
Non-intervention Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"We have resisted the urge to speak out, because this is not the time for us to lecture; it is time for us to listen."
"Our message to the government is simple it's time to meet peaceful people alone if you believe the government is so damn essential we have to go"
"Accepting others' realities without trying to change them."
"The official reaction is we're always looking for somebody to be an extra set of eyes and ears to be a good witness we don't want anybody to put themselves into danger and risk getting hurt."
"I don't really check in on his daily life when he does something stupid."
"What we should fight for is free speech. We should fight for free speech which means no government intervention in the issues of speech and no government intervention in the marketplace for ideas and no govern intervention in these platforms."
"The watcher will not intervene no matter how bad the situation is and the universe literally ended he was like well that's what happens you know see you later."
"The lake of acid...releases chlorine and sulfur gases...just inhale and you're doomed."
"I suggest not to wake them up. Let them sleep it off."
"A little less intervention and a little more patient watching is what this doctor orders."
"It's not so much that we want to stick a camera into their backyard, how about we just leave them alone?"
"Playing is your child's birthright. Independent, immersed, autonomous play is their birthright."
"Let the market do what it does. Don't interfere."
"If you want to stop meddling in the Middle East, stop meddling in the Middle East."
"Let somebody make their own decisions, okay, and you not run up and save the day."
"Absolutely no consideration of sending U.S. troops into Ukraine to enter into a direct war with Russia."
"The market is able to moderate itself... if you just leave it alone."
"You own yourself, you own your production. No one should have anything to say about what you do unless somehow other hurt others."
"Superman learns that he can't interfere, even though nothing about this was his fault."
"Just educate them and let them know, hey these guys are out here exercising their first amendment. Just leave them alone, there's nothing to see here."
"This president broke the thirty-nine-year-old streak of American presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict."
"This is a classic example of the bystander effect where people choose not to help someone in need."
"Drones fighting autonomously, no player intervention."
"India has wisely stayed out of Myanmar politics."
"Those of us who don't want to get in wars that are none of our business, we don't think we ought to be isolated from the world."
"My people would never presume to interfere with humanity's free will."
"I don't wish bad or ill will on anybody, but I am not putting on the cape for nobody."
"Our interest is not so strong as to justify committing the United States to go to war with Russia over Ukraine's fate."
"Things got so interesting that she didn't want to intervene and see what would happen."
"Because it's not my place. It's not my place to intervene."
"Rather, this account is for those that believe it's the best policy to not get involved in others' problems."
"You protect those people from external threats like asteroids but don't interfere in their lives."
"Just stay out of the way of this and let it happen."
"...patients did very well because they had a very low volume low-grade cancer and really were proven did not need any type of treatment."
"Without a true understanding of freedom and how important non-intervention is... then we are in for some very, very bleak times indeed."
"A true understanding of freedom and how important non-intervention is."
"Maybe we should have just left well enough alone. Maybe we shouldn't have even gotten involved with the situation in the first place."
"Sometimes the best treatment is no treatment at all."
"I don't want to see us invade anywhere... I do think that we can help the people who want to change their country from within for the better."
"We have no interest in occupying Afghanistan. We have more than enough to do in rebuilding America."
"The United States will not seek to impose its political preferences on your countries."
"The bystander effect attempts to explain why someone who sees a crime would not help the victim."
"We will neither watch the fire from the shore nor add fuel to the fire, let alone take advantage of the opportunity to make profits."
"Let's not mess with the moon; let's leave the moon as it is."
"We have to stand firm; we don't fight every place. In fact, we try not to fight at all; we should help others fight their own battles."
"If a tree is perfectly healthy, you do nothing to it."
"The franchise, in general, is about peaceful coexistence, that non-intervention is the height of enlightenment, and that ideals always trump pragmatism."
"Without a clear objective, without understanding who the rebels are, we shouldn't even consider getting involved."
"The principle of non-intervention as well as reciprocal exchanges between the U.S. and Latin America."
"I am a big fan of doing no harm and helping people who want to be helped."
"Unless something is harmful to society, the government has no right to interfere in the lives of its citizens."
"Doing nothing is also seen as a strategy of soft engineering."
"70% of Americans feel like we don't need to get involved in this escalation between Ukraine and Russia."
"The system works perfectly without us interfering."
"We've got to let the animals do what they need to do."
"We try and keep away and let nature take its course."
"We allow nature to take its course and we need to remember we are purely here to view the animals and observe them, we're not here to interfere."
"This whole entire greater Kruger National Park, the animals are free, they move around, there's no intervention."
"We're here to observe, not to aid the leopard or the warthog; we just want to see nature take its course as it has for millennia."
"Military action is not an option."
"Humans must save themselves; she has no intention of interfering with or saving any of them."
"We cannot intervene, we really can't, we need to learn as humans to draw the line."
"Sometimes we maybe want to fix something in our lives or maybe we want to fix something in the world, but maybe the best thing to do is to not try to fix it."