
Gender Rights Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Sex matters... Sex-based rights are protected under law."
"People who dare to speak up and say that women's spaces are important are called transphobes."
"I'm committed to building an economy where my daughters have the same rights and opportunities as my sons."
"You're not going to make women move over for men in our own space."
"If being nasty is what it takes to hang on to our sex-based rights and protections, we should all be nasty women."
"Men's rights activists are only men's rights activists as a response to women expressing that they want more equality."
"I dare you, I dare you to de-platform me, Apple. I Dare You. I Will Rain hell down on you for a woman speaking up for girls and for her fellow women and our rights."
"If you don't have a vagina, you shouldn't be able to talk to me about mine. No uterus, no opinion."
"We know that no society can thrive or potentially even continue to exist if it ignores the rights of half of its population."
"Because we can't forget our feminist king, he is the reason why we have rights in the first place."
"Having rights is an equalizer, and policies perpetuating patriarchy and anti-women are heartbreaking."
"Republican men white Christian nationalists do not care about women's rights or anybody else's but their own."
"Sexual harassment at the workplace applies to any and every woman."
"Especially in sports, it's completely violating women and women's rights."
"Sex-based rights were created for the necessary protection of females."
"Men have little to no control over their parental destiny."
"I still support women's rights and I now care about men's rights as well."
"Women actually have this thing called autonomy."
"But they also but and and and gave those rights to women but also and that's what that's how courts first you know he didn't corporations corporations now are being classified as people as a as professional..."
"Women in America should be able to be protected and have fair competition."
"Women's rights is a project; it's something that Muslims must adhere to just like men's rights, just like the deity's rights, animal rights, and so on."
"Sarah Palin, the true feminist, is totally fine with a bunch of guys in Texas stripping women of rights they've had their entire lives."
"We will not give you our words, we will not give you our bodies, we will not give you our spaces."
"Trans women deserve every right that I have, they are women."
"There is nothing more sex-discriminating than taking away female-only spaces."
"The gender critical movement has been repeatedly more recently aligning themselves with people who are anti-women's rights for the sake of having a comrade in arms against trans people."
"It's outrageous. It is unbelievable to me in 2024 we're still talking about controlling a women's woman's body."
"I don't have the right, or anyone with the penis has a right, to tell a woman what to do."
"If you advocate against the rights of men while convincing yourself you're advocating for women, you've probably joined a cult."
"All adult human females should be outraged that trans women have more rights than women. Trans women's rights, biological males come before women. It's egregious."
"Republicans are constantly showing that they're against women and all of their rights." - Amisha Cross
"Religions have shown us over and over and over... they really like squashing free speech and free thought and women's rights."
"Do you think a majority of Americans support women having equal rights? Because I do."
"The Northern Irish Green Party's queer manifesto calling for children of any age to be permitted to alter their gender."
"For the first time in history, women have the right to choose whether they want a family or a career or neither or both."
"I refused to be the last generation of girls to experience equal opportunity, respect, fairness, and even safety in many sports." - Taylor Silverman
"The more positively the country is predisposed to female rights, the more likely they are to develop economically."
"Islam guarantees all men and women the right to own property and the right to own businesses, rights that were not extended to Western women until the last century."
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg became a leading gender rights attorney."
"I could not then and I will not now, ever accept that girls and women should be treated any differently than boys and men."
"We believe in protecting the rights of our girls and the rights of women athletes to be able to participate with fairness and integrity."
"Whatever's right for her should be right for him."
"A girl should be entitled to go to school in Afghanistan the same way a boy goes to."
"We believe Islam sets the precedents, what are the rights of the man, what are the rights of the woman."
"I'm a feminist. I believe that men and women should be equal."
"You cannot discriminate against people because of their sex, and to me that is the essence of ERA."
"The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed for the Constitution to prevent discrimination on the basis of sex or gender."
"We want our government to be more attentive to women and our rights."
"Women's rights have a long way to come."