
Futuristic Vision Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Give me 20 years, and I'll have ignited a high-technology development sector. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
"Earth, the final frontier. These are the voyages of EVE. It's a five-year mission to push the limits of computing in service of climate modeling, to seek out new methods and new technologies, to study global to local state of climate, to inform today the impact of mitigation and adaptation on Earth's tomorrow, to boldly go where no one has gone before."
"It's beautiful, these films allow us to time travel. It doesn't just give you history, it gives you the future."
"It's nothing less than starting a whole new chapter in human civilization where in 20 years there would be no poverty on the planet, no pollution, unbelievable abundance."
"Support for humanity's future in space is super appreciated. Let's make the sci-fi future we want real."
"I can't tell you how exciting that vision of the future is."
"Space is our future and love is the fuel of that."
"This is the future man, little did I know how much of the future it really was."
"So when the cost of putting a new satellite, a new scientific probe or even an astronaut is almost an afterthought, imagine how much more activity will take place among the stars!"
"If there was ever a way for Cloud City to become real, I would do anything to live there."
"Walking the streets of the future is really going to be breathtaking."
"It's a new era of pioneers, star sailors, thinkers, and adventurers."
"Aquarius wants to merge humans with machine."
"There's just something magical about creating that feeling of being around people once you've experienced it, you know it's the future."
"The new earth is full of love... that's where it's all going to be."
"The new Earth is going to be something you won't believe."
"Or, if you will, one decade we’re humans living on Earth as we are now, the next we’re uploaded post-humans in android bodies colonizing the galaxy that can no longer be defined as homo sapiens."
"That vision that I had in 1969, of seeing normal human beings traveling to space, it's finally beginning to happen."
"We're here to become a galactic society again."
"This vehicle represents hope for our species."
"Imagine a future where we got rid of all traditional farms and replaced them with vertical farms."
"Life will blossom in our path and eventually the galaxy will shimmer with beautiful Earth-like orbs."
"I'm relatively confident they are building at least something very large that might lead to Utopia."
"Give it a decade and we will all have Liberty Primes to do our bidding."
"I want Mars to become the home of a new branch of possibly several new branches of human civilization."
"This sentiment, this idea of humanity creating a paradise for themselves while others live in squalor, would be echoed one day again far off in the future."
"One step closer to becoming a spacefaring species."
"Individuals will have the ability to participate on equal footing with governments... that's a really exciting thought."
"Elon Musk is promoting an optimistic pro-human future... gentlemen, I have to go... phone open in the bathroom now."
"I will always fight for a future like Star Trek where we take Delight in the differences of others."
"That movie was so far ahead of its time, it's crazy."
"What human beings imagine for their future for their best future is an inhuman future."
"The movie ends with a montage of a bunch of kid visionaries getting summoned to a new Tomorrowland to make an amazing future together."
"The first steps on Mars were taken not by astronauts, but by barefoot children on lush, green grass."
"We want to be more like Star Trek, where we develop technology and explore the stars."
"That's worth at least me robot's alright now. I want to trigger a utopian future, I'll [ __ ] that non-current tree soon as well."
"When people look at him and try to classify Ray... he is the man who is ushering in the future."
"Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city or should I say our city."
"Welcome aboard the future of entertainment. Starts now."
"Embrace the visions of the future, be like Paul."
"A proper space-faring expansion could be such a good flex and a good way to get us off the planet for a while."
"Having civilization and life as we know it extended beyond Earth to the rest of the solar system and ultimately to other star systems."
"F Arrow was the future that we were promised but never had in the early 2000s."
"Our goal is to drive off the ship in 15 years."
"It's one of those wow factors that makes you go, 'Wow, this is the computer of the future and I want it.'"
"Blomkamp nailed the filthy cyberpunk future."
"You're gonna come up with an invention that will change the world forever."
"Until ordinary human beings are going to space on a weekly or perhaps even daily basis, until the dreams of so many of us here on Earth become the reality of low Earth orbit and beyond, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"This is the future, this is what Battlefield thought it should be doing in the year 2011."
"What is happening now in this archaic revival, a parking back to cultural models 10 to 25,000 years old... We are about to leave for the stars. This is what is happening on the planet."
"Humans are going to become an interplanetary species."
"Claude is representative of the best possible future for Star Wars."
"Solar Punk has the potential, already partially realized, to motivate action to build the future today."
"You want to be from the future, guiding people into the future."
"A permanent human settlement in space... a very impressive science demonstration."
"Elon has made the promise... of introducing an Intergalactic currency... a big step closer to delivering... a huge platform."
"I think generally speaking only recently did I really get on board with like oh maybe the future is like ready player one."
"I didn't want a lot of the merchandise to be about me; I want it to be about Mars, about our future when it comes to exploring the solar system."
"A Rosie the robot demo of it folding laundry autonomously and doing vacuuming even if it was not going to be used for the household."
"Neom is a complex, bold, and highly ambitious undertaking... and it's exciting to see the vision come to life."
"Musk wants to build Starships to make us multiplanetary."
"Is the Boring Company an amazing vision of the future of transport or is it Elon Musk just running a small taxi firm that moves slowly between only three destinations?"
"We're unlocking a future where our dreams of exploration will no longer exceed our grasp."
"A twentieth-century city will become a model city that has no boundaries that will stretch as far as the eye can see."
"Just think that one day in the near future 100 people could be sitting in a nose cone section just like this awaiting their launch to the red planet how crazy is that."
"I'm gonna be on Mars with a Neuralink in my head and a Cybertruck in 10 years or 15 years."
"I see humanity living off world... I see thousands of people living in space."
"This is the most exciting time in the history of the world."
"That is basically like a new Rome, 21st century Rome." - "21st century Rome."
"They want everyone to be integrated into technology, like the Borg."
"Every laptop is basically a Jarvis, every phone will become a Jarvis."
"I just saw the future, bro, I was like, 'Oh my gosh, it's gonna be like stadiums of these people!'"
"New Atlantis was said to portray a future vision of human Discovery and knowledge."
"A Utopia at the end of time, for us, for all time."
"I believe that we're going to enter the world of George Jetson."
"This is the future, and they're doing it without selling themselves out."
"Hire somebody to just supercharge like Tesla stores by 2030. It's a third place."
"The new golden age of humanity... is about bridging the ancient with the modern."
"Elon Musk's vision for life on Mars is easily the most ambitious plan set out by any modern leader."
"Everyone's Elon Musk I'll see you on Mars."
"Egan's imagination of what Humanity looks like in the future is breathtaking."
"He expressed his dream of colonizing space, building hotels, and essentially evacuating the earth as to preserve it."
"The future everyone wants to see it, and why not? It has robots, flying cars, and of course, superheroes."
"They brought a vision of the future that really had not been explored that much in movies until that point."
"Long before we were ordering pizzas, making calls, and reading texts on our smartwatches, The Jetsons were doing it first."
"In the Traveler's light, whole new worlds of possibility unfurl before us."
"Neom is a location for those who dream of a better tomorrow."
"It will be possible for a businessman in New York to communicate with his colleague in London using a device no larger than a watch."
"We didn't invent a diagnostic machine; we invented a time machine."
"I'm coming from the future on a hovercraft scooter."
"Welcome to the future, the future outlined in the very popular science fiction novel series Red Rising."
"In my future there'll be cyborgs, telekinesis, and flying cars!"