
Mercenaries Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Instead it was because, like a story out of the pages of the 1300s, the mercenaries had stepped in where the conventional military had faltered."
"Mercenaries would thrive when there was a large supply of unemployed veterans or military-aged males with few other economic prospects."
"Over the last decade they've deployed around the world to support friendly regimes and importantly, to get rich and secure resource concessions."
"For internet commentators it seemed like nothing could stop Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner mercenaries."
"Mercenaries can be very, very powerful, but there is one big feature: they're goddamn expensive."
"An army built on nothing but sell swords seems to be pretty powerful, expensive but powerful."
"Both factions were being manipulated by mercenaries named Felix and locusts."
"In a world where seven of earth’s mightiest superheroes are owned by mega-conglomerate, Vought, there exists a group of mercenaries whose sole purpose is to expose the truth."
"A mercenary carries no shield other than abundance of confidence."
"Europeans have always used mercenaries for safety, intimidation, and also to commit acts of violence."
"Mercenaries are professional soldiers whose services can be procured by those able to pay for them."
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed that US mercenaries have begun to actively operate on the territory of Ukraine."
"They say that once the mercenaries were employed, the air war became more fierce and accurate than it had ever been."
"A mercenary's job is to kill and eventually be killed, so there were times when he had to work with guys who killed his companions earlier. Naturally, that didn't mean they were on friendly terms with them."
"Join us again in this far-flung future as these mega-moussed maiden mercenaries continue their never-ending fight for truth, justice, and... Who are we kidding? They're in it for the money!"
"200 wolves against 10,000 sheep. I almost feel sorry for them. Imagine their surprise when they realize they poked the wrong mercenaries."
"These madlads are called the mames, they were Italian mercenaries employed by the Tyrant of Syracuse."
"...they are dealing with a group of mercenaries who commit crimes."
"That's where the Brits hired mercenaries to fight for them against us."
"Always pay your mercenaries in full plus 10%."
"The Black Company... one of the 400 Free Companies of Khatovar."
"Thus the first of the great mercenary companies were formed."
"Guts was then adopted into a traveling group of mercenaries."
"...mercenaries simply offer their skills in exchange for payment."
"They rode beasts like the great mythasaur and earned individual fame as bounty hunters and mercenaries."
"The movie that stands out is 'The Wild Geese'. It's about mercenaries in Africa... quintessentially British soldiers becoming mercenaries in Africa."
"A state that depends on foreign mercenaries cannot allow them to grow disorderly, for they are liable to mutiny and plunder their host."
"The concept of soldiers for hire is anything but new."
"The soldiers serving in these elite regiments were fully professional mercenaries recruited from both within and outside Byzantium’s borders."
"Mercenaries have feelings just like anybody else."
"The Saroi, a group of ancient mercenaries hailing from Sila, Calabria, Italy, left their mark in history during the reign of Dionysius I of Syracuse."
"The role of mercenaries in the galactic struggle for Freedom."
"The Dark Hunters are a band of mercenaries and bounty hunters under the command of a single leader known as the Shadowed One."