
Theological Concept Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"The general consensus is that Jesus was both fully God and fully man."
"The mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh."
"To be human is to be God's imager. This is the embodied form, the embodied extension."
"Progressive illumination: our understanding of end time events gets clearer and clearer the closer we move towards the time period when these events will be fulfilled."
"People exist in different ways... but they are still made in the Imago Dei."
"Islam ended up being everything I wanted Christianity to be as far as authority and authenticity."
"Jesus is starting up the kingdom here on earth."
"Every ash come back together to formulate that same man is saying water so they can stand before the judgment seat of God."
"God is taking payment from himself to pay for the sins of man."
"We are co-workers with God... it simply means there is a cooperation in grace with God."
"God often requires the cooperation of men for good to prevail."
"Justification is an act by which God at a moment declares a sinner righteous."
"God is before the particulars. The particulars depend on God."
"Eternal life means to know and experience you as the only true God."
"God wrote Himself into His own story of redemption."
"The human being is created in the image and likeness of God."
"He transfers our sin to Himself, He dies for our sin as if He was sin, but then He rises from the dead clean. He's cleansed us and remained clean Himself."
"Hell is in the eternal state... it is a place that is real, eternal, and conscious."
"God does not send people to hell, people send themselves to hell."
"The idea of more specifically God tabernacling among us."
"For he, God the Father, made God the Son, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Jesus." - 2 Corinthians 5:21
"Kingdom wealth is not acquired; it is entrusted."
"You don't have to work to enter, you get to enter through rest and through belief."
"Jesus died for sinners, for those that missed the mark."
"Hell is a real place of torment, as evidenced by the rich man's anguish."
"God has never been about reinvention; he's always been about rebirth."
"God's will is for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven."
"God is outside of time... Once upon a time there was no time."
"The Lord doesn't ask God doesn't ask us to go through anything that he himself wasn't willing to go through right."
"God has put eternity in our hearts... that empty place in our hearts... was made for God."
"The word 'salvation' means to restore back to original state."
"God's wrath is the expression of love's perfect justice."
"He's sinless... that's the definitive difference."
"The unforgivable sin, it's kind of like the what-if fear."
"The justifying death of you Lord Jesus opens for us your sanctifying life."
"The fall of man was a fall from God's will, purpose, and fulfillment."
"Jesus was absolute Divinity but he was also full Humanity at the same time."
"The Holy Spirit is the power of God. So for God to do anything, the Spirit moves first."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"God takes to himself a human nature so as to use for his I would say iconic purposes"
"Jesus did not operate with the keys of Adam because the keys of Adam are with Satan."
"Faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness."
"Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God... You'll never understand it nor will you enter into it."
"God does not see time as we do... He can breach our past... and cause it to have happened already."
"The invisible God took the form of a visible person."
"The communication of the will or the mind of God is called the Word of God."
"God is seeking circumcision of the heart. There's no verse that says that. Paul is the one who says that."
"Every human being is made in God's image and likeness."
"God doesn't need a damn thing. God is everything."
"Jesus became a curse that we might receive a blessing."
"Unless you are born of the Spirit, those that are born of the spirit, that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit."
"The Holy Spirit is not an object, but a person."
"Earthly Sanctuary was only a copy because there's a physical one, the original one which is in heaven."
"God is love. We find our deepest joy in finding someone fully to love."
"Total depravity, what makes it distinctive, what makes it Calvinistic, is the idea that an unregenerate person, when the gospel is being preached, when the Holy Spirit is striving with mankind... that they will always say no."
"The true God is almighty; all things are possible with Him."
"God created time for the purposes of redemption."
"The devil has a well-oiled machine, and Jesus called it a kingdom."
"The love of God outlives everybody. God's love will outlive yours."
"The Holy Spirit gets a thousand out, what is this idea that the Holy Spirit goes, 'I'm just gonna take a few out but I'll leave a couple in'?"
"You can tell how much God trusts you and trusts the work that he's done in you by what he has entrusted to you."
"Divine love, God's divine love, his purpose of covenant, is to dwell with us."
"Maybe God's just waiting around for one lousy day where some nutcase doesn't guess."
"Hell is to be away from God's glory and his wonder."
"His ways are not our ways, we'll never understand it."
"Just because they don't answer while they're living doesn't mean they're not going to answer at the bema."
"God loves people so much, whether they accept or reject Him, He's still gracious and moving."
"At the moment that those biological components were just right, God infused a soul in that moment."
"The perishable will clothe itself with the imperishable and the Mortal will be clothed with immortality."
"I was created as a friend of God to be in the garden with him."
"We need the grace of God today, His mercies are new every single morning."
"The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead."
"It's actually God bringing us back to Himself."
"Jesus who's in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage."
"Common Grace: indiscriminately extended to all humanity."
"The good news is the restoration of man's dominion over the earth."
"The rapture will take place in the blink of an eye."
"Eternal life is not long life. It's the same quality of life that God lives and that's abundant life!"
"The central theme of the Bible is the Redemption plan."
"You're seated with him in the heavenly realms which is far above all rule and authority."
"For without shedding of blood, we know in Hebrews 9:22, there is no remission of sins."
"The kingdom of heaven isn't somewhere in the sky, it's within you and outside of you."
"Jesus Christ is outside of time, with infinite knowledge, wisdom, and ability."
"The blood of Jesus is permanently in heaven, so when God looks at you, He looks with mercy and love."
"The phrase 'as a thief in the night' signifies the unexpectedness of Christ's return."
"He is the Divine portrait, the true likeness of the invisible God, the firstborn heir of all creation."
"Hell, after all, is self-exclusion from communion with God."
"God created Adam... perfect human being with a nature that would never die."
