
Headlines Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Suddenly, the notion of extraterrestrial life takes center stage, dominating headlines like never before."
"Every day archaeologists are making headlines by making the most incredible discoveries."
"Eight of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 people will click through."
"Each and every time Peter hits some headlines, he comes back bigger and better."
"Your lead is the section of your page that comes right after your headline."
"Is there really so little going on in the world that this makes the headlines of the national newspapers?"
"People never read beyond the headline, people never read."
"Most people only read the headline and come away with the lie."
"Formula 1 never disappoints when it comes to making headlines."
"The search made headlines both locally and nationally, and over the following day more people reported what they had seen."
"Twinkies were pulled from shelves and headlines across the country reported the death of Twinkies."
"Shipwrecks can both grip the imagination and the world's headlines."
"People don't watch content, they see headlines or titles and respond to that."
"Sometimes you've got an amazing headline in a disastrous quarter. Despite what the Walt Disney Company investors seem to be permitting over at their company."
"Kim Jong-un quickly made headlines with his missile testing and bombastic feuds with world leaders."
"Let's take a look at three world news headlines that are destined to make you say, 'Boy, I sure am glad I don't live there.'"
"These are everyday headlines these days: gay marriage, abortion, racism, gender issues, euthanasia, even pedophilia."
"Your headlines, right now, have been given these."
"The headlines were very, they were just headlines to grab attention, they weren't actually the reality."
"The purpose of headlines is to state a problem people know you have."
"Don't write a boring headline like 'Studio newsletter number six.'"
"People have read the headlines and as a result of reading the headlines, it's formed a general consensus which doesn't include the nuances."
"She made headlines with a groundbreaking recording contract worth $80 million with Virgin Records."
"I think it's ridiculous in many ways, many of these headlines really appear ridiculous, you might sometimes wonder whether this is satire or not again thinking about how dangerous it is because it reaches millions of people around the world on a daily basis."
"Headlines are one thing, but half the time, I see a headline and I'm like, 'Wow, that's really interesting.' Wonder why that would be the case. And then look into it and realize, like, wait a second, the headline is completely wrong."
"The goal was to make money, not headlines."
"Aviation experiments kept making the headlines."
"If you hadn't read every day in the headlines about the impending recession, you wouldn't know one's coming."
"It's like a headline. You know what I like? The science they're doing is really fascinating."
"Simply by changing the text on your headlines."
"Do you want to know why this even became a headline and went to court? Because it's the dumbest [ __ ] reason ever."
"Make your headline emotionally gripping and irresistibly clickable."
"The Pirates have kind of taken a little bit of the headlines because they're off to another hot start."
"Very common to omit articles in headlines."
"There's so many, oh my god, because I saw the headlines like Taylor Swift's boyfriend, like sex scenes."
"Imelda Marcos with three thousand pair of shoes, that's really a headline story, isn't it?"
"We're going to accumulate as many headlines as we can and then run sentiment analysis on the text of those headlines."
"Well, that's why headlines are important."
"The big names claim the headlines but it's also been a great season for Boro's exciting youngsters."
"Some of these mysterious events and revelations even made headlines all around the globe."
"That should be the headline in the whole Golf World this year."
"You always want to create original content and support that content with compelling headlines."
"Almost 10 years after a case of mistaken identity that made international headlines."
"This just goes to show that if you only look at the headlines, you only get a partial picture."
"Every subject line that you have is actually a headline and it's a headline test."
"An attractive and powerful headline on the page can convince prospects to convert."
"Wembley's used to making headlines on the sports pages, but in the spring of 2006, it was to dominate the front pages."
"Creating an interesting title and an attention-grabbing title is nothing new, that's just what journalists have been doing for the past couple hundred years with newspapers."
"Particle physics telescope explodes - my favorite BBC headline ever."
"Use strong headlines to make your ad attention-grabbing and click-worthy."
"The headline counts for 90 to 99% of the success."
"Good evening, these are the world headlines at this hour."
"I want to provide some awareness, it's another case that I'm sure will be ripping the headlines."
"This car is making headlines, making waves, and rethinking what people think when they think electric vehicles."
"Odd numbered headlines actually perform better than headlines with even numbers."
"Win or lose tonight, of course, the big headlines of the day have already been made."
"Rather than listening to all the noise and all the headlines, I'm gonna go read between the lines."
"Scams come up constantly in my reading, and these are all headlines I found in two days."
"Headlines are catchy enough where people actually read their articles."
"The case may have been left to grow cold had Percy Jackson not made headlines again."
"The Model Y continues to make headlines with its upgrades, safety accolades, and global showcases."
"What you're always trying to do with a headline is get people to read the article."
"The headline needs to follow the four U's: unique, useful, urgent, and ultra-specific."
"He may no longer be president, but Donald Trump can't stop making headlines."
"Corduroy pillows are making headlines."
"Do not editorialize your headline."
"Rap game is all about skills, yeah it's about making good music and everything, but there's a big element to which it's image, it's putting yourself out there, it's drama, it's being in the headlines."
"Laws that are rushed really, laws to create headlines but in fact are poorly thought through."
"You could have saved this human being the crazy headlines."
"That would be an interesting headline."
"You're asking people to read more than just the headline."