
Reclaiming Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"I'm reclaiming my joy, I'm reclaiming my peace, I'm reclaiming my creativity."
"Let's take it all back, not just the castle."
"We're going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom."
"Take back what is rightfully ours and manifest paradise on Earth."
"Loyal citizens like you helped build this country, and together we are taking back our country."
"Let this cry rise in your heart: 'That is mine, and I want it back.'"
"I am NOT taking the hammer, but I am taking back my home."
"We have most of our backyard back, which is kinda great."
"And instead of fighting each other, we attack those that put us here...and we take back what is ours!"
"We rose up out of the ashes and we took our world back."
"It's time to take back our image and take back our name."
"We need to rise up, reclaim who we are, what we are, and we can do that."
"I am taking back what you stole, you will take nothing from me, I am King Under the Mountain."
"Our job is to reclaim the power that has been stolen from us."
"Do what you got to do. Anything goes. Take the city back."
"Nature had reclaimed most of the town, crowning it with wreaths of moss and robes of vines."
"For what I have lost, I will soon regain. Be wary, wolf, for I have come back to take what was taken from me."
"Tonight we reclaim what's ours. We reclaimed France."
"Isn't it nice in a way to get to be the people who get to reclaim our country?"
"...start demanding our regality...start taking and start taking it back."
"Goodbye forever, Bruce. Miss Kyle wants her cat back."
"It's like reclaiming your kind of lost youth."
"Mother Nature just reclaims its territory."
"It's more about me reclaiming like who I was and what brought me joy."
"Take back your joy, it was always yours, it is meant to be yours."
"You've given them the power, now it's time to take it back."
"My time, my time, I'm reclaiming my time."
"Mother Nature is reclaiming this place for sure."
"Just trying everything on the McDonald's menu is really her first step to try to reclaim those simple pleasures that she was denied."
"Soul loss and soul retrieval... it is optimistic because it says this can be reclaimed."
"This symbol, this sankofa symbol, literally means to go back and fetch it. It is a kind word which suggests that it is not forbidden, it is not illegal to go back and to reclaim the knowledge of your past."
"You can claim your confidence back anytime you want."
"The only ones that can reclaim a stolen Earth is the women, the matriarchs."
"I said it was taken without my permission and I will be taking it back."
"I see you reclaiming your power, you gave your power to somebody all right, and they took advantage of it."
"You have the right to reclaim it, if the devil had directly or through any of his minions or ministers or people have ripped you off, I want you to leave here today and claim your stewardship and go get it."
"Part of the inspiration of the women's movement is watching my sisters reclaim that half of humanity that 8,000 years of patriarchy robbed them of."
"It's time to take your house back... let's start creating the home that we deserve."
"You are taking back the power that they took from you by putting that line there."
"You get further by reclaiming forgotten parts of the past than by trying to rename and erase things that have had those names for a very long time."
"Here we have lived in exile ever since, dreaming of a day when we will cross the narrow sea and take back my father's throne."
"Tonight it's the place where they come to reclaim their pride and to prove a point."
"Those are all the main anti-trans slurs that I'm... well, I mean, I do call Riley at times [__] neato."
"Marginalized people should be allowed to reclaim words that have been used to harm them."
"Reclaim this, come up with some sort of formation process."
"Projection has been reclaimed; women moved onto co-opting manifesting."
"Whitestone is our home, and today we take it back."
"Reclaim some of the paraphernalia that has been co-opted by the far right."
"If you're taking your power back, you take your culture back."
"The time has come for her to reclaim what Monty had once taken away."
"I think you've got something of mine."
"You're reclaiming your gift, you're reclaiming your power."
"You're just taking your energy back."
"Take back your power, knowledge is power."
"I shouldn't have to fight for what's mine but I'm taking it back."
"I'm taking the power back. I'll let you have your time and now it's mine."
"Peine recognizes that she is the real Princess Yusana Von Asri and she's going to take back the Kingdom at Landos."
"Man's got a slave name, man cannot change my thing back nowhere."
"We can reclaim our life, take our life back."
"I don't think the reclaiming of the swastika is going to happen in our lifetime."
"Over time the forest, as it always does, decided to take back what was once its own."
"The Earth was taking it back, you know? It was reclaiming its materials."
"Should have taken that energy back, baby. Should have taken that power back."
"It made me feel powerful just to be willing to reclaim it."
"I want my stuff back! I want my stuff! Tell the devil I want my stuff back!"
"I will raise an army, a storm of shadows to take back what's ours."
