
European Politics Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"European democracy is under attack and our way of open, free, democratic societies are under attack."
"The French visit was a personal triumph for the Queen."
"The j-29 caused quite a stir in eastern as well as Western Europe."
"If FICO is able to assemble a coalition, his policies will be at the forefront in Europe."
"Putin is openly against this, he's differentiating between Slavic civilization and European civilization."
"The mass migration of radically different cultures to Europe has proven to be very, very unsuccessful."
"The next step can only be a formal application for NATO membership... announced together on May 18, 2022."
"It's a very realistic fear that the Europeans have been deliberately downplaying."
"We must understand that behind this great theme of uncontrolled immigration there is no episodic attempt by people hoping to land in Europe, there was an organized movement."
"The Polish Army will become the strongest in all of Europe."
"At the end of the day, if we were able to ensure some sort of prosperous and neutral Ukraine that's not gonna get invaded by Russia, but that you know is also isn't going to join NATO and is gonna have some economic rescue plan funded by Europe."
"European governments need to finally do what I think they should have been doing all along: seek peace in Ukraine."
"Russian Victory has to be that complete...sends a signal to every nation in Europe."
"Poland is changing as every European country, and it is not changing in the good direction."
"My greatest fear is that the Eurozone will not survive. Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union."
"In the 21st century, all parties should completely abandon the cold war mentality and form a balanced, effective, and sustainable European security mechanism."
"Britain has saved the continent from itself for the last 500 years."
"Almost exactly a year after Masarik was buried, France, Britain, Italy, and Germany signed the Munich Agreement."
"England is one of the most popular and one of the most powerful nations in EU4."
"Despite the legal challenges and the negative reactions by part of the European population, the European Federation would be a lighthouse of security and prosperity for all the people in Europe."
"This represented an important shift in the power balance of Europe."
"You can't convince the masses of Europe to be afraid of the Russians to the point of slavishly following the Americans."
"Europe, which would represent the United States' most formidable adversary, relies on Middle East oil for 40-50% of its total annual use."
"Protection of a work-free Sunday... We want a European initiative campaign for the work free Sunday."
"The story of a borderless Europe is one where nobody wins."
"The obstacle to Europe's autonomy is the United States, not Russia."
"European political institutions are so simple… Said no one. Ever."
"Europe is starting to step up and shoulder much more of the burden."
"The Europeans have had the wake-up call... we might as well take the pain and try and make this transition as fast as we can."
"This is a refugee crisis on a scale that we haven't seen in Europe for decades."
"British and European governments have to be held to account."
"This is a moment for unity and especially a moment for European unity."
"Often people find it hard to understand why European countries are so interested in Africa. It's true that European countries like France exploit Africa to this day. However, Europe wants to give that up when it comes to one thing: natural gas."
"European leaders have succeeded in making immigration one of the dominant political issues of our time. My purpose in writing this book is to urge Europeans to act differently before it is too late."
"I think what needs to be clear is that Marine Le Pen is a far-right nationalist."
"Europe against all and against a new enemy, not the Soviets."
"Ukraine has had a very long and unique history, as it's found itself smack dab in the middle of Europe and Russia, meaning it is often involved in the politics, events, and conflicts of both."
"It seems petulant it seems bad tempered to me on the part of the Europeans it seems unbelievably provocative and of course potentially it is dangerous as well."
"The problem in Europe is not German power anymore it's the opposite it's German weakness it's German reluctance to give leadership."
"Russia controls Europe because Europe gets 30 percent of its energy from Russia."
"Here we are, Russia's Imperial Ambitions in Eastern and Northern Europe."
"Could Europe really run out of natural gas this winter?"
"Victory is not about Ukraine, it's about a new European security framework."
"This is a sad day for democracy and Free Speech. Brussels, the supposed home of democracy right now in Europe, is technically right there."
"The state supports the managed decline of the UK and Europe. Managed decline is an inch reading idea, I know, but for us, certainly, our state or establishment is very comfortable managing the decline of our countries."
"France wants to leave NATO, which would be a significant shift in Europe."
"Political realignment, reform parties, NATO instability—Europe's setting themselves up for a freaking mess."
"I like Nigel Farage and I think he's going to be great in the European Union. I like Tommy even more."
"This is intriguing, very intriguing. We've got our first European war that's just broken out."
"It's Putin who is bleeding Europe. Sanctions are backfiring or poorly enforced."
"Europe is supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia and I think that makes sense for many reasons primarily from National interest reasons."
"We want our country back. We don't want to be a European colony."
"Every European country is going to be involved."
"Initiatives like this one, even if they face all kinds of problems getting started, may end up becoming a turning point for the old continent's politics."
"The institutions of the Common Market are not democratic. The Council of Ministers makes laws in secret, a process unheard of in democratic systems." - Michael Foot
"The single market is not free trade it is protectionism on a European scale outside the single market outside the customs union we can have genuine free trade."
"For Europe to even hope to work, the millennia-old rivalry between France and Germany has to be resolved for good."
"The Europeans are going to become more dependent, not less, on the Russians for their energy needs."
"Britain was not prepared for war in the 1930s and whilst hopeful that Hitler might be able to be stopped was buying Europe valuable time to arm."
"To anyone inside of Europe, it's more of the status quo."
"So all this [__] Europe royally and yet the U.S. is having their way."
"The British and the French signed the Antón Cordial, promising the Spanish a sphere of influence in the north, preventing the French from controlling land opposite Gibraltar."
"In the end, Europe's problems are only going to be fixed if Europe can get its collective act together."
"He's moved beyond the man of military might... he's a prince on the European stage and he is as self-styled here the equal of any other prince of Europe."
"Every democracy in Europe has the right to apply for NATO membership, and NATO allies respect that right."
"Once the Americans showed that it could actually work, that's, I think, when you get the Europeans back in the old country thinking that maybe they could get away with ditching their kings."
"The root cause of the crisis lies in the problem of security governance in Europe."
"The rise of so-called euroskepticism and the rise of UKIP, a fourth party in British politics, could potentially win the European elections next year."
"They do have a habit, the Europeans, every time the door is left slightly ajar, they slam it shut again."