
Expiration Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"This phenomenon, this cover-up, has an expiration date. It cannot last forever. No secret lasts forever."
"Unemployment benefits are expiring for over 7.5 million Americans."
"They stamped my tortilla with an expiration date."
"They last for years; like I have lip serums that are four years old and even though they're well past their expiration date, they have not changed at all."
"If you don't take it after 5 years like they could explode in there."
"If the token is expired, we need to send the validation email again."
"If something is expired, you should throw it in the trash. I get a lot of people like, 'Will give it to me, girl,' and I'm like, 'No, stop.'"
"When does almond milk go bad? Oh duh, huge label on the top."
"You can be young and already expired."
"Now one thing about the Nest Protect like other smoke alarms, they expire after 10 years."
"Free baby food that does not expire until 2024!"
"I can't allow you to go through with an expired document."
"Expiration dates are a lie and to me, that only goes so far because in this basement I found a 40-gallon tub of packed almonds that had expired in 2013."
"Most relationships are like milk. Healthy until the expiration date, then it makes you sick."
"The longer the shelf life, the shorter our life yeah yeah the shorter our shelf life that's the like the funny thing right the longer they expired sooner are expired."
"My protein bar expired in medieval times. Best before end July 22nd 1364 2312."
"Bottled water has an expiration date. To be more precise, the expiration date is for the bottle itself and not the water."
"For those of you asking, the SY-0501 expires on July 31st. If you're planning to take the 501 exam, you should do the math."
"I've never had any issues, maybe not all of it is expired."
"Do you think you could still get it? I feel like the expiration date is 30 years ago."
"There's just nothing here that's going to spoil because technically it's already spoiled."
"if you lost it it wasn't real love if a man dogging you out if a man push you away if a man leave you it was not love it could have been lost that has an expiration date love don't have an expiration date."
"Advertisers teach us to tell ourselves stories with an expiration date."
"Your trial has an expiration date."
"What's really important to remember is what happens at expiration."
"The most I can make on this option contract is eighty-four dollars and thirty-five cents. The contract at expiration goes out of the money, it becomes worthless, the market value goes to zero dollars, max benefit is one hundred percent."
"A wise man once told me that there's nothing wrong with asking a stupid question but stupid questions do have an expiration date."
"The closer you get to expiration, the bigger Theta will get."
"I couldn't believe my eyes, the freakin license plates showed October 2018, they were 14 months expired."
"Day ten is the day, yeah, and you have like an expiration date on a carton of milk."
"...you have to use everything before it expires or it's you know it's the nutrition everything's worse about it."
"You can dream a new dream. Some dreams serve you for a season but when we stay in situations beyond the expiration date, we prolong our own suffering."
"Remember this is a use it or lose it benefit."
"Be careful not to let your certifications expire."
"The official word is that these lids, these new versions of lids because they used to just be good for one year, the new versions of lids will last 18 months."
"We do not have expirations on our classes."
"I think the lifespan of these anti-gun measures have a shelf life that is about to come to an end."
"I don't care if it's expired, means nothing to me. If it's expired, it's all gonna go to the pigs."
"Every option comprising the iron Condor expired worthless and so they all die and just go to the options graveyard."
"When this expired, me and Hila actually left the house."
"The current rate's good through April. And by the way, the way it works is if you buy this now, you still get full six months of that rate."
"Guys it's going to expire at some point."
"...I like having a variety of eyeliners to pick from, fun colors mostly in the form of pencils is what I like to keep because those don't expire as quickly as liquid liners."
"The expiration date is when your life expires."
"Their minimum term had expired, paving the way for their early release."
"Every narcissistic relationship has an expiration date."
"Every situationship or relationship has an expiration date."
"Milk should have a pasteurized label and be within the expiration date."
"All knowledge has an expiration date."
"Another question I've gotten is whether or not embossing powders can get old and go bad."
"Makeup doesn't expire just use it until it's gone."
"Every secret has an expiration date after all."
"That free ship code, it's never gonna expire for you buddy."
"During active expiration, abdominal muscles contract, pushing the abdominal contents in."
"Expert expiration is assisted by the internal intercostal muscles, causing the ribs to move down."
"Seeds do not expire we're not talking about yogurt here we're talking about seeds which in their natural setting will fall from a plant literally lay in the dirt in the freezing dirt for the entire winter and then grow in the spring I mean that's what they're designed to do."
"An expiration date is just a suggestion."
"She's trying to put that spin on an expiration date by saying a graduation day like it doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"And the reality of it is as long as you're under the tent at expiration, if for whatever reason you couldn't get out, if you're in this tent at expiration, you win."
"Miracles have expiration dates, but it was like you were living the perfect ending."
"I want my this data to expire after 30 days."
"It is a criminal offence to serve or sell food past their used by and best before dates."
"One country, two systems will expire in 2047; people have to decide our future."
"Tornado warning has expired but we still have that severe thunderstorm warning."
"Everybody on YouTube has an expiration date."
"All stars have an expiration date; they don't just fade to black."
"You can expire by staying in inspired spaces."
"Gamma risk grows as expiration nears."
"Life would be better if we had an expiration date on our forehead."
"I guess everything can really expire."
"Remember, each and every narcissistic relationship has an expiration date."
"Medicare... is going to run out by 2026."
"I think there's an expiration date for the company to ride on the back of the brand's reputation."
"These tokens can expire, you can set a time so that they're only good for a certain period of time."
"Always check expiration dates with spices because they do expire."
"Weekly options expire every single week and give us an opportunity to have a very short-term outlook on a certain underlying."
"A refresh token is given a longer duration before it expires, possibly several hours, a day, or even days."
"This level of yours will soon expire, just like your life when I'm finished with you."
"Sliding expiration... if a cache is accessed within 30 seconds, its lifetime will be renewed for another 30 seconds."
"The best practice is to use an absolute expiration also along with sliding expiration."
"Everything in the pantry has an expiry date; you got to keep filling her back up."
"Everything expires, even we expire."
"Expiration date on food is a suggestion or a guideline."
"You don't stay in things past their expiration date."
"I'm here to inspire to like expire."
"Trouble and trials and tribulations all have expiration attached to it."
"It's important for me to do that because if I can catch products before they expire, I can pass them along to friends and family to use."
"Spices do go bad, or at least they lose their potency."