is nearly but not quite a perfect translation of a Super NES classic."
"Zelda games have always been about a hero becoming strong enough to wield the blade and using it to destroy evil and save the day."
"Digital Devil Saga one is everything that defines classic Megaton with a retro futuristic 90s cyberpunk coat of paint."
"Donkey Kong for the Game Boy... is one of the most significant, important, and awesome games ever released on the Game Boy platform."
"Street Fighter 2: What a game, what an event."
"This should be fun, classic old-fashioned good Hitman horse, but with a twist. With a twist!"
"It's an absolute classic, you need to play this."
"Metal Gear Solid, which will always be a classic."
"His demise is also some straight-up old school God of War goodness."
"This is probably one of the best NES games that was ever released."
"The PS1 was well known for many of the incredible racing games that released over the years."
"The Super Nintendo is a treasure trove of classic video games—Earthbound, Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger."
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles - this is the absolute pinnacle of the Mega Drive."
"Kirby’s Adventure is not just a great 2D platformer; it’s a highlight of the genre and of the NES overall."
"Super Metroid as well you just can't go wrong with it."
"87 percent of classic games are commercially unavailable."
"It took me back to the good old days of classic Sonic the Hedgehog."
"I'm so excited for this. A remake of a classic, of a beloved classic."
"It's going back to the roots, it's a nostalgia experience."
"Thankfully they work the classic way, just attack a wall to reveal if it's fake or not."
"Might and Magic III was one of the most beautiful games I'd ever seen."
"For those looking for a new MMO, RuneScape offers a classic feeling approach with gems of RPG storytelling."
"Link's Awakening is still a mighty, mighty fine example of top-down Zelda to this day."
"It's one thing to hear about Doom... it's another thing to play it yourself and feel that primordial heat that is Doom."
"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is arguably one of the best, if not the best, Gameboy games of all time."
"Blaster Master contains the best metroidvania experience to be found on NES."
"Resident Evil 4 preserves the essence of the original game."
"This USB adapter turns an NES controller into a standard direct input device, making the Power Glove work with Windows 98 or all the way up to Windows 10."
"Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder - a great game that is often disgustingly ignored."
"Should I play classic World of Warcraft? Yes, yes you should."
"Ladies and gentlemen, this game Omnibus honestly reminds me of the old school beautiful Katamari."
"Workarounds for classic gaming on Razer Edge."
"DK Mountain has always been a classic for decades and will always be a classic for decades."
"Every fan of Sonic's classic series needs to give this game a shot."
"If you want the most pure and perfect version of Tetris, it's on the Game Boy."
"Very few NES games have managed to age like fine wine."
"Commando is a bona fide real actual proper classic video game."
"Absolutely beautiful, man. I love the legendary birds, they're just so OG."