"Our justification comes from the grace of God."
"If there is an image that we are to idolize, it is the very image of the invisible God."
"Judgment by the Bema Seat is for rewards, not punishment."
"God is in control, his secret will is his business."
"The last enemy that shall be defeated is death."
"There are those today who are closing their probation on truth."
"God's the Alpha, he's the Omega, he's the beginning, he's the end. There was a time when there was no time."
"The idea of a Creator deity is a very, very, very ancient idea."
"In order to pay for sin, there needs to be a punishment."
"The most important thing is the nature of God becoming our nature."
"Love cannot be contained in Hell; love would utterly annihilate Hell."
"A powerful solution to the problem of evil... God is locked in a cosmic struggle with a primal cosmic rival that represents evil."
"Allah is the only one who is Al Malik, Al Mulk, Al Aiz, Al Hakeem all in one."
"The Paradise of God...beginning in the ages past the sin problem which has to be fully understood before you can understand how to cure that problem."
"...human love wants to ascend yes but God's love wants to descend and did descend."
"...Augustine would blame Adam and Eve for all of the evil and suffering in the world and we are all born with a predisposition towards sinfulness because of them we inherit their original sin according to Augustine via sexual reproduction."
"It's just a place where God is never present, forever banished from the one who is the source of every good and perfect gift."
"Spirit in that context what Jesus means is God is substantial existence itself."
"Mary is in full possession of that justice that was lost in the garden."
"Humans on earth, God remains hidden to them unless and until God decides to show Himself."
"In Christ means to possess exactly what Jesus has before the Father."
"The hope is not that we are seeking God but that God is seeking us."
"The kingdom of God can really only be identified as what would this world be like if Jesus was on the throne and Caesar wasn't."
"God doesn't have love. God is love."
"God as the source of all who is all being in existence in God's Own Self."
"God became man so that we could become God."
"Um, Christians are free from the old Mosaic law."
"God works in our lives today ‘PROVIDENTIALLY.’"
"The mother of God is paradise because she is the place where creation met its creator."
"Therefore, we are nothing but created gods coming to be, becoming god in god."
"Salvation is therefore an expression of non-dualism in Christianity."
"God made man with God's lowest and God's highest."
"He transferred us, he delivered us, he changed our location, and in changing our location, he changed our very nature and our identity."
"The blood releases the mercy of God."
"Allah has the power over everything and can do anything."
"The kingdom of God is not a place; Heaven is a place. The kingdom of God is within you."
"Having three persons creates a community and that creates a perfect understanding of Love."
"God is love; he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him."
"God is love, if we're imagining there's some part of the universe or some bank of attributes that God takes love from and adds it to himself, then we've presupposed that this bank of attributes... is pre-existent or exists independently of God."
"We are perfect in Christ but we have not yet been made perfect."
"God is light; that's not a new idea introduced by John, it's just an idea that he builds upon."
"God is love in the most extreme and beautiful sense that the human mind can imagine."
"Redemption speaks of God saving us from a situation that we could never get ourselves out of."
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God."
"The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist."
"If God was not sovereign, He would not be able to allow for human choice and freedom."
"The nature of covenant is at work in both directions: being covenantally related to Adam results in our sinful state and death, but it is also by the same sort of relationship, a covenantal or federal relationship, that the obedient death of Jesus makes many righteous."
"You can know more about God by saying what God is not than you can by saying what God is."
"Jesus was resurrected in an immortal glorified body; that's why He's referred to as the first begotten of the Dead."
"God is infinite, He sits on eternity."
"God already knew what you were gonna do before you were even in your mommy's tummy."
"God alone is eternal; we are everlasting because we were created."
"The love of God which surpasses gnosis, which goes beyond science."
"Power through weakness, dramatized in God on the cross or the lamb on the throne, lies at the very heart of ultimate reality and even of the being of God Himself."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word."
"He became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God."
"He lives to make intercession for them."
"The self-sacrificial atoning death of Christ for our sins is an incommensurable good."
"Is in God and God is in everything, are both true."
"The Son of God is the image of the invisible God."
"We are all imperfect, you are imperfect and I am imperfect, but God loves you."
"If God eternally has relationship within the Trinity, those problems don't come to me as a Trinitarian."
"The world is the organ or instrument of the will of God."
"He's divine, right, but He's also fully human at the same time."
"If the debt is death when you sin you die, and Jesus's payment for your sin debt was accepted, that means the debt is canceled."
"The fact that he's identified as Jehovah means that the Father's authority is his authority."
"God's knowledge is not passive and derivative as ours often is; rather, it's always creative."
"God refers to as his mishpat, and mishpat does not mean law; it means justice."
"The notion of person is a uniquely Christian category."
"The divine nature incarnate is the human nature deified."
"God is much more a flow, much more energy, much more a verb than a noun."
"God is the greatest reality imaginable, there's no greater, not at all."
"If it is grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise, grace would no longer be grace."
"Creation itself contains within it the mystery of redemption from the outset."
"When you hear the term sola fide, what it really means is that we are saved by Christ's atoning work, we are justified in that regard, and so there's nothing that we do on our own to merit salvation."
"Our redemption is a one hundred percent work of the Lord."
"In executing judgment, angels have acted as instruments of God's will."
"With God, there is no past, no future, there's only a now."
"Let them understand that Thou, the eternal creator of all times, art before all times."
"God never regresses in anything, He never regresses."
"God relates with us through the Son."
"Just as the father has life in himself, so the son has life in himself."
"Creation comes to be ex nihilo, or out of nothing, and so He can't be identified with anything in the created order, which would be a form of idolatry."
"God is love. This is a very deep concept, profoundly deep concept."