"Yeah it's not rude no take him to the [ __ ] bank it's your money he is holding on to your money what's rude is that he's not paying you back you're not being rude at all"
"How do you reclaim it you can't use a system to reclaim it. They system is designed that anything you do in a system proves you're imbecile in law."
"The organic people, the tribes, us, the ones look like me and you. It's our turn to reclaim what they stole."
"Everything Satan stole from you is coming back."
"Mandalorians reclaiming Mandalore, obviously a great plotline."
"Reclaiming queer refers to the process of taking back a word used to demean and dehumanize a marginalized group through its use by the group it was originally intended to degrade."
"Understand the difference between recovery recycling and reclaiming."
"Wilder had no questions about his motivation to quote the man himself he wanted to reclaim what was his paid in full by Blood"
"Thank you for hanging out with me while we take one small area back in this 'take your home back 2024'."
"Maybe there's a little grassy areas right here they just come right down right out in the front just like so so bridge didn't use too much anymore so the grass is beginning to take the road back Nature has a way of reclaiming things."
"This is kind of me reclaiming my body."
"My hair is no longer red, but I come to claim you."
"It's time for me to take my life back."
"It's time to take back the world from the humans."
"This book is about the buried treasure that is our birthright, our heritage, and about what we have to be prepared for if we want to reclaim it."
"The lake gradually reclaimed that which was hers."
"Snatch back your salvation, snatch back your ambition, snatch back your hope."
"Your person is reclaiming their energy and calling back their power."
"He's taking back what the devourer thought he could take."
"Counter mania... a movement by people who try to reclaim this sometimes pre-christian or Christian tradition."
"We're trying to revitalize the space, build successful businesses down here, and take back what was taken from us."
"I reclaimed my throne as a front man."
"I'll take it back, this ground, by the power of the name of Jesus."
"We're watching two of the biggest artists in the world take back a sound that was always ours."
"It can serve as a reminder of lost parts of yourself that are right for reclaiming."
"I mean he knelt to him though, he did reclaim the step stones for the realm."
"And by telling your story, reclaiming your power."
"Reclaiming what femininity means."
"Our dream space has been stolen, and we want it back, and we will reclaim it via rest."
"Call your power back. The affirmation 'I now call back my power for everyone who's been using it and taking it without consent' is the most powerful thing."
"The home once filled with family love and memories is now being reclaimed back by nature."
"And one day, when the magic has settled, we will take back our world."
"We pretty much had to reclaim everything that we could find."
"It was finally my time to take back my kingdom."
"We need to reclaim the traditional foods that we need to do."
"Tonight, I'm taking back my keys."
"I am reclaiming the power of my soul."
"We've had to take back our streets from gangs and drugs, and tonight we're going to take them back from the walking dead."
"If you have given your power away, claim it back."
"Taken away for horrible reasons, stolen, brought back and reclaiming the land, the ceremony, the heart of it all by the generation below her."
"When women reclaim and own their sacred sexuality, they reclaim and own a part of themselves that has been so suppressed."
"We can reclaim our minds, but we've got to understand why this is happening to us, and we've got to start fighting back."
"We are taking the culture back; we need it."
"The main thing about this is just the respect, snatching your respect back, I'm not earning my, I'm snatching it back."
"I'm finally taking back my crown; it's my time now."
"You're gonna reclaim bloodline and spiritual blessings."
"Take back your peace, take back your joy, take it back, take everything back."
"You've got the power today to take back everything the devil's been stealing."
"Anything the devil stole from you, by the sound of your 'Amen,' let it appear."
"It's time we take our power back."
"Together we can take back what is ours."
"You start to take your power back."
"We reclaimed enville, we reclaimed the vaults, we're reclaiming lives, giving them a second chance."
"You are going to take something back that is yours; it's coming back to you, you're reclaiming something."
"Regain your throne, regain your power."
"You're taking your spot on the throne back."
"You're in the process of rebuilding right now, you're in the process of reclaiming that which has been cast aside."
"You know your power; you took your power back."
"The energies are there for you to take your power back."
"Let us join forces and reclaim the Jing cities occupied by Northern Qin to restore peace and prosperity for the people of Jing."
"There is a reclaiming this week, a reclaiming of our sexuality, our personal power, our voices, and our root systems."
"I feel for some of you this is saying that you need to kind of take your power back."
"The Black Panther energy, reclaim your power."
"Making yourself the center of the universe, you're taking all your power back."
"Take back your life, for there are places in our lives where something has been taken from you, and it's actually time for you to get it back."